Beef Prices


Well-known Member
This weeks flyer
I won't even show you this weeks check stub from the stockyard. It's getting hard to sleep at night.
A year ago last spring,I got as high as $1.58 live weight for fats. Three weeks ago I got .99 and 1.00. This week I got .87-.93. Time to dump them all before they go to .50 I guess.
I know quite a few guys here did some long overdue equipment upgrading last year and now they're barely getting for their finished animals what they paid for them as feeders. We have dairy not only is our milk price off but bull calves went from $200 last winter down to as low as $70 this week for good ones and culls are off $5-600 too.
Randy the sons where mad when I locked in a far amount of cattle at $1.15. They bitched about it for weeks. Have not heard a thing the last few weeks. LOL
I don't imagine. I went in to a depressed funk four weeks ago when I got 1.05-1.07. That one that brought .87 had the wife hiding all the sharp objects.
Bought hay from a guy several years ago, and he said this was his first year for hay. He had always bought feeders in the spring, pastured them all summer, and sold in the fall when pasture was gone. The previous year, the market had collapsed, and he had only made a $10 profit. Not each, on the whole lot.

Always the optimist, I opined that "Well, at least you had the use of the cattle." He seemed pretty sure that that wasn't very funny.
Sounds like a friend of my Dad. He said last time he had a barn full of cattle,all he got out of it was a barn full of manure.
As the good price that we were getting a couple of years ago, this too will pass. Election years when there will be a new president is usually shaky at best. However it's about as bad as I've seen in 30 years maybe longer. I learned a long time ago that cattle farming is a cash only business. There usually ain't enough left over to afford paying interest.

There was the dairy farmer who had bull calves, and didn't want to feed them, and knew he would lose money on them at the auction, so he tried putting a couple out by the roadside in a pen with a "free help yourself" sign on it. He went down at the end of the day to see if they were both gone and there were four.
Randy the old saying around here is " I have never lost any money feeding cattle. I have spread some darn expensive manure thought" LOL

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