A First for 2018

Adirondack case guy

Well-known Member
It is actually warmer outside than in the house.
I sure hope I am done burning wood for the year. It's going to take a while to restock the wood shed this year.
You & Me both.. I haven't felt good most of Jan,Feb & March with these shingles.. I did cut wood in April, some of it is still where I cut
it since it was So Wet. Clean a pile of ash so are & couple cherry's that came down.. Maple isn't my choice wood but when it's on the ground
I would rather see it cut up than rot. I've burned near 7 loads wood this past winter, 2 more than normal I blame most of that on to the fact
many loads were maple & not beech, cherry & hickory. I cut one more big load I'll be done cutting, had 2 left over, one is still on the ground
& 7 wagons loaded. Neighbors gave a Big ash to cut I might not have room for it now, but building another wagon soon.
RLA ...... you mention shingles. I had them a couple of months back. On the pain and discomfort, I think I was in the low area but lingering fatigue is still with me. Reading on web searches tells me that this tiredness can hang on for some time after everything seems to have cleared up. Never had the shots (two shots nowadays instead of just the one) and will consider it in a year when I can do that. Are you experiencing any of that?
Loren, I live in central Virginia, and we just stopped burning wood Monday! Planted tomato plants on Sunday, then saw on the news for frost warnings two counties over. Crazy spring! It has to be colder where you are.
With those shingles if you got the normal childhood diseases you want those two shots. If under an insurance plan they aren't too expensive. My personal opinion, you gotta be crazy not to get those shots! Some doctors say you need to wait till you are 50 years old???? No way bunky. Get them now!! Same goes for the pneumonia shots. Get them too!
We had a day or so of that last weekend. This morning it was 35 outside. Should be 60s for the next few days. It's about time.
You guys are always behind. Turned the air on here today for the first time. 84 deg right now in Middle Tennessee.
Me too - this was the first morning since October that I didn't put wood on the stove. I ran low on firewood and had to cut up some 15 year old locust logs I'd been saving for fence posts - they did burn nice though
We are finally getting some rain here in eastern Colorado, praise the Lord! Only about a quarter of an inch so far but it is still raining. It has been the dryest winter I have seen. I've been thinking of selling my four wheel drive pickup and get a two wheel drive and go from 20 to 30MPG. It's been a long time since I have had to use 4 wheel drive.
I figured out I had them on Jan 6th,, Went to the Dr. I self diagnosed myself & asked for a discount if Possible!! LOL She said I was right & still had a sense of Humor. I said I bet there are 500 people 10 mile radius from where I am sitting that will say I wish I only had the shingles. I got on Valencia Clover, in the Pill Form & it help contain them. I had them in my right eye, fore head in my ear & top of the right side of my head in other work 1/4 of my head. I took on the average 1600 MG of pain medicine per day to keep working, couple day I left at noon. I slept more than in any time in my life & longer. Like you it's a 2 shot thing now & they are 180.00 Each. Basically I didn't do much outside till April & when I did start I found I really couldn't do much at all physically. I can honestly say I wouldn't Wish the Shingles on anyone. I still have many affects , weird sensations on 1/4 of my head & eye area. They say it will be another 6 months at best. It feels like I have a Spider walking on my forehead when I try to fall asleep. At least now when I do touch the area it doesn't feel like I'm using a Ice Pick.
Man, that's a tough road for you ......... I consider myself pretty lucky, VERY lucky actually after reading your post. Good luck with everything ......
i got the two Shingles shots free this spring with Medi-Care and my insurance coverage. Decided it was worth the cost, but the first shot hurt like heck. I have heard enough stories about it that I did not want to try it out.

I left out the part where my eye was swollen shut for a week, I'm a Parts manager so I kind a need my eyes? & they had to explain to customers what was the matter with me. Then after the swelling went down, & the scabs started to dry up & dead skin kept scratching my eye. I could/did plug the tub drain in the shower with dead skin. Cold Air felt terrible on my forehead & if I tried to cover it , it felt worse.. But I'm 99% better now that I was.
My share of the chores on the farm were done mostly by other's. Thank God For help.

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