O/T Orange county choppers


Well-known Member
There is a show on this morning explaining the show from start to finish...does anyone live near the place in Orange County NY?Is it still there?
I've read online that the family has been through serious financial troubles and that there will be a new show that harkens back to when they were in a small shop. If a television network wanted a show about fighting and feuding families I know of a few farm families that make the Chopper guys look like the Walton's.
If that's the family outfit I'm thinking it is, they should all go over to Vince McMahon and sign up for WWE duties. The old man's macho man image is a bit hard to take.
Not far from me, about 45 -60 minutes. Driven past saw no need to stop. Don't know what is happening there.
"a show about fighting and feuding families "

Yes, but one must remember that the show was COMPLETELY scripted. They had a dozen producers and directors telling them exactly what words to say and exactly what actions they must take in order to get high TV ratings. Years ago when we still had a satellite TV dish, I watched a few episodes and I always regretted that I wasted my time watching the show. I can't remember his name, but I actually felt sorry for the one son who they made into a complete dufuss. Of course, he too, was probably crying all the way to the bank.
I think the one son, Paul or maybe Mikie, split off on his own and how has his own shop, maybe his own TV show too. IF a guy wanted, you could spend the morning on Google and know more about them than they know about themselves ..... ha!
ya, Mikey could care less about the bikes. it was other son paul that would get into arguments with the old man when the old man wanted to change stuff. Vinny tried not to get involved. heard they are coming back on soon.?
They did build some nice bikes!

I learned a lot of little fab tricks watching that show.

But I did quickly get tired of the fighting and language, had to pass it by.
For my two bit's worth, I agree with a couple posters here, it was no fun to watch that show and all the squabbling!!!
We liked the shows where the people worked together, laughed and had fun. One of our favorites was the
Black Dawg Salvage show. I would love to work with people like that!! They had fun, but the work got done!!

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