Really Snowing


Well-known Member
The radar was right. I looked out the door and can hardly see my barn beyond the yardlight. That is the heaviest snow we have seen all winter. Good thing I put the blade on the 2090 a few days ago. Going to need it.
your welcome rusty :lol: I sent it your way, now if you could send it east to bruce in Ontario he doesn't have any snow left and he really needs some :lol:
Dry & dusty here so far, on I-35 about 65 miles no of twin cities, 10 miles east of Jon F. Radar looks like won't get much here, going to slide northwards just to the west of us.

Been getting a mixture between snow and sleet all night here where I am at, about 25 miles NW of Minneapolis/St. Paul... I look forward to the heavy stuff coming. Would like to see another FOOT so I can get out with the M and Farmhand 'Standard' loader for a second time! Maybe even get some thunder snow out of it if it creates enough energy. Haven't seen that since probably 2007/2008. I really am amazed by weather - maybe I missed my calling as a meteorologist.. But then again, where I live it is probably the only job you can be wrong 70% of the time and still remain employed!



Could be a lawyer too. Remember in a legal battle there has to be a loser. But losing attorneys must get decent pay, as they seem to keep right at it.
That's the kind of snow I like to see, in pictures somewhere else.The Wind firmed the ground up here pretty good think I'll get back to hauling hay bales have about 4 or 5 days worth of hauling to go.
we are to get rain later this am turn to snow and who knows what else mid afternoon sounds like we could have a real mess late afternoon early evening
Hellow Bruce from Wm at Thamesford Ontario.
Thursday we havd 4 to 6 inches of snow on the ground most of it is gone now. Boiled of sap "" just a wee amount to start, fitst time I have ever done so. Have a safe week.
Might as well add my .02 the storm for us is going to be a Nor'Easter with a foot of snow predicted with 40mph winds. Then it will stall in the Gulf of Maine just so we know Mother Nature is not done with us yet. Once the snow is gone have a good size maple tree down to clean up and the threes sections of chain link fence to replace.

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