Back in my schools years

Back when I was young (many years ago). We had required shop classes to take threw middle school. What I hated the most is when a shop teacher had felt they had to become a English teacher on top of the class they where teaching. The reason I say this is that I had a really bad stuttering problem when I spoke. It got to me when they would stop me and make me work out the words when I was explaining to him why the project was being built the way it was. It made no sense to me because the drawing of the project had the measurements why was there a problem with it. When I got in to High school I had shop teachers that where only interested the projects that we had going which was a big help. This gave my self more time to beak my stuttering and which I did. I hated the class in middle school because the shop teach almost failed me because of my stuttering. I liked the shops classes in high school because all they did was help you in the shop. That was nice.
i am 70 years old and i had the same problem while in school, in fact i did have one STUPID teacher fail me because i could not give an oral book report. i continued to stutter into college and even the so called professors did not tolerate stuttering and i eventually dropped out. funny thing is later i became an Instructor in a Hydro Training program for the largest electric utility in the states, things do work out. now of days you hardly hear anyone stuttering.
I don't think the kids talk as much today. I know my boy is not the curious babbling pain that I was. My older siblings would pay me in quarters if I could shut up for 5 minutes. I didn't make much money. My boy is not a good reader, but does comprehend what he reads fairly well. He doesn't talk as much as I did at his age, but is communicating on electronic devices more than I was at 15. Electronic devices have spell correct.

We had a nun in catholic school that was a helper to the teachers. While the teachers never corrected me on the way I held my pencil she took it upon herself to correct my grip with her wood ruler. She never did break me of the way I hold a pencil and I still have and always did have nice handwriting.
Come to think of it, I don't hear as much stuttering as I did 30-40 years ago. Wonder why?

What I do hear more of is "baby talk". Especially teen girls that speak in half sentences, talk fast and run the words together. Nearly impossible for me to understand, especially on the phone.

I know my hearing isn't what it used to be, but I do think the language skills are declining.
My dad always said the same thing about my kids .... his grand kids. When they'd say something now and then that he didn't pick up on (probably because his hearing was on the way south) he'd reply with a smart alex comment which was ...... "When in doubt, mumble" ..... ha, actually, it was pretty funny. He wasn't a mean nasty guy by any means, he just liked to poke the bear now and then.

My daughter, who is about to turn 41 stammered pretty bad all through school. She got therapy for it with varying degrees of success. Some she wold try to work with, some she could get nowhere with. Finally, once she was in undergrad school, she got together with a therapist who helped her a lot. She is now a PHD teaching at Harvard and rarely has a problem.
There is no cure for stuttering. We learn
how to work around it to minimize it. Some folks are more successful at working around it than others.m As far
as a cause, I don't think anyone has put a
finger on that either. Some researchers
think a traumatic experience in very early
life, meaning several months old to a year
old has something to do with it. I have
fought it my whole life, sometimes it's
profound, sometimes non-existent. As I get
older the non existent is much more
prevalent, thank God. If only I could have
figured this out years ago!
I agree with you fixerupper, although i was raised in a loving home with christian parents and i do not recall any traumatic experience in my childhood. I can tell you this, a stutterer cannot be treated like anyother person as fellow friends, classmates and yes, sometimes teachers find it quite amusing. Try as a young boy sitting in a classroom hoping against hope you willl not be called upon to read or to speak. Like you i am grateful that i grew out of it however now at age 70 there are still those moments.
My younger brother who is now 40 has stuttered most of his life. He went to therapy and it helped. We were told we should give him complete attention when he tries to tell us things and not look away. And don't help him or try to finish what he wants to say. Really funny how he never stutters when he's mad or cussing !
I can only relate to my childhood as proof, but I was taken away from my parents when I was seven months old, for a six month period while my mother convalesced from polio. This was nobody's fault. My 'foster' parents were very loving and cared for me like I was their own but the trauma happened nonetheless. Is my case just a coincidence or does it reinforce the study about childhood trauma? I guess we can believe any documentation we agree with be it true or not.
Mel Tillis could not talk without stuttering, but he could sing and not stutter at all. Interesting. Later in life he overcame it.

I don't remember it, thankfully, but I hear I stuttered real bad in kindergarten. I would pound the desk in desperation. That teacher warned the first grade teacher-who finally had to ask who the stutterer was! I have not stuttered since!
I know a guy that stutters, back when he used to drink a bit couple drinks and he stopped stuttering.

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