Why I don't work Sundays


Well-known Member
I just put a new U-joint in the feed grinder two months ago. I needed to grind a load this morning before I fed cows. That won't hurt a thing,right? Guess again.
I had 20 acres of hay to rake and bale yesterday,then I had to get back to the show to bring my tractors home,so I figured I'd just knock out a quick load before I did any other chores this morning. This is how it goes any time I try to do anything on Sunday.
Growing up on a little dairy farm in the 60's my Dad used to say it didn't pay to try to work Sundays as that was the only day of the week something would break down and nothing was open to get any parts. It didn't change fact that farming was and still is a 7 day per week job.
Who picked Sunday as the Sabbath? How does it work if you are not a Christian? Just some dumb questions I can not answer but maybe you can. Happy farming.
U-joint burned out. PTO shaft is laying on the tongue,the other yoke is above it,still on the shaft.
Well,we're not supposed to talk religion and I won't,but my first lesson in "diversity" when I was just a kid was the Cockshutt dealer here who was a Seventh Day Adventist. The dealership was closed on Saturday,but open on Sunday.

I'm just taking it as a sign. It seems like it's gotten worse for me since Dad passed away. I remember when the barn burned back in 1964. It burned on a Sunday. One of the first things Dad said was "I'll never work on Sunday again". If these are messages from beyond,I got the message a long time ago. I just need little reminders like this I guess. I'm just glad they're small messages and not something larger.

I blame it on inferior Chinese parts. They've had enough time in our supply chain to bankrupt the US manufacturers or buy a US brand name and then start selling cheap junk under that name. It's getting hard to find good quality replacement parts anymore.
Wow. Ummmmmmm maybe better to email instead of having a long discussion/ explanation on here. Or Google provides a good bit of insight. We headed to church in a bit then some easy " work " around here. Pick veggies maybe wash tractors for show next Saturday. But we try not to do anything major. Our business is closed on Sundays. No work there at all.
It don't bother me to work on Sunday if I need to get some thing done , I just go and do it. Equipment will break just as good any day of the week . Most of the time I don't even know for sure what day of the week it is anyway , Cows to milk , calves to feed, work just goes on , regardless of the day on the calendar. Not going to watch hay rot in the rain on Monday , because I didn't bale it on Sunday.
My folks are seventh day Adventist .as soon as I moved away I gave up church for years now my wife and I are active ,happy Baptist. Still hard to go help my folks. They won't work Saturday and we don't work Sunday. Lol go help on Friday!! We believe people need a day of rest. Heck if God took a day of rest ........maybe a good idea
WORK on Sunday ,,. We will BREAK Down on Monday ! , Dad always used to Say///// For you novices ,, Ok ,LOL,,. ,. that is a Farmhand 810-812 Feed Gtinder with no visible means of powering it ,..the recently replaced cross kit failed ,, in the P:TO ,,. Randy,, Do Youthink you mite ahad a clip pin just alittle lessthan PERFECT ??? ,.
A buddy of mine once had a hay stack spontaneously combust and burn.

His father swore to the day he died that the reason the stack did that was because it was put up on Sunday. Who can argue?
Actually, the blame lies not with "China" itself but with manufacturers (including North American ones) who order cheaply-made inexpensive
parts from China. Remember, China can make anything you want and if you wish to pay the fiddler, they'll make any product which is the equal
or better than something made elsewhere.
I have to work on Sunday frequently... I usually try to remember it is the Lord's day, and take time to thank him for it. Sometimes it seems his day is the only day of the week to get something done weather wise.

I've often wondered what the difference was between sitting on the tractor and thanking God for the opportunity, or sitting in church thinking of what work you could be doing!
Not to get religious here, but there were only certain activities the ancient believers were to avoid on Sunday, if truly interested, check with the Old Testament. You can only imagine the life of those folks required plenty of work just to survive.

Grandpa was a firm believer in not working on Sunday also. The cows and chickens still got fed, but he used the majority of the day for activities not practiced much today: VISITING. He would head out to see some folks who needed a visit- friends, neighbors, strangers. Just sit and talk, sometimes never even getting out of the car. His version of Facebook, I guess.

