For RRLUND and the posers post


Well-known Member
RR Did not mean to get up tight with you but that whole post below belittles people. Would you rather have a neighbor with a few acers and a farmall H or a drug rehab ceanter!! Would you rather have an amish outfit with a horse or a garbage treatment facility? For me some people could call me big some would call me small in operation!!! I just don't like putting people down. Sure we get those that come here and want to change everything "that's not how we did it back in jersey" We have gotten those that did not last a year! Also dealt with Sweeds and French in Logging very hard working and people. Some could not speak English.
I don?t think he?s saying small farmers are the problem . He?s saying the problem is people who are pretending to be country people but really are not and act like a bunch of jerks in the way they drive there jacked up pickups the way they have no respect for people trying move equipment on the road and the list goes on and on . I have friends that fit the redneck description when city people see these wannabes they think oh that guy must be what all country people and farmers must be like . That?s how we get idiots on tv labeling people deplorables they can judge us but we had better judge them
Glad you gave me a chance to clarify before everybody picks apart every little part of what I said and responds to each thing individually.

All I'm saying is,if somebody comes to where I live and wants my respect,then act respectfully. If somebody thinks acting like some low life white trash is the way to fit in,I find that to be a personal insult. If somebody wants to act like white trash,then don't be surprised when the locals treat you that way.

Yes,there are plenty of people who move here and fit in quite well,but dammed if they don't bring visitors who act like they're at the circus pointing at the monkeys. It's insulting and we won't take it.

I could fill a book with stories of outsiders coming here and acting like we're beneath them,or like they think we're all trash. One that sticks out in my mind right now wasn't one who acted like a slob,but was just a condescending a**. He sat right here at my table and made some crack about how he'd better not eat something because he doubted the doctors around here even knew what anaphylactic shock is. My wife's a nurse. Yup,there's a special medical school for doctors and nurses who practice out here in the middle of nowhere. I think we call it vet school. The guy didn't become my new best friend in case you were wondering.
Our family and many others have been here for generations. WE have farmed and preserved our land and legacy.
People are coming here with from NJ, Conn. and around NYC with LOTS of money and buy up old homesteads.
Then they think that they should have all the services that cities provide, and then they put all their land into a conservancy, so they don't have to pay land taxes that pay for road maintenance, fire protection and emergency services.
These people are in my opinion the "scum of the earth" They carry their nose high and respect nothing but themselves and their snooty lifestyle.
I am trying to find the rude from Randy, but can't.

Did see the one from SVCummins, that seems to have an anger issue against liberals.

People are people, good bad come in all colors and makes, all have hopes and fears.
You might be a bit sensitive or touchy. I just learned to let it go and don't get mad get even. Around. Me you could be two towns away and the atmosphere changed in how you were dealt with.
I can deal with isolated incidents and manage to keep my dignity by just not saying anything,but it wears on a person after a while and when I'm not in their presence,I'm not gonna hold back with the way I feel about the insults. After a while a person feels like a minority in their own home.

So I've explained what I meant twice now. Let's leave it at that.

Only thing got me peeved in the posers post was all the guys that seem to hate any reference to faith. I find it highly insulting that when you use the term "God fearing" people have to bash those who believe. I'm not pushing anything on anyone else, just trying to get through life and do the right things. If you don't buy it, fine by me, but there's no call to start getting insulting the way some people do.
(quoted from post at 16:59:07 03/19/18) I can deal with isolated incidents and manage to keep my dignity by just not saying anything,but it wears on a person after a while and when I'm not in their presence,I'm not gonna hold back with the way I feel about the insults. After a while a person feels like a minority in their own home.

So I've explained what I meant twice now. Let's leave it at that.

And just what have you done to earn our respect? You constantly belittle ANYONE who dares disagrees with your ideas on how to farm. You complain about anyone who doesn't live like you. So you want us to grant you that which you refuse to grant to anyone else. Just how's that supposed to work? Somewhere I remember something about getting back what you plant.......started out a something like "so as you sow".....

I thought I was done,but let me relate one more incident. When I was in about the second grade,I wanted to wear a pair of high top work boots to school and my mother wouldn't let me. I went to the barn complaining to Dad. He just quietly told me that there were some things that just weren't appropriate and wearing something like that to school wasn't one of them. I told him that another kid did it and named him. He told me it didn't matter what other kids did. I understand now looking back at it,that the kid who wore his did it because they weren't well to do and they were the only shoes he had.

I remember going to the hardware store one time with way too much manure on my pants and my older brother threatened to kick some more of it out of me if I ever did it again.

