This Day in History Mar. 27

blue water massey

Well-known Member
Mar. 27

1513 Spanish explorer Juan Ponce de Le?n sights Florida
1613 The 1st English child born in Canada at Cuper's Cove, Nf to Nicholas Guy
1790 The shoelace invented
1794 US Government establishes a permanent navy and authorizes the building of six frigates.
1814 Battle at Horseshoe Bend: General Andrew Jackson beats Creek-Indians
1841 1st US steam fire engine tested, New York NY
1855 Abraham Gesner patents kerosene
1860 M L Byrn patents "covered gimlet screw with a 'T' handle" (corkscrew)
1866 Andrew Rankin patents the urinal
1866 President Johnson vetoes civil rights bill; it later becomes 14th Amendment
1884 1st long-distance telephone call, Boston-New York
1915 Typhoid Mary, the 1st healthy carrier of disease identified in the US, put in quarantine
1933 Farm Credit Administration (US) authorized
1933 Japan leaves League of Nations
1941 Britain leases defense bases in Trinidad to US for 99 years
1941 Yugoslavian coup gets rid of pro-German Prince Paul
1942 Allies raid German submarine base in St Nazaire
1943 US begins assault on Fondouk-pass, Tunisia
1945 British premier Churchill sails to eastern banks of Rhine
1945 General Eisenhower declares German defenses on Western Front broken
1945 US 20th Army corps captures Wiesbaden
1958 CBS Labs announce new stereophonic records
1964 Earthquake strikes Anchorage AK, 9.2 on Richter scale
1964 Great Train Robbers sentenced to a total of 307 years behind bars
1964 UN troops arrive in Cyprus
1969 Launch of Mariner 7, flies 2,190 miles above southern Mars
1972 Venera 8 launched to Venus
1975 Construction of the Trans-Alaska Pipeline System begins
1979 Supreme Court rules, 8-1, cops can't randomly stop cars
1980 Mount St Helens becomes active after 123 years
It just says it became active doesn't say it blew it's top. I wasn't going to mention it but I was in Alaska in 74 and saw trucks carrying pipe for pipeline, so I looked and Wikipedia says construction started in March of 74. I still read and enjoy the history post and do not mean this as a criticism.

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