I often thought how much easier it was to do it all in six days when he was retired and I worked. Dad said the Store was open seven days a week before Gramps retired, not sure how that computed. Now that I live here, I still can't get it all done in seven days, so why bother?
For many years I worked for a grocery chain that was open 7 days a week, some of the stores were 24/7. I got hammered by a preacher for working for a company that was open on Sunday. My answer was how did he justify working EVERY Sunday. As far as I knew, he did his pastoral duties every day of the week as well.
Doesn't seem to matter if it's a Sunday or a Thursday. Stuff breaks the same either way. You just remember the stuff that breaks on Sunday more. If you had ground feed yesterday or waited 'til Moday, the u-joint would have broke just the same, but you wouldn't have chalked it up to the day.
I don't know. It didn't just come apart,it's burned up. I was darned careful when I put it together. I filled the cups with grease and put it together with the press. Everything moved free and I even greased it once since I replaced it.
I tried to bale some on Sunday two years ago. It had been rained on twice and was threatened again,so I just wanted to get it rolled up. The weld broke that holds the tube to the U-joint on the PTO shaft on the baler. No reason on Earth for that to have happened all of a sudden on a baler that was built in 1997. Fresh break,so you can't blame "defect in material or workmanship".
Being a farmer I work everyday that ends in Y. I prefer to take it easy on the weekends and spend time with the wife but when the rest of the week has crappy weather and Saturday/Sunday is the good day then that's when things get done.

Raked and baled 30 acres yesterday, and heading out to rake and baled another 20 today.
Sunday is just another day to me since I retired. I always hated church even when I was a small kid. Would rather have been mowing lawn, than listening to some stuffy old preacher go on and on about some fictional person that could walk on water. He!!, Daffy Duck could do that!!!
In the little country town that I lived in they had a deep water Baptist Church. I was a Teamster and had a very good job with a very good Company. I most likely hade to leave out Sunday afternoon in order to make it to some City for Monday Morning. Two Deacons in the Church were Dairy Farmers. They said that I should not work on Sunday. I said that if I refused my dispatch I would not have a job. They said that it didn't matter they would quit that job. So I ask them what do you do with the milk that you make on Sunday ? They said it goes in the tank and is shipped. I said then you get paid for that milk. They said of course. I said why do you work on Sunday they said there are some things you have to do. I ask why they don't dump the milk made on Sunday and not sell it. They both said they have a mortgage and need the money. I ask what they thought I was going to use for my payments. Yes I walked away from that church and now go to a Methodist Church. Not once did I ever catch the dickens for going to work on Sunday.
Don't remember tearing any thing up on Sundays when I was a kid on a dairy and hog farm. Any day or season, night or day there was something to get done before a rain. I didn't particularly like it after I had a car and a girl friend but that was the way it was. Maybe that was why my dad died at 49 and one brother at 46 from heart attacks or maybe genetics? My mother never missed church though.
My dad used to try to avoid work on Sunday, an didn't plan it to work on Sunday, but if necessary to save the crop, he'd work on Sunday, and take another day. (Dairy farm). I took yesterday off to help supervise state 4-H Shooting Sports contest. Guess I gotta pay now. Just got Duane's binder repaired again. Going to try to do oats in a few minutes. Got some parts from an Amish man up in Isabella county.
Hey,did you get those pictures from the show loaded in to your computer? I forgot the camera. Great show though. Somewhere in the neighborhood of 125 tractors.
Statistically you're no doubt right. In actual real world results in my world,that's not how it works out. I work six days a week. I don't break something every Monday. I don't break something every Tuesday. I don't break something every Wednesday and so on. I DO break something every Sunday if I try to work. That's just the way it is.
I just got it fixed and came in to get something to eat. I have to go back out and feed cattle,then I'm done for the day. I was gonna get the combine up in front of the shop and do a little tinkering on the reels,but not now. My back's hurting from bending over working on that thing and with my luck I'd put an eye out or something.
I guess you can now,but for a long time,I believe Hudsonville Michigan had a city ordinance against even mowing your lawn on Sunday. I suppose I could go along with that. If I was laying in my hammock trying to listen to the Tigers on the radio,I wouldn't want to hear somebody's lawnmower over the fence.
You have my sympathy. Two things I don't have to do. I don't have to have an off farm income and I don't have to work Sundays. I remember an old guy here who used to scoff at lights on a tractor. He said if he couldn't get it done in the daylight,it didn't need to get done. That's how I am about Sundays. If I can't get it done in six days,it ain't gonna get done. It takes some planning ahead to make sure I don't have hay down for a Sunday,but that's how I roll. If trying to figure out how to work around Sundays is my biggest challenge in life,I'm pretty satisfied with my life. What can I say?
I don't think the problem these days is getting folks to follow The Lord's lead in not working one day a week,the problem is getting them to follow His lead on working the
the other six(LOL)
My brother lived in a subdivision near Kaukana Wisconsin and all weekend long you heard lawn mowers, weed wackers, chain saws, you name it. I thought we heard every possible type of small engine and a guy fired up a gas powerwasher and started washing his deck. That place was a living hell and was never quiet all weekend. I told him he should get a collection of 10 hit and miss engines and let them run in his backyard all weekend to be even more annoying than the rest of them. Get up every saturday at 7am and start firing them up!
2underage, the way I understand it, the Sabbath was observed by the Jews, it was not just by choice, it was the law!

