Need some moisture bad


Well-known Member
Going to plant some fall wheat 🌾 and then pray for
rain 🌧
You can have mine. That 5 inches last week was way, way more then I needed.....

Rains every other day. Annoys me becuase I have a tent up and can't take it down wet. I'm about ready to set it up in garage for a couple days. Supposed to freeze this week end so hardly need the rain any more this year.
Sod Buster
I was reading where the farmers in your area are starting to do no till and minimum till due to the lack of moisture.

It makes a difference here.
We got 4 inches 10 days ago and over last 2 days have 6-8 more with more in the forecast for next few days. Before that it was pretty dry. I live in Western TN. Hope you get rain soon.
Here in central Md. record rains also this year. Over 52" so far this year,normal at this time is 30". Raining now.
Here in NJ it has been the wettest summer ever. Many inches above average. I have wanted to do sandblasting and painting and it has been a total wash out. Blaster keeps plugging up even with two separators and having the drains cracked on everything down the line. If you mow your lawn the deck gets totally impacted with moist grass juice. Now there is something handy. As you mow just stop and drive over to the big puddle on the sholder of the street turn the deck on and slowly let the deck down till the blades start to churn water. Cleans up lickety split! Just two weeks ago we had a couple of days with 95 - 97% humidity. Felt like walking into a bathtub.
I started out the summer that way..cut first cutting hay was good but no rain so no growth for second but had about 5 inches second week in sept.. and it took off.... I cut my folks place which is 30 minutes North of me.. they have had tons of rain this year.. just finished their place last weekend in between rains.. Now I have a acreage that I do for a friend of mine before heading back home but with rain in the forecast and highs in the upper 60s-70.. not a chance to get that to dry out so might leave standing till next year.. Friend is very particular about his hay so dont need to hear about it if I cut and cant get it up..

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