Happy Thanksgiving!!

You too. Both my boys are home, Mom is baking, has a pecan pie ready for old 82 year old bachelor cousin Richard down the road, turkey is thawed, Redskins are ready to put a thump on those mean guys from Dallas area or wherever it is .... ..
Yes, happy Thanksgiving to everyone. This site has really helped me over a few dumb moments and really appreciate all your help.
Happy thanksgiving! I'm the only one up at my house for the next hour or so, so I'll enjoy the peace and quite for a bit yet.
Happy thanksgiving, just put the ham in the oven and enjoying the last little bit of silence for the day before the wife and kids wake up and we
gotta get this show on the road
Hope every one has a happy thanksgiving
as well! I got up around 6 and went
hunting for a bit. Noe I got the house
to myself for a little bit more. No
big plans today, our family's
thanksgiving is tomorrow in Ohio as one
cousin is just getting out of the
Marines and an uncle is working at the
Columbus for dept today.
Turkey is in the roaster, boys are hauling wood to the house, wife is cooking. Doesn't get any better than this. Hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving day.
Thanks Jim, same right back at ya. I've been at Bee Cave Texas but going to Coleman today where the daughters new boyfriend was raised

John T
Happy Thanksgiving to you and all of yours!! One thing I am thankful for is all of you and your thoughts, ideas, solutions, funny comments, great stories, etc...
Happy Thanksgiving to al YT'ers! We're at my oldest daughter's house in Chicago area having a $140 Organic turkey flown in "next day" ($35) from California. :shock: She's an attorney so she can afford it but, wow, still raised my eyebrows when I saw what she paid. Hope we're making some California turkey farmer happy :) but I'm guessing the middleman marketing them is getting a big chunk.

Anyway hope all you guys are spending it with family and enjoying the day. Growing up and until the last few years we've always spent it with either my or my wife's side of the family with LARGE gatherings of siblings, nieces,nephews. But in the last few years, the adult nieces/nephews have spread out all over the country so we're spending it in smaller and smaller groups. Just 6 at this year's gathering at my daughter's and 2 of them are invited guests recently here from Europe who had nowhere to go for dinner.
Started a new Thanksgiving tradition here, idiot cube storage!!


Happy Thanksgiving to All!

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