Pigeon bob bars

Anyone have any experience with pigeon bob bars?

Was thinking about making a heavier set and mounting them backwards on a chicken house.
This will allow me to sleep in and provide a way for the chickens to get out of the house in the morning and keep things like opossum or coons from getting into the house during the night.

Do you think this would work?

Really do not want to go the automatic open door because it requires a battery or electricity.
My grandpa raced pigeons. I dont see how bobs would keep out a racoon, even reversed. My experience with racoons is they can break into a locked safe!!!
I have bobs on some of the traps on my pigeon lofts. Not all. Some I use a different system as some pigeons fear the bobs. They will not keep out a raccoon. Possum either. Clever idea but not gonna work I am afraid. I have been thinking of an idea for years that would let the OE Game bantams come and go at will. Put the entrance up high and run electric fence around the building lower down. Be nice if they could get out at will but would probably lose more to hawks if I were not out there in the AM.
I am a third generation pigeon man, but have never heard the term "pigeon bob bar" can someone enlighten me. My flock right now is 5 pair of racing Homers. I am assuming a one way door?
It is rods that hang down that will only swing one way.
When the pigeon fly's home he can get into the cage but can not get back out.
I was thinking of mounting it backwards to where a chicken could get out but nothing could get in.
Well it was a idea anyway. Back to the drawing board.

Years ago a neighbour had a pen of hogs on feed while he was in school. He rigged up a "Rube Goldberg" contraption that used an alarm clock to pull a pin that opened a gate on a chute that dumped feed into the trough. I don't know if it helped him get to school any better but I am sure those hogs would really come to life when that alarm went off. Maybe you could utilize a similar arrangement?
I can see where that will stop your birds but a coon Will look at you and laugh. Now if they are way up high on a shear wall ,maybe.

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