Missing corn and one-row planter?


Well-known Member
We are on our second year in northern Michigan. Still a learning curve involved here. Our fields are surrounded by woods. Lots of wildlife. After growing crops in New York for 40 years, I thought I learned most of the tricks and problems. Now a little stumped.

We just lost all our sweet corn. We planted three types at different intervals. Seems once it was up to 1/2" to 1", it was totally removed. I have never had this happen before. I've had crows pull out corn, eat the seed and then spit out the rest to be found laying on the ground. This time - no trace of anything. One difference here over NY is the soil is sandier and corn pulls out much easier. No rock-hard muck like we had in central NY. We have lots of crows, ravens, sand-hill cranes, etc. around here.

We have two different planting areas. One is totally protected with real fence. I.e. no rabbits can get in, or deer, or elk, or whatever. The other just has 5 strand electric fence run on solar. Both places wiped out.

We have been gone 2-3 days at a time this year and am wondering if the animals around here know it?

Last year we had similar problems but not quite as bad. I finally had to put a radio in the field blasting all the time. I also put netting over the corn. That seemed to work but that netting is miserable to get off the corn once it starts to grow.

We just replanted everything with my old "one row" planter. Pretty good tech for a planter that is maybe 100 years old?
I guess I will cover all I can with netting. Now I need to find a 12 volt radio for the field that only has solar electic.

I still have no idea what is robbing the corn. Potatoes are all up and nothing has touched them.



Is there a Crop Production Services location up that way? They have,or can get,Avipel. It's a bird repellant. It's pointless to even try to plant corn here without it. the sandhill cranes will eat it as fast as you can put it in the ground. If some does escape them,they'll pull it up after it starts to grow and eat what's left of the seed off the seedling. It's not restricted use,anybody can buy it.
Don't pay any mind to the 1-1-17 expiration date,it's been extended.
Thanks for the info. This is the first time I've lived in a area with sand-hill cranes. Neat birds but I wish they'd pick on someone else. There is 20 acres of field corn just down the road from me and it looks perfect. But - I guess that farmer dipped his seed. I asked at a local farm store about some sort of seed-treatment and was told nothing is available anymore. 40-50 years ago in NY - I used to dip all my seed in "Crow Chex." Then it was taken off the market (as far as I know).
It's amazing how many people around here don't,or didn't,know about it. They said at CPS that they've had a lot of people come in wanting it saying they heard about it from me.
I should be getting some kind of kick back.

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