Here we go again

Airport and train station are packed with people spending thousands of dollars to come to town just to catch trinkets in a parade and see woman with nothing on but paint.
A little drinking may be involved also. But Mardi Gras is sure to be the greatest free show on earth rain or shine and it is looking to be raining this year. At least it will be warm.
Over 20 parades scheduled over next 4 days.

Odd thing to many would be to know outgoing flights are just as full from locals getting out of town.

Time for me to lock the gate; dig in; and act like a hermit.

I always wanted to experience that. Some day I will, and maybe when I'm down there you can feed me some crawfish.
Ben there. Night visit was entertaining. Day visit? Well, at that time (late '60s) there was great controversy over "ruing the quarter" with a wide freeway. I came away thinking that about 50 lanes would improve the quarter! :(
I have been to a few parades there while visiting My Son,, he has been down there for about 10 years,,he avoids them is a sight to behold,,a real freak show....and a pick pocket Festival too...
Yes this is not a place for a person that does not like crowds.


They had the annual "greasing of the poles" yesterday where they get girls dressed in sometimes skimpy outfits doing lets say odd stuff grease the poles that go from the street to the second floor balcony with Vaseline to stop people from climbing up the pole to the balcony.

I've never had the least desire to put myself in a crowd of people like that. Seems incredibly stupid to me, like the Times Square crowds, etc. Not my thing I guess.
A number of years ago, our daughter and a couple of other gals went to Times Square in NYC on New Years Eve. A couple of days later, I happened to be talking on the phone to a local New Yorker and he commented, "You mean they lived to tell about it?"

From what he said, it's not high on the list of activities for the locals there, either.
I'm not a crowd person but with a bad flu virus going around why would anyone want to be among all those people and all the people at airports?
Guess I won't get there again this year. Always wanted to go, wife no so much. Nothing wrong with a little paint and beads, nice combo.
Had the misfortune of being in NO during Mardi Gras when I was in the USMC....NEVER want to go back - even without Mardi Gras....That town is not only "not for people who hate crowds...", it's not for anyone Christian, either....
Lived in NO during mid 80's working at Security Van Lines. I was lot younger and admit I enjoyed Mardis Gras. At my age now I dont have a desire to see it again. Well maybe some of the parades away from the quarter would be nice. Not so wild.
The smaller cities have more family oriented
parades;no nudity or freak shows.the ones in
Lafayette I bring my family to.You can have N.O.
Has anyone ever wondered why a hurricane would hit New Orleans? Slow learners in my opinion. Will America turn from the wide road that leads to destruction, and find the straight and narrow road that leads to life?
RLP ...... what church are you going to tomorrow morning? Is there really somebody up there directing hurricane traffic? Really?
I was there just before the last weekend in 1990. I am not a party person at all but everyone I was with at a conference said oh no we have to go. Along the parade route you have never seen so much crap flying through the air. Beads,plastic coins, plastic aligator toys, some candy, just all kinds of stuff. Then we ended up on Bourbon Street. Let me tell ya folks that place is on it's own damn planet! Great jazz music, cops are cool standing there with their horses and all of the girls want to pet them. Just don't be an idiot and you are OK. I got the little baby Jesus in a slice of king cake. The same weekend we were there the next day the Marines Guadalcanal landing ship was pulling in on Sunday. Party on folks! You ar3 right how the smaller local towns are a whole different story. They have the riders that go around to folks houses.
I was there on fat Tuesday three years ago. The temp was 37 and it was drizzling. I loved it. Can't wait to go again only in WARM weather.
Would have been a lot funnier if I didn't spit water in my key board, good one just the same.
Good thing it wasn't beer. I have have been exposed to a few HIGHLY religious people. They have flaws just like the people they look down their nose at.
I am a fisher of men.Much more fun then catching fish. Countless angels rejoice when one turns from the dark side.
If God punished directly for stuff we did, we'd all be dead, including holier than thou religious folk.

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