Today's Funny

jon f mn

Well-known Member
I can spel ever word right but cant tipe worth a durn. That's my excuse and I'm sticking to it
Some times I screw it up so bad that spell check can't even figure out what I was going for.
Guess it should be "thehr,fickst...."

I fall into the trap, too. My daughter asks how to spell something and my first response is "Sound it out". Duh. That's what she did already.
They changed the name of the road next to us to Hog Creek, because no one could spell Eucalyptus. That is what I heard any way.
I do that now and then but quite often it will get it. Try just putting it on your google search engine. All kinds of stuff pops up and just scroll down till something looks correct.
They changed the signs at the crosswalks in my town because people were getting confused as to when they should cross. Old signs said walk/don't walk. People couldn't understand what that meant and were stepping out in front of cars and getting run over. Now they have pictures of stick-man with one arm waving. Sometimes he is white and sometimes he is flashing white. Sometimes he is red with a line through him. Sometimes he is flashing red with no line. I don't no what the hell I'm suppose to do so I just look both ways and cross the street in the middle of the block. Can't believe you could get much more clear then the words walk/don't walk.

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