What kind of person?


Well-known Member
What kind of person would drive by a field of wheat just starting to look green and pretty,,,and toss an empty bottle out the window?
How could a person do that?It is our property along the road,Im not griping just because I have to bend over and pick them up,,but what if they end up in the farmers grain?It really makes me sick to think people can do something like that.,,,,Sorry for the rant,,,,
Michigan requires a 10 cent deposit on cans and bottles and it looks to me like you've got two bits there. Next time you're in Michigan...

A long time ago someone asked "where is your farm located"? I replied "exactly 2 beers from (blank) tavern". They would always through the empties in my fields, usually 2 of the same brand...
Bottle and can deposit does reduce it some, but we're close enough to no-deposit Indiana that it's not perfect. Broken bottle cost me a major rear tire repair once--not cheap!
I know how you feel, what kind of jerk throws glass
bottles into a horse pasture, I found bottles, cans
fast food bags, in the pasture today while I was
fixing fence along the road. Same thing in the hay
field along the road.

I found those types of litter with my foot, busted bottles on a shoreline.

I've little empathy for those that litter, let alone trash others' areas. I sometimes wish that bad things happen to them.

Same kind that snowmobiles on tender over wintering crops. Same kind that leave gates open or cut fences. Same kind that run 4 wheelers through croplands. Same kind that hunt uninvited. Same kind that steal firewood or other farm products. Same kind that vandalize parked farm machinery or burn hay bales.
That said, I cannot print the names that go with this bunch, but I'm sure the names are plentiful and common with all land owners. This being a family friendly board.
We trail ride in wilderness areas. Some are clean from litter but some are awful. At least 90% of it is beer cans. I don't understand why people litter anywhere, along roads, trails, lakes, etc. We are a sloppy society in this country compared to most other "first world" countries.

It goes with the territory of Thoughtless, Trashy People...INCLUDING any of YOU who throw cans, paper, cardboard in the back of your Pickup and grin when you say "it is SELF-CLEANING"...

Fer and fewer people even care to OWN anything and could not care LESS about YOUR equipment or Property..

Guess it has always been a problem ( I KNOW it has), but it is getting worse..

IF they would put a generous Deposit on every Bottle, etc..there would be other people picking them up for the Money..

Ever notice how nice and litter-free the road-sides are in Michigan..???

There used to be a "Deposit" on all Pop Bottles and even Beer Bottles...

Why did it ever stop..?

What makes me sick is that they are driving on the same road as many innocent families and coming at you in the opposite lane and you have no idea. No respect for property ? Even less respect for life. Obviously what we are doing isn't working !
Mark, not worth anything in Michigan unless marked with Michigan deposit logo. Unfortonately, Michigan's deposit laws include just soda and beer containers. Water, non-carbonated beverages, liquor bottles not included. I get a lot of paper waste from fast food places. Clean-up with no profit. A few dimes don't pay for the inconveience. Wish I could print how I really feel about these issues.
i live on a one lane gravel township road way out in the boonies and i have the same problem most of the time its the same brand
of beer therefore most likely the same person doing it.all im gonna say i better not catch them in the act.
We have people that haul all sorts of trash and dump it in our road ditches. Really gets me going. I take pride in keeping our neighborhood looking nice. Last year there was a recliner, a couch, three pieces of carpet and a bathroom stool dumped out one night. If I catch whoever is doing this I would love to haul a load of my "waste stuff" and dump it in their yard..
We get trashed pretty good here its mostly fast food bags and cups from convenience store up way, and
you name it.Before we voted alcohol into the county you had to pick up beer in an adjoining county, so
when they came by house they had one ready to toss .So maybe i know the time it took to finish one.At
one time the County Probate Court had a very good program for paying traffic ticket fines and other
by perform community services one the weekends cleaning roadsides. At that time we had the cleanest
roadsides bar none. I guess they made a dept for it and hired some to fix it.They are improving.
I never can figure out littering. I keep a couple plastic sacks in my car... toss my lunch junk into one and throw it in the garbage as soon as I get home.

