collecting in the future

Hoofer B

Well-known Member
The post below on collectable autos got me thinking. What will todays youth be collecting down the road? My quess would be flip phones and VCR's, or perhaps nothing. Any ideas???
Probably nothing. People usually collect things that mean something to them. Most of today's youth don't care about anything. Not all, but most I figure. That's just my opinion though.
I pretty much agree with you. I think most people that collect something was exposed to it somewhere early in there lives and for what ever reason developed a passion for it as life went on. Most kids today aren't exposed to anything that would be collectable later on. Much of today's stuff is designed to be throwaway when finished so its not even available to be collected if someone wanted to. Also to collect stuff means having some money, time and place for it and today's life styles and life situations make that tough for most people.
Well, my grand kids will probably collect guns, cows, tractors, shop equipment, and a lot of other farm related stuff, as they are exposed to it all now.
Richard in NW SC
I think we all forget that when we were young, few of us gave much thought to "things or items" around us as being collectable. They were just there and part of our life. Interest in them might happen later in life, so if a young person has no interest in anything right now, that doesn't mean they won't in 35 years.
(quoted from post at 05:26:15 07/15/17) I think we all forget that when we were young, few of us gave much thought to "things or items" around us as being collectable. They were just there and part of our life. Interest in them might happen later in life, so if a young person has no interest in anything right now, that doesn't mean they won't in 35 years.

Gotta agree!

I DID ,,.. And i would Bet far more on this Forum Will Agree with Me ,,. That Is Why WE ARE HERE ,,. ..We Are a little Different than Most anyone out there in this throwaway world ,.. shux , i feel more secure or comfortable with letting any of the folx i have met on here rummage thru my shop ,have dinner and talk with my wife or even spend the nite in my house than some of the modern kids in my own EXTENDED family ...............notice i stated( extended )..My Kidz and GRAN Kids are Fine ..///// the problem with the scumthese daze with the liberalbent in their lilly livered back side is . "They put a price on Everything and A VALUE on NUTHIN ",until that liberalbent is realized to be acomplete farce and a social disease that it is. you can expect the standard of living to continue to decline for those that have conditiond themselves to accept such slavery ..///////// my gransons pal come by to visit , and i overheard the pal sayin to mikey,." your granpa is rich !,. he has all this land and cows and tractors , he must have a lot of money ", to which mikey says "no ,not so much money , just a lot to do all the time that gets ya dirty ",,.,. i had to smile and wonder what will hap;pen next generation ,,,. but i know one thing ,,. I AM RICH in more ways than just plain OL MOney..,i am blessed to have a good rural life style in the best country in the world defended by the best minds and warriors and i am proud to be a part of feeding this hungry world ,. and i am damproud of these United States of America
I DID ,,.. And i would Bet far more on this Forum Will Agree with Me ,,. That Is Why WE ARE HERE ,,. ..We Are a little Different than Most anyone out there in this throwaway world ,.. shux , i feel more secure or comfortable with letting any of the folx i have met on here rummage thru my shop ,have dinner and talk with my wife or even spend the nite in my house than some of the modern kids in my own EXTENDED family ...............notice i stated( extended )..My Kidz and GRAN Kids are Fine ..///// the problem with the scumthese daze with the liberalbent in their li y live red back side is . "They put a price on Everything and A VALUE on NUTHIN ",until that li---bent is realized to be acomplete farce and a social disease that it is. you can expect the standard of living to continue to decline for those that have conditiond themselves to accept such slavery ..///////// my gransons pal come by to visit , and i overheard the pal sayin to mikey,." your granpa is rich !,. he has all this land and cows and tractors , he must have a lot of money ", to which mikey says "no ,not so much money , just a lot to do all the time that gets ya dirty ",,.,. i had to smile and wonder what will hap;pen next generation ,,,. but i know one thing ,,. I AM RICH in more ways than just plain OL MOney..,i am blessed to have a good rural life style in the best country in the world defended by the best minds and warriors and i am proud to be a part of feeding this hungry world ,. and i am damproud of these United States of America
I DID ,,.. And i would Bet far more on this Forum Will Agree with Me ,,. That Is Why WE ARE HERE ,,. ..We Are a little Different than Most anyone out there in this throwaway world ,.. shux , i feel more secure or comfortable with letting any of the folx i have met on here rummage thru my shop ,have dinner and talk with my wife or even spend the nite in my house than some of the modern kids in my own EXTENDED family ...............notice i stated( extended )..My Kidz and GRAN Kids are Fine ..///// the problem with sumthese days with the li--ralbent in their li y live r ed back side is . "They put a price on Everything and A VALUE on NUTHIN ",until that li---al bent is realized to be acomplete farce and a social disease that it is. you can expect the standard of living to continue to decline for those that have conditiond themselves to accept such sla v ery ../////////gonna leave with a hope note or funny// my gransons and a pal come by to visit , and i overheard the pal sayin to mikey,." your granpa is rich !,. he has all this land and cows and tractors and stuff , he must have a lot of money ", to which mikey says "no ,not so much money , just a lot to do all the time that gets ya dirty ",,.,. i had to smile and wonder what will happen next generation ,They will have to figure it out and i am confident they will ,,. but i know one thing ,,. I AM RICH in more ways than just plain OL MOney..,i am blessed to have a good rural life style in the best country in the world defended by the best minds and warriors and i am proud to be a part of feeding this hungry world ,. and i am damproud of these United States of America
Well, I guess that puts me in my place. I assume your rant was directed at my post? You sound a bit cranky over what I thought was a simple reply on a discussion forum. All I can reply with is something like .... "Good for you." And stop YELLING for heaven's sake.
Probably what most of us think is stupid junk now as anything worth hanging on to will not be very rare down the road.

