Small town movie theater community development???


Well-known Member
I am not in this one but watching it from the side lines. I am asking your opinions and what you have seen. A small town (by most standards) theater closed down. They need to update to digital and its lots of money. Many smaller towns have lost there theaters in the past few years. They are trying to due grants, donations and so on, as well as non profit. One out fit could not get off the ground another wants to erect a new building!!! I say its a tough sell for many reasons: Amount of people that use it, changing times (download movies) etc. seasonal situation to name a few. One old theater the town took over and run, lost money and voters pulled the plug. So what have you seen and what is your thoughts??? Yes I would like to see it survive but would not want to be invested in it. Also heard today that a well known out fit wants to buy the property and demolish it and put in either a housing unit or commercial space. And last another town had an out fit that wanted to put one in but it cancelled out as studies showed NOT FEASABLE for size of town!!! thanks
Probably the case. Small theaters can't afford to pull the extremely costly blockbusters, end up showing second rate junk. Can't make a living in a small audience with that menu.
(quoted from post at 20:23:44 03/19/16) I am not in this one but watching it from the side lines. I am asking your opinions and what you have seen. A small town (by most standards) theater closed down. They need to update to digital and its lots of money. Many smaller towns have lost there theaters in the past few years. They are trying to due grants, donations and so on, as well as non profit. One out fit could not get off the ground another wants to erect a new building!!! I say its a tough sell for many reasons: Amount of people that use it, changing times (download movies) etc. seasonal situation to name a few. One old theater the town took over and run, lost money and voters pulled the plug. So what have you seen and what is your thoughts??? Yes I would like to see it survive but would not want to be invested in it. Also heard today that a well known out fit wants to buy the property and demolish it and put in either a housing unit or commercial space. And last another town had an out fit that wanted to put one in but it cancelled out as studies showed NOT FEASABLE for size of town!!! thanks

High speed internet access has rendered the small town movie theater as obsolete at the village blacksmith.
When you said theater I thought at first you intended amateur stage theater. There are some excellent small town amateur guilds worth watching.
Depends on the town. Local very small town has been able to reopen their theater, through the goodwill of the residents. There were several local donors that made converting to digital possible. New seating was donated by a cinema in a not too distant city. They were updating to lounger style seats, and giving the old ones away saved on the cost of disposal. Someday they may even be able to get heat installed!

It all depends what the locals want to support.
Similar situation in Benson, MN. {West Central Minnesota} New owners spent significant cash to "update" the facility. I am hoping that they can make it work out.
I don't know about that, Local city (24000) has a spec company coming in to build a 8 screen movie theater with leather recliners. Old 5
screen theater has been leased and is going to be refurbished and be up and running. Glad I don't have money in either one. Can pop popcorn
and watch a movie at home for about $5.50.
Mecklenburg Co.,VA has 4 small towns ranging from about 500 to 25,00 population. Each one has restored their old school building into community theatres (actually one is used as a bingo hall by Fire Dept.) It always amazes me to attend small town live theatre productions, I swear Broadway could do little better!!
Most of ours shut down, for quite a few years now there has been only one theater open in our county. For us it's about 40-45 minute drive to a theater and we prefer the small town one, very clean and not crowded.
Franklin, TN is an old, small town about 30 miles south of Nashville. They have done a tremendous job of updating and selling the attraction of their old downtown area including a once closed movie theatre. They call it "Historic Downtown Franklin". It's a shoulder-to-shoulder draw on Friday and Saturday nights all through the town. They have all kinds of boutique shops and restaurants. They have all kinds of events and street activities throughout the year. (Including a walking tour that provides for people to sample all different kinds of whiskeys.)

The theatre has live performances including concerts, rock concerts, Irish concerts, and any other imaginable concerts. They have live productions on stage and they show movies. Some of the movies are nostalgia movies and some are first-run movies.

I said all of that to say, I don't think an old movie house, in a little town could make a go of it without a whole bunch of reasons for people to visit the area where the theatre is located. It doesn't seem to me that just having another movie screen is a viable enterprise.

But then, I'm just an old dirt farmer who seldom goes to any movie.

Tom in TN
Our county seat town of 10,000-12,000 still has a theater with three screens if I remember right. This town also has a college so that helps. It's pretty hard for a theater to stand alone. The disadvantage a very small town or village has is no support businesses meaning no selection of restaurants, places to shop etc. People from out of town might want to take on a meal or a drink either before or after the movie and maybe pick up a few groceries while they are in town.