When was the last time any of you went to a kids elementary school Christmas program. You always wore your Sunday best if you were in the program. We always made sure our kids were dressed their best,but even then,20 years ago it seems like half the kids there were dressed in T shirts with inappropriate sayings on them.

I was raised to have some dignity and self respect. If somebody else doesn't have any,well,I guess that's a reflection on their mother isn't it.
I'm not asking for your respect,but believe me,if you ever invited me in to your home,I'd wipe my feet,shake off the dust and leave my dog outside.
My father, a farmer died in an accident when I was ten years-old. That sure upset my family's way of life. Although my mother worked, my father was the real...bread...winner. Oh, my mother worked very hard at her night time job and day time mother. But for as hard as my father worked pretty much around the clock, he was the real bread earner. Here one day, gone tomorrow really upsets the boat and in our case, the boat sank. We survived though. My mother for her part gets a Mother's Day card as well as a Father's Day card because when the chips were down was Mom and Dad. We children ALL pitched in though and the money went into a community pot. For the most part, we turned out OK, scrappers. No purebreds here and I'm proud of that. WE ALL worked for everything that we have and to this very day work to help each other. None of us are "it takes a village" kind of folks. We are FAMILY and FAMILY comes first, FAMILY takes care of FAMILY.

That all being said, we were known as fuffnecks. That was our reputation. We didn't go looking for trouble, but we have never backed down either. I used to joke that my mother started the bar fights that I always got the living snot beat out of me over. But I'll never forget one time the whole family getting kicked out of the bar when Mom slammed her beer mug down and yelled at the top of her lungs, "If they don't put the food in your mouth, the roof over your head, the money in your pocket, then feed the M-F's fish". Ah, the bar was pretty much almost about to close for the night anyway, the bartender was our friend, so asking us to leave for the night was no big deal. He'd done it before and he'd done it again. We were back many times after that. And you know what else? When someone that you don't know and have never seen before walks up to your family and says, "If I ever get into a bar fight I want this family on my side", that aint a bad thing.

Good look and remember, "If they don't put the food...".

Randy I did not read where Bruce was talking about acting like a low life. He was talking about how people that really did not farm went to all the shows and other farm related activities. Truthfully the term poser made me mad. As I said very few people are lucky enough to make their living farming full time. Right now very few are lucky enough to even find some ground to rent. I can relate to either side of that.

As for what your talking about it would seem you hate were you live. Your always throwing around the term low life and drug heads. I find it hard to believe that the majority of the people in your area are either of those two groups.

As for dressing in your best to go to church or town. Yes that was the common practice in years gone by. You where raised in the 1950-60s. The majority of the people in that time frame could easily afford good cloths. Go back twenty years and things where much different. Today that standard has changed. I see people in church wearing jeans and shorts. Does this make them a low life or bad person??? It would seem that you think they are from your posts. While I am not real religious I do seem to remember that major figure in the Christian religion was from a back ground that would not have him wearing fancy cloths or worrying about how others dressed.
(quoted from post at 19:39:32 03/19/18) Randy I did not read where Bruce was talking about acting like a low life. He was talking about how people that really did not farm went to all the shows and other farm related activities. Truthfully the term poser made me mad. As I said very few people are lucky enough to make their living farming full time. Right now very few are lucky enough to even find some ground to rent. I can relate to either side of that.

As for what your talking about it would seem you hate were you live. Your always throwing around the term low life and drug heads. I find it hard to believe that the majority of the people in your area are either of those two groups.

As for dressing in your best to go to church or town. Yes that was the common practice in years gone by. You where raised in the 1950-60s. The majority of the people in that time frame could easily afford good cloths. Go back twenty years and things where much different. Today that standard has changed. I see people in church wearing jeans and shorts. Does this make them a low life or bad person??? It would seem that you think they are from your posts. While I am not real religious I do seem to remember that major figure in the Christian religion was from a back ground that would not have him wearing fancy cloths or worrying about how others dressed.

