Old guys hearing!

Brown Swiss

Well-known Member
I was greasing the spreader and said to the old guy, looks like I have a bearing out on the right beater!

His response was a little funny look and says, you have a bearing out in the light meter?

Just a pause and a smile from me and said, Ya, Ya that is what I said! LOL
I had a tree trimming guy over tonight to give me a price on taking some trees down,,,talk about deaf - either he don't use hearing protection all day with chainsaws, or it's the Harley he rides around to give quotes.
I can hear people talking to me, but the words get all scrambled up in my compuker like mind. Then I have to ask them what they said, and they get annoyed so I just nod my head, up and down, or sideways.
Either one will do it! I used to drive a Triumph with straight pipes and use Homelite chain saws, and then 30 years in noisy industry. Going to take a serious look at hearing aids next winter.
My wife wears hearing aids and I don't need them.

She gets feedback or something in them that causes her to talk softer than she normally did. Then if I ask her to repeat herself, she yells at me that I have a hearing problem. I had my hearing tested at the VA last April and it's still basically normal. Now she doesn't believe the VA's hearing test and still insists I have a problem.

Oh well.
About 15 years ago, a hearing specialist made a convincing speech to me that my hearing would never be better than it was at that exact point in time.

Any time I do anything that makes noise, ear plugs go in.
(reply to post at 18:46:57 08/01/17) [/quot

I'm like you, I can hear the words but I can't understand them. Hearing aids do help somewhat but sometimes they just make the garble louder.
Well, fellas, you can & I have poked fun at the hard of hearing before, but when your time comes, & it will if you live long enough, you will have a whole different view. It is much, much more than asking someone to repeat something. Sooner or later people just isolate themselves.........it ain't pretty.
I can id with that ! Am 74 and cannot understand my 12.5 yr old daughter's words.... without my VA supplied aids !!
Having run jackhammers in college w/o any hearing protection, I know my hearing is less than perfect. (I'm 67) I can hear when talking one-on-one to someone but in a crowded room with lots of background noise (weddings, restaurant, etc) I struggle to make out what people are saying. Considering that I'm getting close to retirement and will be spending a lot of time working by myself out in the fields and woods, it's probably not the end of the world.
I'm 90 dB (Decibel, power ratio thing.....9 zero's:1) down. Best hearing aids I found with external adjustment capability (3 dots on the side for electronic programming) and all the frills. Only bring things up +30 dB (3 zeros:1). Does nothing for the words all jammed together as others have noted, with no spaces or punctuation. Lots of times you have to hear the whole statement and digest it before you decipher what was said.......that occurs about half way through the speaker repeating themselves. Audiologist/Dr./business owner/saleswoman has a PhD in the subject and is legally deaf herself.

What's neat about it is you don't have to listen to a bunch of "noise" that's out there and those of you who can still hear know well about that. Other thing is you can incorporate "selective hearing" at will..........."honey, would you come over here and DO this" type things for distasteful chores.
My hearing is not to bad, even though I was around 2500 hhp frac pumps most of my life, or on offshore drilling rigs w/o much ear protection.

My dad was deaf in his right ear. When he was a youngster he was crawling around my grandmothers wood stove and some boiling water spilt in his hear destroying his eardrum. Ouch.

It was his right ear. I remember many times sitting in the back seat of the car, listening to momma talking to him. He had it down pat, he knew to nod every now and then, but we all knew he didn't here a darn thing.
That reminds me of the guy who thought his wife said she was going down to Tupelo to see Aunt Rose. He'd never heard of an Aunt Rose, and said as much. She repeated it louder - "I said the temperature got down to two below and it froze!"
Remember Larry Storch in F-Troop? He always used to mumble something then come up with a good comeback when asked what he said, like "looks like rain and I forgot my umbrella" when he had said something like " that sure is a dumb fella"
My wifes gone now to get her hearing checked. the kids brow-beat her into going. I have hearing loss but not as bad as her.
I can repeat stuff to her that someone else said in the same room. If she gets hearings aids then I'm probably in trouble.
I have an uncle close to 90 now. He has always been hard of hearing and we had to yell to communicate with him. For his birthday last year my wife bought a thing at walmart in the seen on tv section. It was called 30 times or 30 plus or something. About 20 bucks and you can carry on a good conversation with him now. He uses it all the time and it made his life easier. I should buy one for myself but now I can hear what I want to and ignore the rest. Tommy
I have those and do not use them. Under the perfect conditions they will work but when you are where you need to be able to hear there if a just a tiny bit of background noise they amplyfie that and not the voice you need to be able to hear. If I was just setting in a quiet house watching TV they might help on that but do no goon when I am here on the computor. And you do not want to try one in each ear, they cancle each other out.

Be careful now, she will hear every toot...

My hearing is worse in the upper octaves. Makes it hard to hear if there is a lot of background noise. I just turned on the closed captioning on the tv and that helps a lot with not running the volume too high. Postponing the inevitable.


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