Same thing if traveling... toss any junk in a sack, then throw it in a garbage can when I stop for gas.

We used to mow our road ditch... seems like having it trimmed up and looking nice, just encouraged litterbugs to toss stuff out as they drove by.
Hello larry@stinescorner,

I collect the same things around my place.I see a guy
walking a dog carrying a bucket, good tight? Guess what the
bucket is for? He picks up aluminum cans NOT THE DOG STUFF!


My neighbors lost a good milker once after she bit down on a piece of glass that was in the hay.
Saw a piece on garbage tonight. Here in Ohio the state spends enough on trash to pave a two lane road for forty miles. And thats every year.
I thought I'd do my good deed one day while out walking. Grabbed a pop can from the road ditch. Oh Yummy! Full of snuff spit juice! Wish I would've left it there.
I live on a dead end road that is only 1/2 mile long and one or both of my two neighbors past me litters the front of my property. The farthest one would only have to carry the trash another 150 yards to throw it in their trash.
What is even worse is the risk you run if you stop to pick trash up. Our county Sheriff usually attends our township meetings. Last year he cautioned us about picking up trash while out walking. It seems that a local resident picked up some roadside trash that was meth left overs. He got a whiff of the chemicals and ended up in the hospital. The sheriff said, if ever in doubt, call his office.
The area I work in has a
high population of
welfare recipients and
white trash. They
don't/won't pay for
trash service and the
one thing the govt
doesn't pay for is trash
service. Many just throw
it in a trash pile in
their yard where it
blows all over, and
occasionally attempt to
burn it. Most use the
plastic grocery bags as
trash bags and when it
is full, tie the top and
whip it out the car
window. Areas where
there are no visible
houses are loaded with
the big stuff, TVs,
couches,etc. Part of my
job is picking up this
trash throughout the
year on rainy days. The
worst is mowing a
roadside and hitting one
of those bags hidden in
tall grass, it strews
the trash everywhere.
The local park had trash
cans at it, but had to
remove them because the
dirtbags around there
would dump the trash out
of the bags on the
ground, steal the bag,
and then fill it with
their own stuff and
pitch it in the ditch
somewhere. They
obviously take no pride
in anything, as long as
everything is provided
to them free of charge.

Well, I had one friend that used to throw things out the window. The first time he rode with me, we had stopped for some lunch, and after we finished, he started to throw things out the window. I stopped him and told him that this was unacceptable behavior here. I told him that we live here, so don't trash it! Over the years, I reformed him.
Those that throw glass into a horse pasture simply don't know any better as well as being litterbugs. After all, most citiots don't know what they are doing might harm animals. They wouldn't know a horse pasture from a corn field in many cases. Only goes to prove that the average city folks are really not too bright.
"most citiots don't know what they are doing might harm animals. They wouldn't know a horse pasture from a corn field in many cases. Only goes to prove that the average city folks are really not too bright."

I resemble that remark!
I've got a neighbor if you can call him that, that thinks my place is good for his garbage. He likes Pepsi and musta' got some out of state. Iowa has a 5 cent deposit. I ended up with a 12 pack of empties in my road ditch no deposit heck he wouldn't leave a nickel on the road for me. All in various locations up a road that him and I are the main travelers. I spray my ditch for Canadian thistles in the summer that's when I cleaned up his mess. He also likes to each lunch along our common fence and toss wrappers on my side. Needles to say I don't have any use for the guy.
I heard a story several years ago (although I can't positively confirm It). It was about someone putting chemicals in plastic soda bottles and setting them out at random and when people would pick them up they would explode and get the chemicals all over the person cleaning up the garbage. We also have 2 different garbage collection service companies running in the area. I don't know how many times I have seen them going down the road in their trucks and have garbage blowing out the back.