But, following the crucifixion and resurrection, the followers of Christ wanted to break from the Jewish tradition, and were no longer under the law. Since Christ rose on Sunday, they changed their day of worship to Sunday.

So long as we set aside a day for God, it doesn't really matter what day, we are still covered by His grace!
Check that old testament closely and you'll find that was Saturday,the seventh day of the week,not Sunday the first day of the week. Jesus went to church on Saturday.
It takes some planning ahead to make sure I don't have hay down for a Sunday,but that's how I roll.

With the amount of hay I make myself and the weather we've been having this year I would have very little hay made. Well over half of my hay so far this year has been baled on a Sunday and most was followed by rain on Monday.
Ya,desperate time call for desperate measures. I remember one year being kind of trying,but we got through. A neighbor's wife was telling that year about another year like that way back when. She said her dad absolutely would not work on Sunday,but he made a few exceptions that year. If I had to bale on Sunday,it'd darned well better rain on Monday because I'd have the baler sitting in the shop working on it all day for sure. There wouldn't be any baling done on Monday,rain or not. I'd be fixing things.
I've been to birthday things and open houses in town where the next door neighbor had no consideration at all. They couldn't have mowed their lawn in the morning,or wait until the party's over,they had to do it while it was going on.
Since the cross kit was only two months old, I wonder if you or others do as the local blacksmith does when replacing a cross kit---hold it up with one hand and give a good WHACK to each cap with a hammer...to realign and settle into place, to make sure it swings freely in all directions.
Cross kits ain't what they used to be.... Really. I researched it. A lot of the replacements are rated at 25% less capacity than the spicer you replaced on that shaft. If you can't upsize the shaft, try to find the extended life cross kits.

That stuff doesn't happen every Monday,but it does happen every Sunday if I try to work.
I drove a truck for a a year and had to work Sundays every week, but a lot of truck stops have pastors that have a little service right there at the truck stop. I would take a hour break and attend.I don't know if you can do that anymore. They have the rules all messed up now days. Never noticed any more bad things happening because of working on Sunday.
The old law has been anuled. Heb. 7:18
Freedom has taken it's place. Romans 14 is the Liberty chapter. We can eat any kind of food we want or worship on any day we want.
A load of lettuce from Mexico or a load of boxed beef from Colorado can't wait a extra day to be delivered to NY city.
There are two new commandments. Mat. 22:37-40. You shall love the Lord with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and great commandment, and the second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. On these two commandments hang all the law and the Prophets.
I would sure hate for one of those do anything we want to people to come to my place while the wife and daughters were home alone. LOL
WE blew up 2 joints in 1 day last week ,,. actualy my neighbor busted one when we put his Belaerus on the baler ,. he and i felt more comfortable with his tractor ,. while i attended my B-i-Ls funeral ,.. ,i t happened just as i came back to the field,. he had crossed a terrace , and up jumpt the Devil. He needed to go drive for Coca -cola. so i took over , put my 4020 back on the baler .. robbed a shaft from another haybine,. thought clearance was good,.NOW , you DEERE fellas know the 4020 allows simple shortening or lenghthen of the drawbar,. but somehow that u - joint cross got to smelling and cookin ,,..i wrapt it in furnace tape and finished the baling .it rained before daylite thursday ,./now i have 2 u-joints to repair ,,.
I'm telling you what,the saga continues. The wife was watching something on TV this afternoon that I didn't have any desire to watch,so I went out and fixed the front tire on her 55. I just went back out and it's flat again. That was a total waste of time,unless you consider the fact that I eliminated one hole.
we DONT work on sundays period and have found GOD truly blesses those who support him and honor him---dad was a pastor and taught as a family not to disobey GOD and I cant count the blessings he has bestowed on us
My Daffy Duck is better than your Daffy Duck. My
Mother was very religious and very judgemental if you weren't on her side. Turned me and most of my siblings away from religion.
I told a preacher friend that he worked harder on sunday than any other day.

