Here in Indiana... They Definitely prosecute if they find out You used patented seeds. They do occasionally check to see what some farmers are selling at the elevators. Even Amish have been sued here. That's very normal for them to reuse the best seeds. It is illegal; but a regular seed with the patent gone is going to be very hard to prosecute, & I don't think its been done in IN!
I would like to think that I am reasonably informed on the subject but how can they tell by a sample from an elevator. Can they tell one generation from the next? Usually, somebody gets in trouble by shooting off their mouth. Just because somebody stops buying seed from one supplier is not proof and the burden is on the seed dealer and their company to prove within reason that the seed is bin run. I don't think that a judge will force a farmer to show records w/o testimony from a third party that an irregularity has occurred. If not true then somebody set me straight.
By the way I am NOT advocating violating any laws or agreements here. Just trying to say that there is a burden of proof that in my mind cannot be determined by an elevator sample.
I have to sign a user agreement every year for Bayer and Monsanto to not save seed havnt got one for extend beans yet
A Southern Indiana Farmer planted around 3 - 400 acres. When it was shipped!!! A grain buyer in IL (ADM I think it was) Checked for GMO soybeans, & it took off from there. The GMO soybeans have foreign companies saying they wont take them; therefore they must be checked!!! At that time. Just one example.
Depends on the seed you have and what agreement you signed when buying from the seed dealer. Majority of seed is RR or LL you are not suppose to hold back seed and you probably signed some type of liscening agreement when purchased. If thinking about it definitly do not post about doing it on internet.
They can easily make you prove where you bought GMO seed if your sold grain shows GMO traits. There have been farmers all over the country that tried it and been sued. It has gone to the supreme court. An they ruled in Monsanto's favor. If you bought the GMO seed you signed an agreement that says you can NOT save seed. It also outlines what records you agree to product is questioned about it.

There is a YouTube video of where a fellow bought bin run beans at his local coop. He planted them. He was taken to court and lost. They fined him $50K if I remember right.

Yes the RRI line is off patent and you could save those seeds. The trouble is where you would get any that are just RRi strains??? Monsanto Replaced that line with RR2 that is under patent still.

Here is a link to the one case:
Monsanto takes oveer farmer in Supreme Court
I use 'NU Pride' seed. RR1. It is legal to keep the seed and plant it again next yr. It sells for $20-30 per unit from the dealer, depending on the number, traits and what time of yr, that u purchase. Other companies are out there besides NU Pride.
Only if you have a patch over one eye and a parrot sitting on your shoulder-ARRGH MATEY---Tee
The evil of the situation is even if you buy and plant non-GMO seed wind borne or pollinator borne genes can get into your beans from neighbors using GMO seed. A problem for people trying to grow certified organic. I wonder if anybody has sued them for THIER genetics contaminating others crops?
The best way I have found not to get crossed pollinated is to be on a different rotation then any adjoining fields. Haven?t had problems with cross pollination yet. A lot of farmers around us are switching to non gmo. We get just as good of a yield and a premium of 1.25/ bushel over Gmo.
You usually only get caught in that situation if you are marketing your beans as non-GMO. If you are marketing as ordinary GMO then I question how far they would test and that is the point in my mind. More to the point is if not caught in an elevator test the burden of proof would be with the seed dealer and seed company and not on the farmer.
NY 986 They can just pull a growing plant or take a sample of your grain and tell which company's seed you have used. They have genetic markers that show up when they test for them.

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