Perfectly said
I just don't know what to say. My dad shot crap and drank on Sat. nite, come home. tear the house down. Sunday, Church of Christ, that hardcore no music one. Monday night Klan meeting. I do get a kick out of those folks that seemed to have had that perfect life.
You're taking what I'm saying the wrong way too. Everybody is trying to read in more than I'm saying. Im just saying have a little self respect and don't act like an animal when you're in somebody else's home or in public. No,that's not what Bruce was talking about. I just gave another example,kind of related,but not entirely. Jocco started another post to address what I said. I can't change how I was raised and wouldn't if I could.
I'm off that tablet and back on the desktop,just let me address the not liking where I live thing. In a word,no. This used to be a decent community made up of two kinds of people. Scandinavian farmers and union factory workers. I don't need to tell you what happened to the old farmers. Same thing that happened to them everywhere.
The big union factory closed a dozen years ago and anybody who wanted to work left to find it. What has filled the void is what we're stuck with. Things ain't what they used to be and I don't have to like it. It's not about income or net worth. It's just about lack of dignity. Are there still "locals" here? Yes,and we're a different breed than the wannabees who think they should act like animals because they aren't in the big city. This lifestyle that they've created just keeps feeding on itself.
Ya,and some of my best friends growing up,grew up similar to you,but they had the good sense to know their mother would have done far worse to them if they'd acted up than would ever have happened at the hands of anybody with some authority. I suspect you knew it too.
I understand what you mean. We have the same problem in this small Texas town. Where I live. City folks move in. Then treat the locals like trash. They can all move back to the city for all I care.
Gop has worked hard to kill the unions, with a lot of help from people who were deprived of the facts. My sister and daughter are teachers. Here in Ky we are locked in a struggle over pension reform. Teachers associations never backed blue collar unions and now they are finding themselves in a battle with little taxpayer support.
You never need a drink of water til the well goes dry. We never knew how many pockets those union wages went in to until the jobs were gone.
Would you rather have a neighbor with a few acers and a farmall H or a drug rehab ceanter!!

1. jocco, mite as well learn to spell! acers? ceanter?

2. jocco, do you think the world would be a better place WITHOUT drug rehab centers?
(quoted from post at 16:53:35 03/19/18) You might be a bit sensitive or touchy. I just learned to let it go and don't get mad get even. Around. Me you could be two towns away and the atmosphere changed in how you were dealt with.

I don't get even....I get ahead!
JD, the poser comment or label was way out of line, in gross receipts (dollars) I doubt Bruce has ever turned even 20% of what you do in a given year, it takes a lot of capital and management to feed cattle and farm the number of acres you guys do.
Do the larger (real farmers) really want more people thinking that cows are killed for their milk? The parents raising kids having a few farm animals teach their kids more live lessons than they will ever learn in our schools. I have read recently that killing a coon was murder. Even kids raised on a small operation will understand that the cute fury animals that invade our building and farm area must be removed by killing them rather than taking them to some one else's property. Showing animals at the fair and having to sell them at the end will understand that the animals are raised for our existence. Encouraging the small non farmer farm operations is helpful to the larger farmer with knowledge of the work they do to feed the nations. That knowledge can only be transferred with experience, never from books. No one can feel the cold driving wind and rain while feeding livestock because they can not fend for themselves from a book or even from stories told by their parents. More people thinking killing livestock and destructive cute animals brings on more regulations to make the farmers life more difficult trying to keep doing what they love.
Ya,it's not even really the way they treat us that I'm talking about,it's the way they mock us by acting like some kind of animal because they think that's what they have to do to fit in. They really do think that's who we are,some beer swilling white trash with no education and no self respect.

My ancestors came to this community 137 years ago when there was nothing here but pine stumps and a few houses. Their first house was a log cabin. Three generations have lived and died. They worked hard and kept their noses clean for what they had. My mother and the widow of one uncle are the only ones left of the third generation,and they're in a nursing home. My generation are the elders now. It's up to me not only to not embarrass the other members of my generation,my wife of my kids,but to honor the memory of three generations that came before me.

If some people here don't have roots that deep and don't understand that obligation,well,then I guess they'll never get it.
Just for the record the USDA defines a farm and a farmer as an operation that sells over $1000 worth of farm products in a year and it has no bearing on what else you might do
to make a living in addition to farming.
Read through all or most of both threads on the subject and am pretty much just shaking my head.

It seems that some people think (and I may be overstating the case to some extent) that ONLY "True" farmers that make their entire living from crops and/or animals should be allowed to own animals, tractors, farm equipment or trucks. Unbelievable.

Apparently I was mistaken and my Dad was not a "real" farmer since he had a full time job as an industrial electrician. That 120 acres of cash crops and hay and the 20 or so head of beef critters he finished every year was just a hobby. Huh. Could've fooled me.

I am not a farmer, never have been, never will be. But I like animals and enjoy having them around. So, up until recently, I kept several dozen chickens, both layers and meat birds, and a dozen or so sheep on my little patch. Have owned trucks since 1974. At one point I owned THREE tractors, nearly one per acre. All this time, I've been a poser and didn't even notice.