What if you needed a doctor on sunday and the er was closed with a sign, (come back monday).

If you are a really good preson, that should last all week, not just sunday because you went to church.
(quoted from post at 07:23:58 07/30/17) For many years I worked for a grocery chain that was open 7 days a week, some of the stores were 24/7. I got hammered by a preacher for working for a company that was open on Sunday. My answer was how did he justify working EVERY Sunday. As far as I knew, he did his pastoral duties every day of the week as well.

Now, js, you'll never get me to believe that you were hammered by a preacher. Now it could be that you knew that you deserved hammering and so you felt like you were getting hammered.
(quoted from post at 11:13:16 07/30/17) 2underage, the way I understand it, the Sabbath was observed by the Jews, it was not just by choice, it was the law!

But, following the crucifixion and resurrection, the followers of Christ wanted to break from the Jewish tradition, and were no longer under the law. Since Christ rose on Sunday, they changed their day of worship to Sunday.

So long as we set aside a day for God, it doesn't really matter what day, we are still covered by His grace!

Correct Steve, I am a believer too. I spend the morning at church and usually go to evening service, but if I have something to get done in the afternoon it is not a problem for me to do it.
Romans 14;5----Colossians 2;16----Acts 20;7 Rember that the Law was nailed to the cross so that Grace may abound.
Tom if you or anybody else would provide their mailing address I will send a book (totally not pushing any one church or so called religion) of bible questions and answers.
I would be happy to mail you a book not supporting any one church or religion of bible questions and answers. Just e mail your address.
Friend wouldn't work on Sundays. Said he wasn't religious but he was superstitious.
2 things worth noting on this topic...

First... I am a farmer... animials gotta eat 7 days a week. So for some tasks there is no break from.

Second .... as I have been told by a pastor, the Bible says to keep a sabbath holy.... as far as I know of in the Bible and from what I have been told by others it's modern church doctrine that chose to interpret the sabbath as being Sunday's. If ya follow Gods word on the Bible as far as I understand your sabbath day of rest can be any day ... not restricted to Sunday.

Sombody correct me if I'm wrong?
(quoted from post at 22:02:33 07/30/17) 2 things worth noting on this topic...

First... I am a farmer... animials gotta eat 7 days a week. So for some tasks there is no break from.

Second .... as I have been told by a pastor, the Bible says to keep a sabbath holy.... as far as I know of in the Bible and from what I have been told by others it's modern church doctrine that chose to interpret the sabbath as being Sunday's. If ya follow Gods word on the Bible as far as I understand your sabbath day of rest can be any day ... not restricted to Sunday.

Sombody correct me if I'm wrong?

There are already a number of posts in this thread about what you are saying.
(quoted from post at 12:26:45 07/30/17) Sunday is just another day to me since I retired. I always hated church even when I was a small kid. Would rather have been mowing lawn, than listening to some stuffy old preacher go on and on about some fictional person that could walk on water. He!!, Daffy Duck could do that!!!

That's insulting Loren. I'd thought you above that. My mistake.
I still don't understand what it is I am looking at. All I see are 3 mill screens laying on top of machine with like a few pieces of a pencil laying on top, See nothing about a shaft but know nothing about the grinder mixers except that they use screens like the old 70+ year old stationary hammer mills.
(quoted from post at 09:34:21 07/31/17) I still don't understand what it is I am looking at. All I see are 3 mill screens laying on top of machine with like a few pieces of a pencil laying on top, See nothing about a shaft but know nothing about the grinder mixers except that they use screens like the old 70+ year old stationary hammer mills.
On the lower part of the picture you see the PTO shaft hanging down. Then go up and look right next to that roller chain and you will see the other part of the u-joint sticking out.
I don't think I need Your book if it gives a 10% or 20% discount on the ten commandments, or alters a bunch of them to fit their lifestyle.
(quoted from post at 05:31:54 07/31/17)
(quoted from post at 12:26:45 07/30/17) Sunday is just another day to me since I retired. I always hated church even when I was a small kid. Would rather have been mowing lawn, than listening to some stuffy old preacher go on and on about some fictional person that could walk on water. He!!, Daffy Duck could do that!!!

That's insulting Loren. I'd thought you above that. My mistake.

Bret I have to agree. I am surprised.
Book has little to say about ten commandments except to sat they are old Jewish law which has little to do with grace. Why not e mail your address and see for yourself?

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