No, I'm only about 15 miles south of Franklin. I live on a farm that is between Spring Hill, TN (think Saturn automobiles) and Columbia, TN (the mule capital of the world).

Rocky, hilly farm.

Tom in TN
There's a one screen theater in town 30 miles away (pop. less than 4000). Also one in a town about 75 miles away (pop. less than 300). Also a drive in in another town 30 miles away, runs every summer. I haven't been to a theater in about 14 years, I'd rather wait for it to get on a Directv station, don't get to watch many movies anyway, and few I'd like to see.
Town 10 miles away with about 26 or 28 thousand population had three of the old time theaters plus a drive in 50 years ago, just one left now but there must be a pretty enterprising guy owns it. He built a big addition on it, must be about 8 theaters in it, he's got a weekly spot on a radio station where he talks movies and he's got 3 or 4 more theaters in surrounding towns. He's not making much off me, I haven't seen a movie I liked since John Wayne and Clint Eastwood hung it up although I went to two movies with my wife this winter.

That name doesn't sound familiar. If I can remember to do so, I'll ask some of my old friends who've lived around here all of their lives, if that name rings a bell with them. There are from 6 to 9 of us old guys who get together regularly for early morning coffee at a local convenience store.

Tom in TN
One small town next to me restored an old theatre for movies plays and bands it still has good local support. A town a short hop away still has the drive in it runs with a local theater it's the novelty of it that keeps it going. I think if a person wanted that an outside theater would be the best because of the lower cost to run.
But unfortunately times are changing it used to be the main street was packed kids making laps bars full that was the entertainment now cell phones computer games it seems nobody wants to go anymore
From what I understand he lives on a farm and helps out there so he gets low rent etc. They had a fire there not to long ago. They have alpacas if that would narrow it down some
Local man built one of those multi unit movie complexes a few years ago. He also owns a small radio station and told the reason he built one of these was that when you get a first run movie you must show it for 30 days, and that is why most of small theaters fail when you have such a small group to sell to you cannot keep showing them the same movie for a month. He also put a small game room on it and it is doing well.
(quoted from post at 22:58:14 03/19/16) One small town next to me restored an old theatre for movies plays and bands it still has good local support. A town a short hop away still has the drive in it runs with a local theater it's the novelty of it that keeps it going. I think if a person wanted that an outside theater would be the best because of the lower cost to run.
But unfortunately times are changing it used to be the main street was packed kids making laps bars full that was the entertainment now cell phones computer games it seems nobody wants to go anymore

Charges of impaired or DUI has shutdown most of the hotels, bars and pubs here. Or the the businesses changed their format into dining rather than drinking.
The local coffee shop ( Tim Hortons ) and even McDonalds. They do more business now selling coffee, donuts and light meals than any place in town selling alcohol.
The one in my old home town, Pleasant Hill, Mo. was made into a country music show. They've been going for over 30 years now so they must be doing okay. gm
Our local theatre plays two movies 7 days a week. Less than 3000 people in town. I know that they have been doing this with one theatre for at least 25 years, and they added the second in 2003I think the movies they play are only a week or 2 behind the general release. They have Dolby sound and sometimes play 3D movies where you need to wear the special glasses. I think they have a lot of volunteer help. Link to the theatre. I think admission is $2. You should be able to contact someone there to pick their brain about doing the same thing. Two other local towns, Eldora and Gladbrook have theatres They are both within 20 miles. I don't know much about them, but a friend takes tickets one night a month in Gladbrook. My late wife was a hermit and with her health problems rarely left the house after supper. That is on my list of things to start doing to get on with my life. I haven't been there in quite a while. I think the last time we took the grand-daughters to a kids movie.
Multi-screen theaters 10, 14, 17 miles from me. Two of those towns have live, local productions 1-2 times a year, also town 7 miles away has one. 14 mile town has a drive-in just reopened a couple of years ago, 10 mile town theater was built within last ten years. We are 30 miles from a 60,000 pop city.

A small town where I went to HS, Cedar Springs, reopened the theater. I think they show kids movies, or something there. It's pretty neat, it looks just like it did in the 50s.

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