Another funny? Truth?

As a senior in high school I was done by noon. Dad would pick me up and I would spend the rest of the day skidding logs or tailing at the mill. Saturday was always a sawing day as the boys were the crew.
I remember sitting in class,looking out at the parking lot.Around..1972//Two seniors had 1967 Pontiac GTOs.One gold one with a black vinyl top,,and one dark blue hardtop. Just sat in the class ,,looking out at those two,,backed in the parking spots next to each other . Still remember it like it was yesterday!
I enjoy Jeff and he seems to get it right. When I was teaching I could not start haying until school ended for the summer, in late June, so I usually started haying in early July. Then my helpers. my children, were also home to make sure that I did it right. I do not believe that they were addicted to farming though.
Yeah, although I did plenty of haying, I did not dream about it in school. Now, Bill Bronson's lime green '50 Ford coupe with the '55 Pontiac grill and white naugahyde interior, I did dream a bit about that.
Bruce, On our hillsides in central MN we picked plenty of stones. My siblings and I still joke that if you know what a "stone boat" is you're probably from central MN. If stones would have had the value they do today in the 70's we would have probably had more cash in the pocket. I think we produced more ton of hay then rock, but not by much. Pa got a new digger in '79 and built a rock rake out of the old hay conditioner. The stone picking crew would be made up of available classmates from school. I recall right around 30 loads of rocks coming of a 12 acre field on the high rolling ground. The next year he bought a Schulte rock picker.
I can remember back in the early 70's there was a large field across the road from our school. I would sit in class and look out the window and watch them plow, plant, and cultivate in the spring. Then when school started up again in the fall I would watch them harvest the crop. Sure beat Algebra.
My first grade teacher wanted to hold me back and do first grade again. She told my parents every time a fire engine or something went by outside I would stand up and just look out the window. I think they all knew where my heart and mind was at an early age.
Went to College in 1978. Was going into computer science (high dollar wave of the future). Was in a accounting class and saw the Ag kids using equipment across the road! Started over immediately in the Ag Engineering classes! Shout out to SUNY Cobleskill Ag & Tech.!!!!!!
Was subbing in a highschool a few years back. One kid had more bullying than he could take one day and a fight erupted. Both got suspended. Next morning kid who had been bullied was spending a few minutes luxuriating in bed. At 7:00 am dad showed up in bedroom with a manure fork. Kid spent entire "vacation" forking out the calf pens. When he got back to school, he found another way to deal with bully.
in algebra class we did not have windows ,. but there was a gal in the back row against the wall that often wore a short skirt, the gray skirt was my favorite one,during class she would lean against the wall, and kinda roll her legs to the left toward me and smile . she usually wore white pantys , but sometimes lite blue,or pink, she would wear pantyhose and I swear nuthin else . .I was 3 rows over kinda center of class . and would lean to my rite and look studios , it was just a game we played I knew this gal dated a wrestler and .I had a girlfriend in another school ,.. no wonder I barely passed algebra

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