Peanut question

jon f mn

Well-known Member
Peanuts are grown on farms with tractors so I should be ok asking this, is there anyone here who can start eating from a bad of peanuts and stop before that bag is empty? Not me! If I start a bag the only thing that will stop the munching is an empty bag.
That sounds about the same addiction with potato chips, the wife's Christmas cookies, and various other habits. Need I say that I am too short for my weight.
How big is the bag? A pound would be a problem.

I don't know what happened with me and salted cashews. Last time I ate from a can of them,I got sick as a dog in the night. I tried some last night and couldn't eat very many before I started feeling a little off. The wife said she'd been eating from that can and they didn't bother her.

I hope this isn't permanent. They're the only thing I really care much for snacking on anymore when I'm on a road trip.
As for the peanuts, I've found I like "salted, in the shell", both for taste, and because you have to work for them so you can't just chuck handful after handful into your mouth.

And funny you should bring up the cashew thing, Randy. I used to eat lots of them, but for the last few years, if I eat more than a few, they really do a number on my lower intestinal tract- really bind me up, bigtime. They still taste good, and I don't feel ill, but I pay a day later.

In other peanut news, now they are recommending you work some peanut products into a baby's diet as early as 2 months, to help prevent peanut allergies.
Sounds like an allergic reaction. I get the same reaction if I try to eat Pistachio nuts.
if your ever down this way on I95 stop at Carson Va. and get a bag of Colemans peanuts . they are the best I've eaten .
......... lightly Sea Salted, or salt free? My sweetie craves Cheetos.....being corn and cheese don't figure they'll hurt her all that much. Better than her old habit of candy kisses and such.

I buy them in the bottle, salted and eat them by the handfull while yaking on here in the afternoon with you guys and having a Ginger-Ale.
Back when I was a kid they came hulled in a small bag, brand name Tom's with his name in a red triangle, for a nickel. We'd take an Rah-Cee (Royal Crown) cola take a gulp out of it to get some room and dump the bag in the bottle. Yum, yum.
Yes I can stop. And I like peanuts. So I guess that makes them the perfect snack! Where I can't stop is with chips. So I can't/don't have any around. If I ever do give in, I have to buy the tiny, expensive bag.
Peanuts are a great snack for diabetics so we always keep a couple of jars on hand. Some evenings I'll eat almost half the jar then they bother my stomach and talk back all night. Couple of handfuls is OK but I have small hands. nnalert was right.
I guess when nobody worried about peanut allergy they just wouldn't think twice about eating them when very young. Both my sons 2&4 have eaten what ever they wanted since they could eat solid foods. It was funny with some of the looks people would give my wife and I lol. No allergies yet for either one time will tell.
I eat peanuts every evening. I keep a large can of them on my desk. I take one handful and close the lid on the can or I would eat them all. LOL
I really like the corn nuts. Anytime I'm driving more than an hour I get a bag to pass the time. They are pretty crunchy so you have to have good teeth. Corn is grown with tractors.
I found that I can buy four small cans of peanuts from Dollar Tree while Dixie gets a hair cut and stop after the second can is empty. :)^D
I don't know how in the world you can raise kids without peanut butter. I don't remember a time in my nearly 62 years on Earth that I didn't have it for breakfast. I have to believe that having a peanut allergy is like any other minority,catered to as if it was a lot more common than it is.
(quoted from post at 10:54:42 01/08/17) Peanuts are grown on farms with tractors so I should be ok asking this, is there anyone here who can start eating from a bad of peanuts and stop before that bag is empty? Not me! If I start a bag the only thing that will stop the munching is an empty bag.

Hoodys peanuts salted in the shell...and a micro-brew. When driving I like black licorice...I buy it in bulk and let it age in an open bag for a couple of months. The new stuff is too soft...wish they still had the old style Nibs.
Wife brought me about a 2 lb. bag last Sunday. I stretched them for two days, Pile of shells outside the garage door, stomach just got back to normal a couple of days ago.
Quite a bit of difference. People with peanut allergies are risking their life if they eat peanuts. One of my grandsons is allergic to them. He or his parents carry Epipen wherever they go. Last summer he ate a cookie that was in a case with another kind of cookie and he reacted to that. Just being around peanuts causes him to react, so its not the same as being catered to because he is allergic. IT'S A MATTER OF LIFE OR DEATH TO HIM.
I'm just saying that the numbers aren't as high as we're led to believe. Just like the whole gluten free thing. How many people really have celiac disease?
(quoted from post at 13:38:01 01/08/17) Boiled peanuts are about the most nasty thing I've ever eaten.

If not the nastiest, it's definitely in the top 5. (Need a puking emoticon here)
Peanuts, and the goodies they are put into, have made me the man I am today. I suspect they'd show up in my DNA.
Grin.....I thought I'd jog a memory or two. Main park bench was at a Gulf station which had a white gas pump with the glass reservoir on top. White gas was 20-25 cents when pump gas was a dime more. We mowed lawns for $3 and that was a lot about 50 x100 with the house and sometimes a garage and driveway. No trimming. Flower beds were extra.

One guy in group had a 2 stroker and that was back when the mix was 16-24:1....somewhere in that range and the oil was non-detergent (most popular then) 30 wt motor oil. You could tell where that guy was mowing for blocks away and the governor wasn't adjusted properly as it'd run up and down the rpm spectrum.

If it wasn't mowing season we'd go around and pickup glass pop bottles and cash them in for 2 cents I think at the grocery store. Then spend all the money on a quart of Hire's Root Beer, a chicken, and a box of matches and to to the woods and cook a chicken over a camp fire with forked sticks to hold up the skewer.....just like the cowboys in the westerns. Great times.
Its pistachios for me, get crackin. But Peanuts and Cashews are right up there, come to think of it Potato chips tostitos,Cheatos, Fritos,Holy smokes I'm hungry.
I used to like corn nuts - until I broke the side out of a tooth flying between Minneapolis & Seattle on the way to Alaska. Suffered with that tooth until I could get back home the following week to my dentist. Haven't eaten a corn nut since.
green peanuts hot boiled with peppers. Used to get them when I was stationed in Pensacola. They were a meal in themselves. Just don't eat the pepper

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