(quoted from post at 19:44:05 03/17/16) What kind of person would drive by a field of wheat just starting to look green and pretty,,,and toss an empty bottle out the window?

Probably someone who has not learned the art of making good homemade beer.
Teach them how to make beer and they will value and hang on to those bottles.
sign of the times ,,,livestock that leave deposits such as that are from the WRONG generation ,,. they play the race card at every chance , and stimulate interruptions at political rallies , just so they can show their az, and hopefully get the candidate to be genuinely ugly in response to them,,it gives them the same feeling of winning as tossing a bottle in my field , the election of the prex twice in a roll gave them their same kind of immoral orgasmic feeling ... these perfect examples of livestock will stop at nuthin to that their personel rights and abundant self serving agenda does nuthin to improve society in general,,.it is I am ok and you are ok ,so lets consume and transfer the responsibility and point the finger of blame to someone else ,,THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT .ben franklin FEARED COULD HAPPENwhen was asked shortly after the DECLARATION OF INDEPENDANCE was signed,,. someone asked if we had a democracy ?,... and he replied ',NO,.We have given the People a REPUBLIC ,,It is Yours to keep and PRotect.....
The same kind of person that drops their trash on the sidewalk when the trash receptacle is 5 feet away from then.

I suspect that some leave a trail of trash so they can find their way to and from the liquor store.

We've gone way overboard with the "rights" thing. Now the garbage thinks that they have the right to throw trash wherever they want to.
I pulled into a job site one time, the Contractor was there, at his pick up truck, (a really sharp rig that I'd always admired) and I noticed him cleaning out the trash from his truck, throwing it on the ground. I thought to myself, so that's how he keeps it nice looking, He lost all the "atta-boys" that day!
On my road it is the south of the border types. In a way I don't blame them for the beer cans and bottles. There's nothing wrong with having a cold one on the way home after a hard day's work. But God forbid you get caught with the empty in your vehicle. A minimum of $200. I'd sling mine out too if I drank. TDF
I pick that stuff up all the time. Many years ago people asked my grandfather to hunt on the farm, next
summer he found their beer cans, where they parked, when making hay. No one got permission to hunt after
This is the result of walking one mile (1 MILE) of road here. And you can pick pretty much any mile you like and do the same.

The 5? deposit doesn't do diddly.
I live in the last house on our road with roughly 15 neighbors. I refuse to live in a landfill so when I walk the border collie, I pick up the cans and bottles that regularly appear. The neighbors frequently stop and ask 'who throws this stuff out?' My reply is usually 'I don't know who tosses it but I know who cleans it up.' I've never seen any of my neighbors pick it up. I have seen them drive over or around it but can't be bothered to stop and pick it up. Are they any better than the trash that tosses it in the first place?
There is an old oil field site. That a few drinkers go to have a few beers talk with others and enjoy the view. I used to be one of them. Odd thing is
it is the cleanest spot in the county. Two fifty gallon drums for trash cans. If you want to get banned from the spot. Just throw something on the

I deliver feed all over the county. See trash every where. Makes me wonder why.
Decades ago, it was legal in this state to have an open beer container while you were driving, it was just illegal to be over the blood/alcohol limit.
At that time, the ditches along the roads were very clean.
Of course, now if you are caught with an open container while driving, it's a steep fine. There is a gravel road that I usually take home from work that is really littered with aluminum cans and bottles. I know several people who have to just drive around and look at the farmer's crops and they have to drink their beers while they are doing it. I don't quite understand it or condone it, but I just know they don't want to caught with an open container.
About once a year, a 4H group or an FFA group will walk the ditches and clean them up.
I have a long mowed road frontage and it is a target for cans and bottles. After mowing over the trash a coupla times it is out of sight. I like the sound of them being chewed up.

Kind Of Person?

