This Week it had been Woops what did I break/tear up now!!!!

JD Seller

Well-known Member
Monday I was cleaning up around the shop at the farm. The pallet racking on the one wall is close to the overhead door. To get pallets in the top tier you have to have the overhead door down for the ceiling clearance. I was only setting one pallet up so I only ran the door down a little bit. So being a sixteen foot tall door it does not catch your eye walking in and out of it. About 10 minutes later I was backing the one combine in so we can get it switched over for oats. I was watching the ground level because with the duals on it only misses the sides of the door by a few inches on each side. WHAM!!!! I hit the over head door with the bin extension. Wrecked the bottom panel and twisted the door track bad. Just installed the door last year. Cost me right at $5K but I finally had a good. well made door. Not for long!!! I got it to where it will work but it sure is not pretty. Door guys coming out next week to see what I need to fix it right. ARGGGGGGGGGG

Then to day I was taking a mixing auger to have a new one made. Chain slipped off and just barely hit the back corner of the rear window on my pickup. BOOM!!!!! Safety glass every where. This window has a power slider in it. Looks like $5-6 hundred plus installation to replace it.

So I am pretty gun shy right now. LOL
Shop I used to work in the guys had a bad habit of opening the doors far enough to walk thru and no higher. After several serious meetings with no results I simply had the springs on the doors set tight enough that you had to hang on when you tripped the latch because they were going to the top full open. Had to really pull the get them closed. No more damaged doors due to being partially open. They still either ran into them or backed into them.
JD ,,. I Have btdt ,... BUT STILL DOing It ,.Mite Say A prayer , and try to Not Beat Yourself up so bad . , Hate To Admit It , But There Are Things i have to Stop And think about Now , That used to come auto matically to me ,.. and the more addled and distracted i get the worse it gets , i have fired myself over it, and then hire myself rite back, because i cant find anoe aa eap as me and then argue with myself for makin a dum dicision ,and let my heart overrule good judgement ,.. LOL ./////i recall , how my DAd backt the car door into the garage ,,he stopt quik enuf , but the hinges were sprung ,.he keptsayin ,: dammit i know better than that " . i am 60 ,try to pay attention , be careful , and hurry things alomg to the best of productive way ,,. and i got neuropathy from the chemo last yr that makes it far more difficult to tie a rope or thread little nutx on bolts ,i am a walkin telephone bookn. alway s was a good speller, i never could type worth a hooot ,and stillcant , but sometimes folx think i cant spell when , i am simply takin shortcuts ... last week, i had doubts about a used tire , but the tire guy says ,,.that tire ought to work alrite , we used a decent 13.6 to match the clutch side tire ,,.got about 12 acres sprayed and i hear this hiss -hiss sound ,.. call him bak , and we put a 14.9 instead of risking trying the other decent 13.6 ,.
I worked at a fertilizer plant in Wi. The first thing the boss did was take me to the overhead door and explained that the door only had 2 positions, all the way up or all the way down. It was a door big enough to put the Patriot sprayer through.
Well your not alone , My buddy calls me Sunday evening and say he has hyd. oil running out from under the seat on his 1066 when he uses the remotes . OK so you have Hyd oil running out from under the seat so now tell me the WHOLE story . And i get WELLLLLLllll ya see i was rushing to try and beat the rain and get that field done in beans and i am not use to this County drill with the dolly wheel and well i caught the hyd hoses while i was turning and ripped them apart and now i have oil running everywhere . SOOOOOOOooooo Monday i go take a look and lets just say it is NOT a simple fix . He about ripped the right hand side seat support with all the Hyd valves and remote valves along with the seat off the tractor , them were some tough hoses . NOW the fun part is trying to find 1 1/4 x 3/8ths bolts We got 1 inchers on hand we have 1 1/2 on hand NO 1 1/4 x3/8ths anywhere in a half days driving distance . No room to drill deeper and use longer and one inch is not enough . So endth day three and the 1066 is still down. Guess i will have to make two bolts up .
When we moved here in "72, the neighbor a mile away had a grain buying business on the farm- 3x the size of the town elevator. Multiple times guys came in with straight trucks, into the enclosed dump area, raised the box to unload, and drove off while the box was still up. Even his own truckers!
Keep things in perspective and apply my wife's favorite line...."did anyone get hurt?" well no. "then it doesn't seem so bad. just get out there and fix it"
Tractorvet. Bolts can be shortened by adding hex nuts or flat washers, or by using cut off wheel and grinder
So my broken rear truck window goes like this: I was tossing new cut locust Fence posts into the back of the pickup. As the load got higher, I skipped one straight into the window. A thousand hairline cracks. As I stood there thinking that's not good, POP, the window exploded. And next, I kid you not, it started raining. So, those posts turned out to be more than free.
Northvale you just reminded me of something I did 35 years ago or so. I had forgotten about it till now. I threw the tailgte of my 79 Power Wagon through the rear window. I forget the fine details but I was in a raging snowstorm with the wind at my tail end. For some reason I took the tailgate off and tossed it in the back of,the pickup. The wind gave it more velocity than I had intended and it ended up breaking the rear cab window.
I was at a local Amish sawmill yesterday. Watched the battery fall out of the loader they have. It fell out, and the guy ran it over...popped it like a zit! I guess he bought a new one a couple days ago, and forgot to strap it in. Don't think the warranty covers that! He paid $200 for it, mashed it, then another $200 to replace it.
Our company also had a rule,just like Dave Sherburn said: door had to be full open or full closed.It was a punish/fire offense.We saw many doors busted over the years until that rule!
Good luck with your next move!I know about being gunshy.Mark
know the feeling last month had a could been way worse happening. brand new skidloader was using dumping items onto flat bed trailer next thing i knew was crash and ouch on my hands, the skidlader bucket came thru the windshield door of unit endwise into cab, clear into my hands on controls. would been worse if i had not just instinct pull back machine, when i came back down bucket and door/windshield frame were laying on ground. that 72" bucket would been into my chest. never thought see day of skidloader bucket inside cab endwise but it did. was very lucky that day!!! only cut hands and broken joystick controls, and all front cab need replaced, so yea first thing i ask also anybody hurt then it will be fine. ran those units since little guy. never wat go thru that again.
When my son turned 21, I gave him my 14 year old pickup. He has had some bad luck. When this 2wd truck was still new he took it out "mudding" in a field. Busted the radiator. I explained to him why you don't do this with a stock, light duty 2wd truck and if he had asked me beforehand, this could have been prevented. Next was a tree limb falling on the cab. The lesson learned from this is don't use your truck to stand on when sawing a tree limb. Most recent was a deer hitting him in the drivers door. Deer was standing along road and ran right into the drivers door. My son came home and reported this to me thinking I should know about it. I reminded him the truck is his and I don't have a financial interest in what happens to it so he shouldn't feel obligated to report to me. No humans injured in all of this which is a blessing.
sounds like she has a good handle/perspective on life.

my folks are generally that way when i was growing up. unless i did something really stupid.. most via not studying in school.
I always feared that about skid loaders. If something goes wrong it will end up in your lap ! I feel much safer on a tractor loader where you are back a ways.
That is what I meant. Lots of times longer bolts have enough threads to shorten and work like factory shorter ones. Bad proofreading on my part. Although I use both methods on my projects.

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