Kieth Molden Leroy farm sale info

Thanks Casenut1. I knew you were around Fredricktown so I found it that way. Looks like too big of equipment for our area. (heck, couldn't get those tractors up our roads)so I think we'll just stay home this week end. Sure is a lot of newer equipment. Didn't look like he had anything older than a 2010. I just can't figure out how anyone can justify that amount of new tractors and trucks. Not complaining, I just couldn't justify financing like that. Too much Scotch, Irish in my blood LOL
He came home with a pile of money and said I'll show you how to farm. That lasted about 5 years. Now he is down sizing from 5-6 thousand acres to 800- 1000 acres and going into beef. That Japanese stuff, supposed to be real expressive. I'll go just for the show.
I have no idea where Fredricktown even is. Sounds like in Ohio someplace. My auction wants are things last built in 1960 with most would guess 10 years earlier with some going back a hundred years.
After watching that outfit playing cowboy on that equipment I would be very leery of buying any of it,,,
You are right about that, most of his operators were never on a farm before. Although when the girls up front were planting , the equipment was handled a little better.

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