So God made a grain cart driver


As posted by ?Nelson Stephens? to "Oliver and White Tractors" on Facebook (my apologies if this is a dup!)

So God made a grain cart driver

On the 8th day, God looked at his paradise and thought…
“I need a man that can be responsible for the mistakes that everyone makes. I need a man that is expected to read minds and a man that is to be everywhere he is expected twice as fast as possible.”

So God made a grain cart driver.

God said…
“This man will have to be patient, for he will get his butt chewed like he’s a dog, for simply not being able to see because of the glare of the Sun. This man is expected to have the same view of the cart as the combine driver does, even though he is inside the tractor in front of that cart. He needs to be a man that can make a miracle of a 1000 bushel per minute auger unload at double that and be expected to knock his teeth out driving back in the field to the combine at nearly road speed.”

So God made a grain cart driver.

God said…
“This man will be solely responsible for not spilling grain, but also smart enough to run over skips in the field so it looks clean. I need this man to be able to understand hand gestures that change every day. I need this man to hold his tongue when he’s told it’s all his fault and be willing to grease the combine every day.”

So God made a grain cart driver.
I owed my bil. a days work several years ago. His regular grain cart driver was sick so he asked if I would run the cart for him that day. When I got home that night I told my wife
I will kill myself before I ever do that again.
Reading that first paragraph, I thought you were going to say God made a husband. LOL
Never could run the grain cart. It made me too nervous. Bouncing through the field at 16-18 mph in a 300hp tractor pulling a 1200 bushel cart. I could hear my grandpa's and my dad's voice in my head saying slow the HE77 down. You're going to break something. They were'nt the ones I was working for.

The guy that ran the cart for us most of the time was a city type and didn't know any better.
I do some cart driving for a neighbor. He's so scared of breaking something that there is no filling on the move (I'm comfortable with it, he isn't). And he'd rather have the cart driver take it easy, don't want to break anything. Above all, don't break anything!!!!


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