Oh,the joys.....


Well-known Member
.......of gated pipe. So much easier(and faster) than the 'old' open ditches. :) Thought you 'nonirrigators' would like to see how we do it.





Steve , if you move to the south you wouldn't need any irrigation , you would be trying to figure out how to get rid of water. LOL. Farmers here use a plastic pipe that lays flat when not in use and can be rolled up , not pvc, but about a 40 mill plastic sheet.
We have the same stuff here too. We call it "poly pipe" or 'NuFlex' tubing.Kind of a disposeable,or a poor mans gated pipe.Suposed to be used for a year,then thrown away.I've even used some from time to time. I once got 3 years out of some once. Kind of a pain to set up though.
Delta , you have done a lot of digging with that shovel to wear it down like that.All the shovels I have ever seen on the back of township trucks have perfect round , almost pointed tips . Your irrigation system is always interesting to me. No pumps or fancy over head plumbing . Just water , gravity, hard work and know how.
I could never start a siphon tube. I think I could manage those gates. Do you do them by hand or have a tool so you don't bend over, and over, and over.
Always like to see other methods of irrigating. We use Drip-In tubing, goes drip-drip-drip every 2 feet, over several acres of berries, runs off the old farm well my grandpap drilled a hundred years ago. Takes a few hours, works pretty good.
Steve, where do you buy 'gated' pipe; or do you just buy regular PVC pipe, drill the holes and put in the gates yourself ?

Hey Red, got any 6 inch tubes laying around that you can take a picture of. Lots of fun watching the city kids try to start those!! I'll bet they never knew what that rubber playground ball was for rolling around in the back of the pickup.
Dad always cut the legs off of old jeans and tied them around the end of the tube with twine. Get it wet and full and pull it over.

I sure liked when we went to siphon tubes, after shoveling a lot of ditch with the old feeder ditch system, I got where I could set tubes about as fast as I could walk. Those pictures sure brought back some memories, thanks!
Sorry,no 6" tubes here. We usually use a chunk of inner tube to start. tie one end of a 12 to 18" or so on the end.
I walk beside and use my shovel to tap open or closed. Some guys use a golf club(putter),others use a garden hoe.
That is the third(I think) shovel I've worn down in my 40+ year career. It's about time for the fourth.LOL.This one is getting thin and starting to crack/split and roll the edge. I go buy a cheap shovel.Trim to size with the 'fireaxe'. Then clean and sharpen with a grinder. It will be sharp enough to 'shave' with.
I hated gated pipe when we first went to it. I think Dad only bought 10 joints, so you had to move pipe every other day. Later I cut a lot of holes in the old 6 inch main line with a router to make it gated. Probably why I can't hear now.
I enjoyed siphon tubes as long as you didn't have a neighbor with a Saint Bernard dog that like to lay in the ditch.
I do a bit of flood irrigating. I always thought they called them dams (damns) for a reason. Sure beats having the crop burn up when there's no rain though.
I have never done it, though I have been involved with it. We cut a lot of sprinkler,handline and corrugated. In ID if you hit the handline laying there you owned that section.
I was told a guy working handline would walk about 30 miles per day doing the change.

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