Deere and the FFA.

big tee

Well-known Member
I don't know if anyone reads it but it is Friday so here comes another post from the April 1948 Deere Furrow magazine. Deere must have really supported the FFA back then to give a whole page to them. My High school I graduated from used to have a top notch Voc-Ag program and a FFA organization. I did both for the 4 years I was in HS. but there hasn't been either for 20 years. SAD. The school had a auction 15 years ago and I saw a box of FFA stuff on 1 of the hayracks and I bought it. Had all the symbols-owl-plow-ear of corn and the rest of the stations that the FFA officers sat at the meetings. I put them on the wall of my shop. It is 4 ft. tall. If they ever started another chapter in school I would give them back in a heartbeat. Are there anymore ex FFA members out there?-Tee



1977-1980 for me. Went to Nationals in Kansas City by bus (from Oregon) for Farm Business Management. My youngest son was State treasurer and placed 3rd in the nation in Extemporaneous Public Speaking. He also placed 1st in Agri-Science as a sophomore by testing different blade designs for wind turbines. Crazy thing was both my boys had the same ag teacher I did; he was there for 40 years. FFA is a fantastic organization and has done well for me and my family! Am still part of our Alumni Chapter.
68 - 72 then went back and taught ag. I feel the FFA is the greatest club there is for young people. There is something in it for everyone. A lazy ag teacher makes me mad beyond belief because they deny students an awesome opportunity.
1959-1962 for me. Reporter in 62. Was on crop judging for 4 years and also on soil judging team. Senior year on the soils team I got a perfect score on 1 pit--team was first in our region.
1960 - 1964. Chapter Pres '63 and '64. Got to attend the Texas State convention every year. Went to State judging milk 1963 as I recall. Still have my jacket.
FFA is the best. I'm a four-year member and then ag teacher for 32 years. This is my first year of retirement. I will miss taking kids to the National Land Judging contest in Oklahoma--made it there about 10 times.
Hi, I was in a 4H Holstein calf club for several years. We had a meeting a month for the club and a lot of field trips to judge cattle and one time even chickens. It was a lot of fun. We even went on a conference at Lynden Wash. I actually have my leadership certificate and judging ticket. The experience was amazing. We stayed for one week at the Pacific National Exhibition with our calves. I think the FFA is similar. Ed Will Oliver BC
Well, I won third in state for dairy judging about 72, national honorable mention. Had never milked a cow, all luck, but I did like FFA. We were poor enough that I was never able to attend much of any kind of event. Missed most of my senior year working in tobacco. Still barely graduated in 73 but always thought FFA was a great program for rural kids. Grew up on a 40 JD and a 730, still have the 40.
Never had the chance for Vo-Ag or FFA, school I attended didn?t offer them. Majored in Ag Education and was FFA advisor for a short time. Town we live in now has an outstanding Ag/FFA program. My son was a Chapter officer, received his State and American Farmer degrees. Looks good on a resume for jobs in the ag industry. My daughter was Chapter President and received the State Farmer degree.
Anybody thinks how valuable the program was should also think about haw many people never had the opportunity to participate in that and others. Sometimes we might think about how good we had it rather than how good it ought to be.
Was in FFA my junior and senior years. I look back at it and I have used so much of what we learned in those days that I still use today. Now the last few years I have been involved in our local alumni. Back when I was in school (40 years ago) if we were in Ag. class we were required to be in FFA. After I graduated the program went down hill and had been going from bad to worst. Our alumni has really gotten involved the last couple of years and the FFA is getting stronger again. It has also helped that we now have a school administrator that is supporting the agricultural classes and FFA. In our school it is mostly females that are involved and we have a female instructor/leader.
big tee, I was just talking to my daughter tonight about our trips while in FFA. Some of my best times in high school while in ag. class and I was sentinel in my FFA chapter. My friend Jeff who didn't do so well in dairy judging is the only dairy farmer left out of the bunch of us.

