My newest Yard Art


Well-known Member
I have been fixing up the old summer kitchen that I moved onto my property last fall, my wife suggested that the side toward the road looks like it needs to have a "Mail Pouch" sign on it. Just got done lettering the wall, it may not be easiest to see it from the road but did it more for myself anyway. Mail Pouch barns have been disappearing across the country, I know of one about two miles from here, other than that can't think of any others in the area. My way of helping to preserve the country scenes of the past. Located in Western PA.



I did a Mail Pouch on the end wall of a friend's equipment shed years and years ago. Shed has since been torn down so the sign is gone but it was a challenge to do. You can still find them on the back roads of western Va and WV. Nice job.
I agree, looks very professional. How many hours did it take? Regardless, it was worth it, you have a show piece. (even though I've never chewed the stuff)
Nice job! Evokes memories of seeing several large barns that had "Mail Pouch" worked into the roof shingles by using contrasting colors. Also remember directions for early aircraft navigation worked into the shingles on a few, usually in the form of a large arrow pointing in the direction of the next city/airport, sometimes with the distance noted. Similar to: CHI ^ 130, ie: Chicago in the approximate direction, at around 130 miles. Simpler times.
Actually I cut the letters out of a roll of vinyl coil, painted the yellow ones, and nailed them on with stainless nails. Cutting them out, painting with vinyl paint spray can, and installing on the wall--maybe four hours.
I can remember seeing mail pouch barns as a kid and also some had an ad bout seeing 7 states,maybe called lookout mountain?? Anyway you sure did a nice job your barn.
Really nice and now if you would go down in the field by the road and put up the Burma Shave signs. Life would be complete.
Very nice. Don't remember the exact year but I read that the last guy to do those painting was from Marietta Ohio and deid about 15 years ago. Loved seeing them around Ohio and Pa.
Good Job. The building ads that I grew up with were Norse Oil and some tobacco brand that I don't remember. In NW Kansas
OOPS! the image did not come out that I wanted , click on the right arrow to see all images. joe
Nice job.

Now you need to put a sign in your field that says: "Our Cows Are Outstanding In Their Field".

Harley Warrick painted over twenty thousand Mail Pouch ads. Other guys did too , but Harley was most famous. I bet you didn't know that Os are layed-out bigger to trick the eye they must go slightly below the line and be slightly larger than the other letters. But it came out great and looks really nice.

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