People raised with a lack of respect. You see them every day pointing themselves out with their middle finger. The ones that think those driving the posted speed limit a menus on the highway and ride your bumper then see how close to your front bumper they can get with their rear bumper.
There was someone out by the farm I worked at that
would leave a trail of bottles up the middle of the
road. One landed in my driveway once.

If I had caught them, they would have woken up to a
side dump in the front yard after it visited every
bar in the county.

Only thing better would be a quarter stick to spread it around good.
I think a penalty of 100# of picked up litter within a week of offense would help eliminate the problem.
You can't blame it all on drunks, minorities or nnalert. I live on a town road that intersects the state hiway. Sheriffs Deputy likes to hide in the hedgerow. Every time he left there was a coffee cup and a snack food wrapper from the local convenience store.
I know he is a nnalert!!!
Around here you can tell when you are within 15mins. from a Miky Ds or BK. That is how far they get from the drive thru before they throw all the wrappers and drink cups out the window. There are fines here in NY for littering, but someone has to catch them in the act, or find some incriminateing evidence to have them fined.
I used to tip them back from time to time but I always have and will treat other's property and I would mine. As stated before, lack of respect is your #1 problem.

Reminds me of a few years back at one of our tractor shows, we were all standing around on a Saturday night after all the work was done. The crowd was most of us that do the field demos. Well a couple guys went to town to get some supplies and saw a deal on beer at the store, thinking that a cold beer sounded good they bought a few cases for everyone. They came back and we all enjoyed a beverage or two. A few guys camping at the grounds had some in their campers so some more people and beverages showed up. You can imagine with a crowd this size got to be that there got to be a lot of empty cans and the trash barrel near us got full fast. I remember watching the fellow who was the lucky one to try to put one more can in the barrel and realized it wasn't going to work. Instead of dropping it on the ground and walking away he walked a few hundred feet away and grabbed another trash barrel so there would be area to get rid of the remaining. The next morning there were not any empty cans to be seen anywhere except in those two empty 55 gal trash barrels. Respect.

The Person is a @$$whole..
Has No sense at all.
There's no doudt they live in a dump.
I was walking one day and picked up a can from the ditch,worth a nickle,brought it home put it in the kitchen,out jumped a mouse. Now I leave them outside.
I guess its not hard to figure, people seem to litter along most roads. I've got some road frontage and when I have to mow down there, I have to pick it all up or its shredded and dispersed, glass bottles and a mower deck is not a good combination.

I thought I had seen everything until mid to late last summer. A car full of what I am sure was city folk, came up to the end of the lane here, pulled into the end of my driveway. A tall African American women gets out, opens the trunk and starts to unload an an entire trunk packed with garbage bags. She started piling them against and around my old ford tractor which was parked there as I was working on the driveway with it. This is felony dumping if I am correct. I casually alerted them this was not cool, she picked up all the bags, packed them back into the trunk and they took off. I used some discretion as I did not want any potential retaliation. I certainly had other options that would not have been so nice to them, and for the most part, I'd usually follow through on that, but I decided that given the gang violence and similar things, it was best to keep my distance from that car load of people and use care in how I dealt with it. The nerve of some people that do these things...unreal!
The same kind of person that throws things off the bridge next to my lawn. The momentum carries it unto my lawn. I do know that MacDonalds happy meals are good for 7 miles. That's how far I live from a MacDonalds and much of the litter is from them.
(quoted from post at 17:53:53 03/17/16) Michigan requires a 10 cent deposit on cans and bottles and it looks to me like you've got two bits there. Next time you're in Michigan...


