Todays funny

jon f mn

Well-known Member
When I get a bulls eye, I lower the bucket and put down pressure on the ground to anchor the tractor before I take it out of gear or let go of the brakes.
Putting down pressure on the loader also tilts down the back of the tractor down just enough to lower the drawbar that extra half inch you need to hook up after everything has sunk into the ground over the winter.
Had that a few times at my cousins with one of their silage wagons. The tongue has a spring on it so it was at drawbar height, had a drawbar pin with twine string, so most of the time with that wagon, I didnt have to get out of the tractor lol.
i have a rope tied to the drawbar pin so i can drop the pin from the seat when backing up. saves a lot of climbing up and down.
On IH tractors like 706 on up, just push one brake and flip the lock meant to lock pedals together so it hooks behind other pedal. Do not walk off and leave it that way though.
I know on my WD I can usually get a bullseye but by the time I take it out of gear and get down, it's rolled too far back or forward, so I'm there giving things a wiggle by hand trying to shove the pin in, or dancing on the pin to get it to go in.

It's like watching the video of hooking up a snap coupler plow from the seat. Never worked for me. I have to back into the hitch to get it to latch fine, and then get down and play with the lift arms to get the lift points in. Every. Time. And typically it has settled in the dirt so getting the bar underneath attached is a challenge, too.
bulls eye !,occassionaly I can do that with my pikup and the trailer ,definitely my miracle for the day when that happens.. someone should patent a simple foolproof hitching device,something that worked if you are close , you could ratchet into place and then drop the pin ,,.I have put a lot of thought to that ,,. but that is all..the safety police will be all over that invention as well as the following comments . too often in our hill country, I find I cant get backt up properly in wet grass with the pikup ,.or sideslip the tractor on mud or snow and ice ,..lots of times I will get the tractor close ,,. shut off the motor , pull the coil wire or fuel shutoff, and hand crank in gear to get the tractor in bullseye...that worx ok if you have a clutcher tranny ,.my 4020 p/shift has a worn park pall that will not hold in a strain ,, the p/shift 1070 requires annual adjustment of the parking brake..or either of them will not stay in place for the sweetspot bullseye ,my hand clutch cases are the best to deal with ,..I moderately lok the brake for drag then from the ground I will ease the hand clutch and drop the pin,.the SAFEST WAY TO HOOK UP is once per season ,have enuf tractors to dedicate to a pc of equipment, hitch them up and keep them married all season ...
lol ,yeah , snipers luck !. when bulls eye occurs on 1st try its the miracle of the day for me ..and I was hoping instead that the cattle sale price was gonna go sky high because I sold that day ...

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