Got Er Done


Well-known Member
Drank the juice last night and this morning and went to the hospital and had a camera inserted in the top and bottom. No major problems found. At 75 that's the last time I am going through that again. The procedure is painless, it's the preparation before. Stan
I had it done about three years ago. Even back then, the doctor the did the procedure said at my "advanced age" I wouldn't need it done again unless there were symptoms that indicated it.
I last had it done 5 years ago when I was 77, Dr. doing the procedure said it would be my last one. However, my GP Dr. is urging me to have another next year.
I'll be 66 on Christmas, I have had 2 or 3 so far. First couple of times, I had to drink a small bottle of yucky junk. Different Dr, different methods. The last time they sent me to Walgreens and they gave me a small bottle and a gallon jug. Dump the small bottle into the gallon jug, fill the rest of the way with water, shake and drink 8 os. every 20 minutes and stay close to the toilet. It had a lemony taste at first that wasn't too bad. After about the third glass, I could barely get up long enough to get another glass to drink. I was on the stool about 3 hours and never did get it all drank, couldn't stand the taste anymore and only liquid coming out. I got to the hospital the next morning and the nurse asked if I drank it all. I told her I tried but couldn't get it all down. She laughed and said hardly anyone does. I passed the test but not looking forward to the next time. Chris
I've had two done. 2 polyps removed the first time, one the second time. All were quite small. Due for another in 4 years. The prep is a pain. But it sure beats dieing of colon cancer.
I had that done at 74 and they said no more needed. I guess they think I am expendable or not worth treating if something goes wrong.
I’m glad it turned out OK. I’ve had two, the prep wasn’t much fun but the scans were clean. My sis got sick and threw up from the prep. She said NEVER AGAIN!
I had my fourth one in May. Dr. found three polyps in my colin and could see one in my small Intestine that his tool would not fit to. Mid June they went in from the front and got it and 8 cm each small int. and colin. I will not have problems with my appendix for sure. I get to do the proceedure again next year. I am only 76 now. All polyps tested benign.
I also had one done yesterday. They found some polyps a year ago & wanted to do a follow up so yesterday was the day. They found NO problems so I am good for three years now. Yes that stuff tastes terrible but I'm sure I'd rather taste it than have cancer. They had a big flat screen on the wall & told me that is what they looked at while doing the procedure & I ask to not be put under so I could watch. They said are you sure you want to do that & I said I'm sure so they let me be awake & watch. It was kind of interesting as they took the time to explain what they were doing before & while they did it.
My take on the GPs is they fail to realize that you are no longer 21 and no longer have "the rest of your life" to live per se. I told my GP I didn't want a PSA test and never signed the consent form. I said I don't want to know and if I had Prostate cancer I'd die of something else before it mattered. Besides, I like having it. It does things that need to get controlling your bladder............ha fooled you. Grin

Office changed locations and first blood work before the first visit had PSA test results. I passed the test and also passed on to a new doctor. I like the new one much better. Guys understand guy's problems. Enough of her.

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