Aftermarket spark ignition tachometer

I have a six cylinder gas engine in an old loader. Well, maybe not old, it is only 71 years young. Anyway, it has no governor, and I would like to put a tachometer on it. Most of the tachometers are zero to 8000 RPM. Since this engine is not supposed to be used above 2500, I would like a tach that is for lower RPM. One way to do that is to have a tach for 3 cylinders on a 6 cylinder engine so it reads double. These seem to be rare and expensive. Anybody have any good ideas for a tachometer which either has a much lower scale, say 0 to 3000, or one for three cylinder engines? Is there some easy way for a dummy like me to make it read double? I really don't want a 0 to 8000 tach that never sees anything above 2500, partly because it is less accurate and harder to read.
steve is correct, I use the VDO gauges you can get from napa, stores, very easy to hook up tp an alternator, I have installed them in Cranes , boats tractors, they should have a catalog that you can pick one out from
Hi Paul,

2 of the marine brands I am familiar with are Faria & VeeThree

Here are some examples that a quick browse turned up.

Thank you guys. I picked up a 4000 RPM unit. The only problem with the internet is that it can be too easy to spend money. On the other hand, not having the internet is harder and the prices are often or maybe usually higher.
Also, you might want to look into installing an electronic "rev limiter".

THIS one only goes down to 3000 RPM's. I'm sure there's some other options out there, but even holding it down to 3000 RPM's is better than nothing, IMHO.
Click on the .pdf datasheet download

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