Those words you fear...

K Effective

Well-known Member
That's right- the cows are out!

Got a call this morning from SWMBO: there's a heifer in the corn field (NOT the pasture next to it). I was at the restaurant enjoying my breakfast with coworkers after our four night weekend. I guess the neighbor had his annual hour-long semi-pro fireworks display last night. I figure that probably spooked the group and she made it through the fence. Fence is all intact and was energized. She was out for a while, pile in the barn yard and tracks into the neighbor's hay field (still uncut this year). When I got home, there was someone shooting a rifle from the property behind us, I figured they were harvesting some wild beef. But, all but one girl was accounted for inside the barrier. She kinda headed for the horse pen next door, but I cut her off, then walked slowly past her and called the girls to eat. She followed them towards me, and when I opened the gate on the corner of the pasture, she jogged right in with her sisters.

Just another day on the farm. My daughter named that heifer Independence. I think we'll go with Indy, for short.
I have a neighbor who has cows out nearly every day of the week. Worst part is, he doesn't care - nor does he care when they cause damage to your property.

Had a bull come in the yard Sat morning, left, then came back with a cow. This morning at 6:30, had 1/2 dozen calves come tromping through the yard setting off the alarms.

Last time I noticed a bull, it was white, and it actually charged us from 200+ yards away as we were driving by on the road!

Can't even begin to tell you how many times he's been fined, but he never seems to care.
We were at the rodeo a few years ago and my brother called my nephew,told him to tell me there were cows out. Had to come all the way home from the fair.

Just this past Friday night,getting ready to go to the rodeo again. Somebody came whipping in the yard and said there was a calf in the road. I headed right out there and never did find it. The sound of her tires hitting the gravel in the driveway must have scared it back in I guess.
My cousin is township supervisor and constable in the township that corners with ours. There was a guy right down around the corner from him who had cows out all the time. In places,all he had for fence was a smooth wire wrapped around the trees. All the other neighbors were constantly complaining about them wandering the neighborhood. They took him to court (again) and he said they weren't his. The judge told my cousin "All right,they're not his. Next time they're out,get some help to round them up,send them to the sale barn and have the check sent to the court.".

That got his attention.
Got a call at work one time. It was the neighbor lady telling me my cows were out in my newly planted alfalfa field. Rushed home to put them in and they were the neighbor ladies. I guess that way her husband didn't have to take of work.
The Hogs are out is worse,think hogs know when you're gone every year when we'd go to the state fair when we got home the hogs were out, rarely got out any other time.Or maybe they got lonesome since its was about the only time everyone left home at once.
The words that I found most fearful were administered by a doctor. Following my heart attack in Jan 2014 (2 stents and good progress towards recovery), this Doc came into my hosp room and announced that the images showed that I had Lymphoma in the lymph glands surrounding my heart. Nothing else in my life compared to that!

Fast forward.... enlarged lymph nodes (10 X), but no evidence of Lymphoma. Intensive blood tests every 6 months and CT scans now 1 X per year.

If only "the cows had been out" life would have been 1000X better.

Keep it all in perspective....

Paul in MN
not bad if it is you wife of a year or so, but terrible when you were 17 and she was 15, Or your wife telling what your teen daughter told her.
Some idiot ran me off the road and I wrecked.
Wifes Great Uncle always had cows get out in the neighbors field. He solved problem by buying the neighbors field. Cows still got out but now their not in the neighbors so not a
One time that was a good thing...I had a neighbor who was more long-winded than I am...a stop was easily 1 1/2 hr or more. Had to see him for a quick question, so when I left home I told the better half that if I wasn"t home by X time, call his house and say the cows are out. Worked pretty well! I was surprised, and glad, that he didn"t offer to come along to get them back in.
Growing up on dairy, all I had to hear was a car honking it's
horn at 2 am. No one had to say COWS ARE OUT. The honking horn
was enough to get out of bed, I know what was coming next, cows
are out.
Our neighbor always had cows out. As rrlund said neighbors brought in portable corralls, loaded
them up and hauled them to the sale barn. Heck they were hungry he never fed them. Then he won
several hundred thousand dollars in the lottery, go figure.
just put 2 of neighbors calves in his pasture; were blocking county road. He told someone a month ago he needed to move'em (30 head)as they'd run out of grass. Said if he didn't, they'd move themselves. And they did. His pasture across the road is 70 ac. of untouched grass & he had'em in a woodlot next to his house. Happens every year. Strangest cattle owner I've ever seen.

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