IMHO, the best thing the state ever did. It was passed in 1972. That deposit needs to be updated to at least 25 cents, and applied to all beverage containers, and fast food wrappers. But with the governor and legislature we have now, it will never happen.
(quoted from post at 21:41:09 03/17/16) sign of the times ,,,livestock that leave deposits such as that are from the WRONG generation ,,. they play the race card at every chance , and stimulate interruptions at political rallies , just so they can show their az, and hopefully get the candidate to be genuinely ugly in response to them,,it gives them the same feeling of winning as tossing a bottle in my field , the election of the prex twice in a roll gave them their same kind of immoral orgasmic feeling ... these perfect examples of livestock will stop at nuthin to that their personel rights and abundant self serving agenda does nuthin to improve society in general,,.it is I am ok and you are ok ,so lets consume and transfer the responsibility and point the finger of blame to someone else ,,THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT .ben franklin FEARED COULD HAPPENwhen was asked shortly after the DECLARATION OF INDEPENDANCE was signed,,. someone asked if we had a democracy ?,... and he replied ',NO,.We have given the People a REPUBLIC ,,It is Yours to keep and PRotect.....

Funny, I live in a virtually all white community, and trash is everywhere. Mostly the result of white trash....
I am old enough to remember when anti-littering laws were passed and the people howled that it was their god given right to throw their trash out the window anytime or anyplace. I am glad those laws are in place, but at the time it was called "government intrusion into our lives". Thank goodness the government had the guts to do the right thing.

Like it or not, we have a huge group of citizens that have no respect for the rights of others. Littering is just one of their "rights". They have the right to shoot holes in the road signs, the right to disturb your peace with the sound of their cycles and trucks, and the right to cuss and use vile language in public places in front of children.

I don't know when respecting ones self, enough to show respect for others, largely disappeared. But please don't try to make this a political thing. These people exist on both ends of the spectrum. After a terrible example last weekend of seeing farm people totally making the restrooms disgustingly filthy for no reason at a recent farm auction, I am baffled by how we have gotten here.
A few years ago I helped pickup litter along a major state highway. Besides the empty containers, there were also quite a few closed bottles partially filled with "orange juice" that didn't match the container label. I was told that is common along truck routes. Some truck drivers can't be bothered to slow down for their pit stops.

One of our "local" white trash persons decided to dump a refrigerator on the back of my 69 acres. I happened to be walking the county road back there and spotted the refrigerator. I called the auxiliary deputy down the road, also a county commissioner, and he came with one of the regular sheriff's deputy and checked it. I don't know how they did it but they figured out who dumped it (in an hour or less) and the guy had to come and pick it up and take it to the county dump. And, he got a nice fat ticket for his troubles...lol. I hate people that throw out litter/cans/bottles. I get to feeling very violent about it. Years ago, I out walking with one of my horses checking pasture conditions and some idiot driving by threw out a beer bottle. I happened to be behind some trees when he did it and yelled at him. He stopped and I went over and had a little talk with him. I clearly offered to let him climb through a four barbed wire fence with hot wire in the center or he could get his happy arse whipped. His choice, as the road dead ends further down so he had to live down there somewhere. He decided it better to climb out and pick up the bottle and I held the wire for him, rather than deal with an angry old white b******. I get more and more disgusted with this marvelous "society" that has been created. My favorite mare had been cut pretty bad on a bottle someone had tossed out one time and messed up a tendon pretty bad. She was always gimpy in that foot after that. Required a vet visit and stitches. There are a few things that set me off to max right at the beginning and trash is one of them. Bad for my blood pressure too :cry:
20 some years ago a friend organized a
cleanup of about 1/2 mile of seasonal
road along their property. We made two
loads on my 4x8x13 dump truck but were
unable to make the landfill Saturday
afternoon so I left my dump truck by
their house until Monday morning.
People now knew who picked up the mess
and maybe turned some of them in so the
house was vandalized.
(quoted from post at 18:03:45 03/17/16) Same kind that snowmobiles on tender over wintering crops. Same kind that leave gates open or cut fences. Same kind that run 4 wheelers through croplands. Same kind that hunt uninvited. Same kind that steal firewood or other farm products. Same kind that vandalize parked farm machinery or burn hay bales.
That said, I cannot print the names that go with this bunch, but I'm sure the names are plentiful and common with all land owners. This being a family friendly board.

You've summed it up perfectly.

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