Finally Got Some Hay Weather

Part Time Pete

Well-known Member
It's been a tough summer for hay weather this year, but we finally got a nice stretch of dry weather. This weekend I finally just about finished up my first cutting. Now to find a home for it - the barn is about full
Nice picture...where are you located?I'm done for the season.Finished second cutting red clover two weeks ago.Cleaned,greased and put everything away this past weekend.My least favorite thing to do!Took this picture back in late June.Had good hay weather this year in SW Washington.

PMS - Central NY - I'm about 20 mile southwest of Loren the ACG. This year we had plenty of rain, so the hay grew well, but it was hard to string together enough good days to get it dry. On the upside, the rain helped the second growth, so the hay still has some green to it.
My buddy would love your fleet - he's all red. My favorite of his is the 756 - that's a great tractor. Also, those are interesting looking tedders - what brand are they?
Pete,one is a sitrex 300 haybob the other is a lely lotus 300...both are tedder/ rake combo's.Bought a six basket tedder for next year.The two basket tedder/rakes work good on small fields.Anything over 8-10 acres I use two which takes another operator,the reason for buying bigger tedder.
Finding a long enough stretch of dry weather has been a problem for me this summer here in NWIA. I baled the third cutting of alfalfa a little tough a week ago and the way the bales smell now I am going to sell it for cheap cow hay. I don't think the horses will like it. Fourth cutting will come in a couple of weeks. Maybe the weather can put together five or six good drying days by then.
Very nice! We have a second cutting waiting on the weather to clear. Took some soil samples tonight for lime and fertilizer recommendations. Already planning for 2018 hay season....

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