Fortunately, I've also got a fairly thick skin and don't much give a rat's rump what other folks think. I'll continue to do just as I dam* please and keep whatever critters and equipment makes me happy. If that gets your nnalert in a bunch, that's your problem, not mine.
I'm surprised at how many posts below claim that showing respect to others is the proper way to conduct yourself, yet they show intolerance and disrespect to others who think differently than they do.
Well TF ....... I have said that myself at times, I must admit. What bothers me with a lot of YT discussions is the lumping of people into groups like dirt bags, yuppies, druggies, city slickers, country bumpkins, real farmers, posing farmers, union guys, government workers, and so on. And usually, some sort of negativity is attached. Oh well, human nature I guess.
It's called stereotyping. It's what every group does to turn you against another. Don't tell me for a split second that every holier than though person on here doesn't engage in it. Post something political and you'll prove it to yourself.

My problem is,as I started in the first place on Bruce's post,that people stereotype anybody who lives outside of a city of half a million,as a bunch of rude,crude,beer swilling,uneducated white trash.
Somehow this whole thing got blown up to what it is from that one statement. You know what I said is true whether you're one of those who think it or you live out here and have to tolerate people thinking it about you. It's insulting and condescending and I'm not gonna just sit still for it and not say something.
I get your drift RRL .... but really, I think even you would have to admit that your quote below is somewhat exaggerated .... even if you tempered it a bit by saying "some people" instead of "anybody" ..... and also, the last part is a bit over the top too I would say. Those are pretty strong words.

"people stereotype anybody who lives outside of a city of half a million,as a bunch of rude,crude,beer swilling,uneducated white trash".
I don't know where you're getting your information but I know a lot of people that live in large cities DC/Northern VA,MD,Richmond,Hampton Roads area of VA and really have to say I can't think of a one that looks at country people like you say they do.Just the opposite most people consider me to be very fortunate to live in the country and admire country people in general.Of course there are exceptions I'm sure just like here there are country people that brand everyone not in the country Citidiots and worse.Both sides need to wise up and realize there are good and bad people
everywhere even you are always trash talking many of the people that live in the country near you.
My sample size is pretty small, but my brother and sister-in-law who live in Seattle think I'm a hick because I'd rather drink a beer than wine and play around with machines and tools than go to the opera.

I don't let it bug me when they talk slow and use simple terms when we have conversations. I laugh when I hear they have to take their car to the shop to get a light replaced or have a hard time finding someone to fix appliances.
Guess I lucky I don't have folks in big fancy cars driving in from the big city day and night riding up and down the road in front of my place yelling insults and stuff.Be a waste
for them anyway I'm pretty hard of hearing(LOL)
I have great neighbors, from acreage owners, small hobby farms to large several thousand acre BTO's, all help each other out. People, regardless of who they are, or what they do are people, all flawed.
But the point is to respect people for their talents, abilities and interests. Not bad, just different.
You could NOT give me a motor home or a boat...but if that is someones desire..have at it.
My friends (and former coworkers) likely think I am a bit strange for owning a bunch of horses, and baling hay when
it is 95F. Oh well.....I(having lived and traveled all over the world) think the parochialism espoused by more than a
few on this forum, is both strange and sad. It is strange because people are so mobile today, there is no need to be
anchored to your county (see the USA in your Chevrolet), and sad because they miss the interesting things that other
areas have to offer.
I'd hate to think that the most interesting thing in my life was what I was having for dinner (though I do love to
eat), or the weather(everybody talks about it, no one does a thing about it). is their life.

The only people I do not respect are the ones that think they have a right to intrude into my life.
The pendulum swings, and usually too far. I was always anti-union, part of management, fighting against very foolish union practices. The unions went too far, and the result was wide open free trade legislation that eventually off-shored the jobs, and killed the unions. But those union wages, and healthcare and retirement programs gave a lot of blue collar workers a very good life style and because they got a W2, so they paid big taxes to support our government.

Now the jobs are gone, but the people are still here and the problems for society are huge (and expensive). The pendulum has swung too far the other way. So now the states are financially partnering with foreign companies to bring back the same jobs America used to have....but at half the wage scale and limited benefits (and half or less in taxes).

An interesting conundrum, to soon old,too late smart.
People are people yes but some are murderers some are school shooters some are rapists and some beat there wife and kids and some have no respect for anything but themselves some also think anybody who belives in God are quick to judge yet they are the one who judged me . if you treat me with respect I will treat you the same I don't care who you are or what you look like

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