McBride Show pics


Well-known Member
The show was Friday and yesterday. John Deere was the feature. I thought maybe RayP would post some pictures,but I don't see a post. I'm sure he has more pictures than I do,maybe he'll add some. I don't know just how many tractors we had total. I took these pictures Friday morning and they were still coming in. There were even more there by Saturday morning. My guess would be 175+. Then there were the garden tractors. Had to have been at least 50. We threshed 10 loads of wheat. That was a lot of pitching since we only ran two Friday morning then got rained off.

When I was little,Dad had a 42R IH combine like the one in one of the pictures. Dad took the bagger platform off his and put a refrigerator liner on it for a grain tank.















(reply to post at 16:19:07 07/29/18)

In picture #9 the grain drill looks like it had a long tongue on it at one time to be pulled by horses, then it must have been shortened for tractor use. Only they put a bent rod on the tongue to be placed into the hole of a tractors hitch. I wonder how many times it came unhooked and left behind while the tractor kept going across the field?
I didn't take many this year, except for a couple interesting green tractors. Then we got chased off by a pretty heavy shower.
You definitely had the tractors question is how was the people turn out. I am seeing less and less folks show up at these kind of shows around here. The folks showing their tractors comprise 70% of the crowd. These young folks just have other interest.
Turn out was real good. Especially Saturday. Saw an old widow woman we know who hasn't gotten out much since her husband passed away,an old guy who doesn't drive anymore who got a ride,members of other clubs that are dwindling away from lack of activities to get involved in,plenty of young folks. We have a few board members who are only about 17-18 years old. It was mostly young folks pitching bundles for the threshing. We had garden tractor games Friday and tractor games Saturday. Mostly kids under 18 on Friday and some young drivers on Saturday.
They had plaques for different things,like most original,farthest traveled tractor,etc. One guy brought two tractors all the up from Indiana. I was impressed. Talk among board members was that we might be outgrowing the grounds already after just three years.
You were supposed to get a bunch of pictures. I only shot a few long shots while I was standing still waiting for the wife to stop talking to everybody she knew. It was like going to the grocery store with her. LOL
Well that is good. You and I know as with anything has to be young folks involved to keep it going. Sounds like your club has it going. Your tractors really look good. We showed the old scout at a car show last night that also had a good crowd.
Lots of red and orange and off-color green (ha), not so much JD stuff from your photos. Up here, it might be the other way around. Looks like a nice event.
The club's real heavy in red. If Deere hadn't been the feature,there probably wouldn't have been more than half a dozen of them. At the show Memorial weekend,I think there was just four,a 60,a 520 and a pair of consecutive serial number As.
Looks like a really nice well maintained show site. Looks like room for some more expansion.
Your Green DBs look really nice. $3000 paint jobs don't make them necessary worth more money. You made them look great, and did so, on your own.
Well,like I said,the club leans pretty heavy toward red. Best of show went to an F30 and F14 that sat side by side. No before pics or history,but as far as quality of restoration went,they were done better than mine. Not something that nobody has ever seen though. Oh well,there's always next year.

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