NEED A Bug Identification - ASAP


Well-known Member
Noticed we had have had some birch trees "dying" on the south end of our property and them saw some of these trees last night. We have lost a couple of pretty good size oak trees in the last few years and wonder what's going on here near Peoria, Illinois.



Correct. If on food crops, be careful to use approved materials according to directions. Hand picking them can be effective dropping them into a soapy bucket. Nasty critters. Jim
Yes, Japanese Beetles. We have them every year in our grapes and we control them with malathion and sevin. Both chemicals are very effective and you need to protect yourself when applying them as they are hazardous to humans also.
In the woods/trees and need aerial spray to get them around here in central Illinois - Any ideas?
They have been around here as long as I can remember, but they only seem to like certain plants, wild grapes/vines are one that stand out in my memory. They are the same shape and size as those beetles you get on potatoes, but they are yellow and black. Pick and crunch em by hand or what have you, I'm not sure what people used to spray for these.
Japanese beetles, I thought everybody knew them. Their larvae are the grubs in your lawn. Milky spore power controls them very well. They chew up leaves of just about anything but I doubt they would be what's killing your oaks. But I'm no expert, either.
I just sprayed my few peach and apple trees, and my grapevine for Japanese beetles tonight. I first noticed them 2 or 3 weeks ago this year. Im in Maryland. I sprayed then with Sevin, which must have just wore off. If I dont spray they'll make the leaves look like lace. Destructive little things.
Yeah, they are eating us alive here on the "east-bank" of the Illinois river as well!
The traps help, but one female can lay 5000 eggs, or so I've been told. I've got 5 traps out, probably tolling them in from ALL my neighbors, who don't seem to care.
Not only destructive, but stinky as those other lady-bug styled beetles in the fall.
Kelly Seed & Hardware has traps and spray in Peoria.
Take care, & Best Wishes!
Definitely japanese beetle. Been a lot of them the past few years. I have not seen any on oak trees. I own a LOT of trees and they are dear to me so I keep a good watch. There is a disease killing oaks in the middle part of the country. Trees become chlorotic and withing a few years will die. I believe that is called oak wilt. Birch trees are attacked by birch borers. Do a search on those. Japanese beetles are a real nuisance in the flower garden and may also be eating your trees for all I know...but look into other causes also.
Jim, get som beetle traps and hook em to either 5 gallon buckets or i use 30 gallon poly drums. Cut th bottom out of the beetle bag and use a short piece of pvc pipe to hook it to the drum with duck tape. Put them in open areas so the wind can carry the scent. You prolly will get 10 to 15 gallons of beetles a week. They will strip a tree bare in a couple days.
I have had those little devils strip my cherry tree down 3 years in a row. For whatever reason they have so far left it alone this year. Sevin will keep them away for a about a week. This year they are working on my red raspberries.

I have a lot of ash trees around my place that have died from the ash borer and have lost several white oaks as well. The oaks start with one dead branch at the top then next year there are 3 and so on till they are dead. At least I can make good lumber from the white oaks.
The only thing we have that they like is grapes, also. I really like that Tempo insecticide. It is about the only thing that works on the orange lady bug beetles. Here in Southern Illinois, we have had a couple of oaks die for no apparent reason. I was afraid it was some kind of blight, but we haven't lost any that way for a few years. We currently have something called a Gall wasp, that either is laying eggs, or stings a particular oak tree, which then forms a large knot at the site of infection, and will eventually get so numerous as to kill the tree.
We had them BAD a few years ago on blueberries, installed the yellow traps but never again! You could see them flying in from all across the county. And there is nothing in humanity nastier or more disgusting than a bag of those dead beetles. Have not been bad for some time, this year they are starting to show up again.

"there is nothing in humanity nastier or more disgusting than a bag of those dead beetles"

for myself, i'd replace "a bag of those dead beetles" with "a cloud of live deer flies" ;)

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