native flowers here pics


First picture is the blooms on a Cat claw bush/tree. These are covered with little hooks like a cat claw. Had one hook the side of my face some years ago when I was on my dirt bike and it didn't want me in it's wash.

The second is another of the same plant on the hill behind my house. There are two bees working it.

The third is some flowers on a cholla (choy-ya) cactus a couple steps from the cat claw. It is also known as a "jumping cactus". If you brush against it those sections break off and stick to you.

We had enough late showers to kick the desert plants to bloom.

I could keep it on tractor subject with a flywheel picture of a Rino tractor that we put a clutch in. That would be boring!


Speaking of Arizona, I have a sister (brother in law and family) that live in Tucson. The last few days have been HOT, like 122! To top it off, yesterday their a.c. quit working. They PAY for their nice winter weather.

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