OT-planning 3-5yrs in advance


House Roof is 23yrs old with 25yrs shingles, was thinking to buy the shingles ahead since prices for shingles have gone up so much recently. I have a covered place to store them (need 75 bundles), would buy couple extra so theres no problem with matching colors 3-5yrs later. Any recommendations?
How did you manage to get 25 years out of the singles.

My 25 year singles lasted 14 and I was replacing some at 10 years that blew off.

Nails were still there on the ones that blew off.

Think seriously about a metal roof (MANY choices). If you get the right product and installer, you're done - unless you live to 127+. HTH
I never get 25 years out of shingles, because my insurance company replaces them before they need to be replace, hail damage.

The key to getting the max number of years out of shingles is proper ventilation and keep trees away so shingles can dry out. Too much shade and moss grows on them, shortens life. I use power vents to keep attic cooler and dryer.

My roofer like to use 35 year architectural shingles. They look nicer, are heavier, less wind damage.

I spent some time at my sisters in Florida. She has a metal roof on house and carport. It rained hard and I couldn't sleep, too much noise. I'll never have metal.
I agree with no trees around house & proper ventilation. I have no trees around my house, but on the north side of my house, i have green mold clumps on shingles because no sun gets to it. I have a ridge vent, gable end vents & vented soffits.
At the top of your roof on the north side you need to sprinkle a little copper sulfate. Also you can nail down a little strip of copper. It will kill off the mold.
We built our home in 1978 and reroofed in 2010. The pitch of the roof and attic ventilation ( fans) have a lot to do with life of roof. Asphalt singles can last 20 - 40 years depending on the manufacture and fiberglass shingles can last up to 50 years.
Do you have a way to get them on the roof when the day of reckoning arrives? If you can get shingles delivered to your roof, better to wait until you need them rather than carry them up yourself.
I have metal and love it . I never hear it rain but here's the thing. I live in Mn. so I have my metal roof, then 3/4 air gap from the nailers then the old asphalt shingles then layer of tar paper, then 1" roof boards then 6' attic then 12" fiberglass insulation then 1/4" plaster lathe, then 1/4" plaster and finally me sleeping in my bed. So no I don't hear the rain. Now when i'm in my uninsulated machine shed the rain is very loud but I don't sleep in there.
Dito on have the shingles delivered to the peak of your roof.

If the shingles have a warranty, is it could be from the date of purchase. If you ever need to file a warranty claim it could be difficult to prove you waited 3 to 5 years after the purchase date to install shingles.
I'd second that.

Anything you saved might be false economy if anything adverse happened to the shingles while they're stored.
I"ve had metal for two years- shingles were removed, metal screwed to Blandex roof, no strips. Insulation is about 10 inches fibreglas, don"t hear the rain.
If you want shingles then just get the roof on now. You are on borrowed time.
I just had a metal roof put on our house. Roof started leaking and had to do something ! Big pile of money to cough up at one time. I went with metal. I'm done with shingles ! I'm tired of climbing up after a good wind storm and glueing them back in place. The rain is louder but not real bad. I don't sleep good anyhow darn sinuses bother the heck out of me.
I have never had to glue down a shingle. Either you or your installer don't know what you're doing. By the way, all metal roofs leak. Can't think of a better way to trailer up the looks of your house than by throwing a "never leak" metal roof on it.

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