Cell phones
CD players
Remote controls
Memory sticks and hard drives

What else have you chucked in the garbage recently?
No Crazy Horse , you just raked over a coal that gets me fuming ok ,mainly youngsters values, and sum people out there in partiucular . Not You .. if you and i really sat down a while and talkt it thru i would bet that we could rummage thru one anothers stuff and trade things too ,, sorry torankle you ,,. hope you can have a GREAT Day
The old expression, "If I knew then what I know now, I'd be rich," comes to mind. "Collectability" is such a tricky, ephemeral thing. Heck, if I had saved empty Cheerios boxes with the Lone Ranger's mask on the front back in the early 1950s, I could sell them on eeeBay for who knows how much? Who would have guessed that round oil cans would go for several dollars each at swap meets? Check out Schick razors from the '60s if you want some sticker shock. It's just hard to outguess what will be hot -- although, given enough years, everything seems to become collectible. My philosophy is to save everything, just in case. I think that's called... what is it? Oh, yeah, hoarding.
I don't know but it seems we live in a throw away world, many things not built to last and be passed on. It's also a state of mind. I think collecting is going to decrease.
It will depend on the kid. Many will not be likely to collect any thing but stuff worth nothing. But ones raised like many of us will still probably hold on the what the may need to live like guns tractors and other such stuff.
I have a brother-in-law that collects X-wives, he has three so far. And looking for the next to add to his collection.
Looks like a lot of young folks are going to just collect Welfare, as many are too dumb, lazy , or drugged out to work.
Something that I finally learned when I was collecting toys,and it sounds simple,but COLLECT WHAT YOU LIKE. There are industries that spring up around any kind of collecting that push you toward more and more,and things that might not really interest you just because it's the in thing,but all things fall out of favor eventually and what's the sense being stuck with stuff you don't like?
I don't know about the tattoos. The tattoos that a lot of friends got when they were young look like blobs now. Knew a girl who had a butterfly on her backside. Looks like Rodan now.
In this "Throw Away" world we live in, I believe that'll forge an even stronger sense of collectibles than anything we've known. There will be far fewer of anything that survives, therefore, prices will skyrocket!

Slightly OT, but was reading somewhere not too long ago that the truck we use as our daily driver is actually a collectible now. Got me to worrying a bit. Personally, I can't stand the newer vehicles. But on the other hand, the ever-so-slightly older vehicles are now starting to sell for a lot more than they're really worth. Am afraid that before too many more years, I'll have to get some rusted frame and do a frame-up resto in order to have my "comfy" daily driver! :cry:
Well the first post got me to thinking and this one has gotten me to throw in my 2 cents.
These kids today may be glued to their phones and other electronic toys but look at what they drive or ride--300ZX or some other foreign screamer and if they can afford it Italian sport car or a crotch rocket (so names because they are little and really fast.) Locally we have show what you drive event every Saturday where the older guys drive cobras (real ones), corvettes, jags, etc. and the younger set (25 to 40) come in the foreign sport cars. I happen to have a mid 60's corvette and it always draws a crowd. If a Duesenberg or Cord show up everyone goes there. The Harleys always get a lot of attention.
New subject I have 30-40 something guys that hits the antique shops with a little black light checking out the dishes--depression glass lights up under a black light--and he buys it.
So I believe what we think of a kids will collect, as they age and become more affluent, the same stuff we do. And they will want to drive the cars or use the dishes.
That which is really rare and beautiful will always be collected.
I think the thing with us is the seed for collecting got planted somewhere in our life and it took time to grow. A lot of us are thinking the seed will never get planted with today's generation.
I think you're on the right track. Probably end up being electronics and toys. The electronics that still work will be highly collectable.

Look at the old Nintendo's from the '80's. Those are now sought by the generation that grew up with them.
Crazy Horse I will agree with you. Give today's young folks fifty years and they too will want to collect items that were prominent when they were young. When I was young I was embarrassed to be seen driving our old 35 john Deere A. Now fifty years later I show off this same tractor. Dad bought a new Deere 630 in late 1960 when he could have bought a new 3010. I always felt l was a little lower on the totem pole driving the 630. Now when I drive that 630 I get a feeling of reminiscence.
Collecting seems to be a recent development. I can't remember my father, grandfather or uncles collecting anything for fun or for nostalgia, cigarettes were probably their biggest indulgence. Future generations might spend their hobby and entertainment money on something entirely different: sports; vacations; travel; eating out; entertaining; gardening; home cooking or other crafts; etc.
Went to a large car show 2 weeks ago. Seems people are now collecting Chevettes, and Cavaleers. Go figure
My dad had a tractor repair business starting in 63 and going into the 90's.

I like to collect toy models of the tractors his customers used. Most of the tractors were from the late 30's up to early 70's.

In the 80's. One of dad's customers was a father and son. They had four JD 620's one with loader, one 630, a 1952 B,1939 A with loader. There big tractor was a 4020.

The the old man (the father) is now gone and the grandson is now in charge. He bought a new 79??R. The 4020 is the chore tractor. The loader tractor is now a 4455. The son, who is now 65. Has had the 630 and one 620 restored. Working on the model B and has plans to have the 39 A restored.

He is restoring the tractors he farmed with. The grandpa bought most of them new. I don't think the grandson has much interest in the two cylinders.

It will be interesting to see if the grandson will restore his 79??R and his 4455 thirty years from now.

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