
Did old change his handle? Is he still around here? Thought I saw a post were he had to change his handle.
I just took some time off so maybe some of the bullies would back off a bit. Gets old being attacked for no good reason by people that have no clue who what and why I am and how I live
I can?t believe the bullying I saw go on the other day and I can?t believe the the page would let a guy like that stick around
Well, he asks some of the dumbest questions, and then when he's offered advise, he just blows if off like, I don't need your opinion with my superior intellect!
So clue me in
who what and why are you?
and how do you live?
Your church (you reference it) it's beliefs?
and the act to fear god when replying to your posts?

everyone is special and should be given dignity
YT admin doesn't enforce their policy. So don't you think if we see a bully, we all should say something to the bully? I'm really tired of BULLIES.
Leroy ...... haven't followed many of these posts but reading through your comment I see what you are referring to. Sometimes he seems fine, then he gets a bit rude, cranky and obnoxious. Saying things like "shut your pie hole" might be easy to do when at your keyboard but in the wrong place, it could result in a black eye or a sore jaw. I've never had a lot of patience with grumpy guys and although I don't mind a bit of a disagreement, grumpiness is out of bounds I think. Some members here have made similar comments to yours so they're seeing the same things.
(quoted from post at 06:50:06 09/13/18) I don't think they were bulling him just giving him just picking at him a little in good fun.

I guess it's a good thing that he never met old Dell/WA. Dell's gruff way of helping folks and his humor drove more than one snowflake over the edge and the alternator topic would have been right in Dell's wheelhouse.

I'm sure there is enough blame to go around--there usually is.
But having said that, it is also true that these forums could be monitored a little more closely. I made a comment to that effect down in "Site Comments". I hope they will consider it.
Exactly. I don't know who has the record for meeting people on here in person,JonF or me,but I can tell you,nobody acts like that in person. In fact,I haven't met anybody yet who can't take a good ribbing in person as well as they can give it.
I think Old knows the difference in the picking on or teasing and bullying. I know I have had some that I conserding the bullying aimed at me as well. I agree that better monitering is needed. And with Dell you knew the difference, he was not sarcastic in the way he said things.
Did old change his handle?

I was confused about that for a long minute the other day too. Are you thinking of oleblue950? The way the post was worded,I thought it was "old" too,but pretty sure it's oleblue that's back with a 950 added to his name.
Bully? You got bullied? Someone disagrees with you and it's bullying? Don't make stuff up or tell 1/2 truths and people will be less likely to correct you! And someone correcting you with links to back them up isn't bullying!

The term bully is getting over used and morphed into something of a joke on here. To many people have thin skin and scream bully when they
read something they don?t like, it?s like being at a snowflake convention. A true internet bully/troll wouldn?t survive on this site as they would get
booted in fairly short order. As for more moderator intervention, they likely have better ways to spend their time than dealing with the tears of full
grown adults who had their feelings hurt.
(quoted from post at 10:36:02 09/13/18) The term bully is getting over used and morphed into something of a joke on here. To many people have thin skin and scream bully when they
read something they don?t like, it?s like being at a snowflake convention. A true internet bully/troll wouldn?t survive on this site as they would get
booted in fairly short order. As for more moderator intervention, they likely have better ways to spend their time than dealing with the tears of full
grown adults who had their feelings hurt.

I'm with you. If I hear someone cry "I'm being bullied" again when a discussion is ongoing, I'm going to raise my hand to the second grade teacher in charge and asked to be allowed to go puke.
That's the way I read that post too...

OleBlue added numbers to his handle, to get back in due to loss of login info or something.

Don't let them get you you old. I have been around a number of years and a couple guys just rub me the wrong way. One in particular. The way he comes across when he makes a statement condicending. I have replied how I feel about it but some people just do not want to change. Now I just try to ignore him.
(quoted from post at 15:06:02 09/13/18) The term bully is getting over used and morphed into something of a joke on here. [b:bd34ac200d]To many people have thin skin [/b:bd34ac200d]and scream bully when they
read something they don?t like, it?s like being at a snowflake convention. A true internet bully/troll wouldn?t survive on this site as they would get
booted in fairly short order. As for more moderator intervention, they likely have better ways to spend their time than dealing with the tears of full
grown adults who had their feelings hurt.

Hear, Hear! Well said.
these forums could be monitored a little more closely

If they were,I would hope that the monitor would recognize when somebody was getting emotionally burned out and needed to take a break,and would suggest that to them discretely in a private email before things reach the boiling point.

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