I was in FFA 90-94. Chapter President, Region VI President and helped start the Project Pals and the chapter is still going strong.. Even put my FFA jacket on after 24 yrs during Thanksgiving. It still fits😳
Was in FFA '56-'60. Never was officer, but was a member of State winning dairy Products judging team and also State poultry judging team. Did judge in National contests in Kansas City and Waterloo. I still have the medals I won in those contests. Also attended state convention a couple times.I also enjoyed being on the parlimentary procedure team.
That is news to me about muther deer being supportive of the FFA,. But i am Not Surprised, I Just Wish That they would Have kept it up and I wish IHC , Molene , Case ,oliver , ford , massey ,and the Allis Folks Would have shared the inspiration ,. .Former FFA member ,, Stationed By the Door ,, Special Sentinel ,, 8th Grader Floyd central hi School 1970,.. served as Secretary freshman and sophomore yrs , i had a girl " friend " type the minutes . LOL ,.. It was a VERY special privilege and honor to serve 2 yrs as President Junior and senior yrs,,. . in 4 yrs are membership went from less than 20 to nearly 50 active members ,,. State Soil Judging finalists 4 yrs in a row ,,. Chapter mtg Contest state finalist ,,. many district and state Contestants ,.,.those yrs i Proudly hail to All as the Foundation of My leadership skills to move forward in my adult life despite tremendous unfair disappointments and frustrations. over the last 20 yrs that are dogging me to death ,....
Four years of Voc Ag and FFA - '68 through '72. I can still hear Mr. Calhoun saying, "Here by the owl," in our FFA meetings. I've got a trophy for winning the state soil judging contest my junior year. I'm on the school board of the same school now and last year we hired a sharp gal who I think is going to raise the level of the program a few notches. It's a shame we have to fight for the program even in our farming communities.
1956-57. Program was dropped by the school after my second year. Went to several judging contests during those two years. Still have my jacket.
I did FFA '49-'52. Was an officer in '52. Also in '52 won a cattle judging contest.

Gotta tell you about that contest. They had all of the usual pens with 4 critters in each pen, critters numbered 1 to 4. A couple of my buddies and I filled out our judging sheets with random numbers, gave them to some stooge to hand in at the right times, and went to a neighboring town and drank beer for an hour or so.

We got back just in time to find out I'd won the contest on the random numbers I'd turned in. There was even a cash award of some $50. I know the County Agent smelled a rat when he gave out the awards, but he went through with it. I should have been ashamed of myself, but I wasn't. Still am not.
65-69 chapter president senior year, went to state convention (Ill.) twice and national in Kansas City once.
1962-1966. Chapter president in '65, State Farmer degree and State Treasurer 1965-1966. Missed 40 days of school my senior year travelling to other chapters and state and national conventions. Went by train in those days, great trips. Biggest issue at state convention in '65 was whether to let girls be FFA members- we voted it down. Still have my jacket, but it hasn't fit for years. lol
Voted girls out? Majority of our chapter is girls. Funny part is when I put my jacket on Thanksgiving there was a little memo pad in the inside pocket my wife found😳. It had A LOT of memories in it.
Was an FFA member in high school. Remember state and national conventions. Went to a couple state conventions and one national convention. Contest work was memorable. Remember parliamentary procedure and public speaking. My FFA advisor was my favorite teacher. Went on to Iowa State and ended up teaching high school agriculture at the same school for 34 years. Competed against my old ag teacher for many of those years as we were in the same sub district. I taught during a good period of time 1976 to 2010. Many students were still from farms and had livestock and crops for their supervised agricultural experience programs. I had a good run having short of 150 State degrees and 30 American Degrees. Had several proficiency award winners competing at the national level. I was fortunate when I retired to have my replacement be one of my former students and carry on the same enthusiasm for the FFA that I had. Yes, things change and probably need to. Few kids from farms, very little livestock, better than 1/2 girls, and no projects in the shop. But honestly it reflects who the students are now and I am very proud of her success and continuation of a successful ag ed / FFA program. Being an ag teacher was a good career for me. As a farmer now most of my former students are some of my best friends.
69 to 73 with 2 years also in Co-op Ag where we worked in Ag related jobs half a day during school. Served 2 years as FFA secretary. Still have my jacket and it still fits.
Title IX in 1972 gave equal opportunity in pretty much everything in schools to both genders, so at that point, girls were admitted to FFA in all states. The thinking in our case was that we'd have to shape up and clean up our language. lol

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