strange foot prints on my lawn


Well-known Member
In the last few months there has been several posts about killing off weeds in preparation for a garden, using roundup or something similar. Well those posts were well timed for me because I am reclaiming an old garden space that I haven't used for several yrs.and it has grown up with grass and weeds. 2 wks ago I sprayed the area with a product from Agway called Clean Up Grass and Weed Killer and in the process I got my shoes wet with the stuff. Well yesterday I noticed foot prints on the lawn everywhere I walked after spraying the garden area. The footprints run several hundred feet long, I can understand several feet maybe, but not several hundred feet. The pictures clearly show the prints. Has anybody else experienced that. I guess it's a good idea to wash your shoes immediately before walking on any grass you like.

I drove back over an area where I sprayed glyphosate this summer, and then drove onto some grass. You can see the tractor tracks in the brown grass, just like your foot prints.
The county extension agent tells a story when he does the review for the pesticide exam about when somebody sprayed the field behind him then drove out across his yard and left two dead tracks all the way to the road.
It hasn't cleared up the Toe nail fungus yet I will monitor and update. LOL
Where are you? Have you had a frost? When walking, or particularly driving on frost can cause a burn on the grass.
Along with rubber gloves, I wear a cheap pair of dairy boots when hand spraying chemicals. Like leather work gloves, leather work shoes can absorb chemicals sprays too.

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