Thought you heard of everything, Soda-Pop Tax


Well-known Member

SPRINGFIELD ? You might end up paying more for that next can of soda-pop, in Illinois.

A proposed statewide tax would add an extra penny on every ounce of you buy. So, you could expect to pay around 12-cents more, per can.

State Senator Mattie Hunter is sponsoring the legislation as part of a push to create a healthier Illinois.

The tax revenue tax would be put toward a variety of health services and education initiatives.

The state?s beverage association says that the increase would hurt working families, in the state.
My Dr said I should limit my coffee to two cups. So I bought a 64 oz cup. Good to follow Dr orders.
That has come up in New York state a couple of times and hasn't passed yet. The issue here isn't weather soda is good or bad for you. Its another attempt by government to get more money from you and tell you how to live your life because they don't think you are smart enough to control yourself. For you guys saying its OK because they already tax beer ask your self this question - are you happy paying it?
Well he didn't say how big they had to be, They used to have mug night in Brookings, they drew the line when SDSU students started gluing handles on golf fish bowls! I know pop probably isn't good for a person but quanity consumed is a factor. A friend of mine who now is 75 has a Mountain Dew in the morning and afternoon at his machine shop. He's done it for years and is in good shape for his age.
So the government doesnt think you should have it and either need to stop you from having too much or they need to stop you from buying it all together lol. Rarely does tax money go where it is supposed to go. If it did we wouldnt have the problems we have. No doubt possibly the "health services" you mentioned would be used to pay someone to lecture people on not drinking soda lol. Maybe they need to tax a politician every time he tells a lie. We would be out of debt in no time ;)
Leaving the whole soda pop good or bad for you thing out of it,what catches my eye is that she seems to already have a new place to spend the money instead of putting it in the general fund to pay for existing expenses.
The taxes for this, alcohol and tobacco SHOULD go right to medicare and medicaid to deal with the health issues they cause, but does it ever really.
You have to realize here in IL we cannot leave an untapped source of revenue untouched. When you push it through with a message of how great it is for working families, well how can you loose.
If you think it through, the vice taxes never really work out tho?

To collect the taxes, the govt ends up having to promote the thing they are taxing..... They can't possibly have less sales of these t
Items, as that would dry up the govt revenue stream.

It becomes a really bad cycle, where the govt needs more sales of bad stuff to collect more and more taxes.........

No good comes of it.

Just like the gas tax paying for roads....yeah right, it goes out the door for other programs....and the gov'ts are still broke.
Nothing surprises me any more. The soda companies would go out of business, if they depended on people like me to buy sodas. I drink one soda about every two months. Stan
Ive been trying to quit drinking pop. I used to drink a lot.
So I made a rule, I can only drink pop if its mixed with rum.

My rum consumption has went WAY up.

Like another poster said NY tried this a few years ago. Governor wanted any soda 20 oz and above taxed additionally beyond the sales tax.
Governor added another $1.50 on top of the $3.00 already tax on cigarettes claiming would bring in another few billion in taxes, "however", the income from taxes dropped a few million as the smokers went to tax free smoke shops. Many close to another state went to those states to buy. Instead of repealing the added tax they tried to force the tax-free shops to pay taxes. Result is cigarettes made on U.S.soil are no longer sold on tax-free land. At least in my area. Government at it's finest!
I use about a twelve pack of caffene free Coke a month for my Captian and Coke.

About 3-4 times a year I go to a meeting in Illinois. I stop in Hannibal Mo., before I cross the state line, and fill up with gas, buy my Gatorade and a few candy bars. I bring any Alkeyhaul I need from home.

I try to buy nothing in Illinois. I know any tax I pay in Illinois will end up in the pockets of the gang bangers and thugs in Chicago. Their anti-gun stance also offends me. I am pretty anti Illinois.

Sounds like our former gubner, Martin O'Malley. He never saw a tax he didn't like, and never saw one he couldn't hike. Everything needed a tax, even the rain. And then they poured it down the drain......

Well, tobacco users could avoid a tax by growing their own, like my grandfather did, and drinkers could make homemade wine and persimmon beer, but I don't know how the soda drinkers could avoid the soda tax, unless they do like me and drink water. I like tea, but it disagrees with me, I don't like coffee, and I can't finish a can of soda, so it's an easy choice for me, not to mention I love to avoid taxes. I'll leave comments about other taxes for another thread.

That will just go to build more roads in Chicago. Route 20 across the top of the state is 4 lane west to Freeport and they did about 15 miles from Dubuque to Galena over 50 years ago, but the 50 or so miles in-between is still 2 lane but they never can find enough money to finish it. Lots of semi traffic, can't imagine how many people have been killed on that road in the last 50 years.
Captain with coke tastes like doctor Pepper, Captain with Doctor Pepper tastes like....Well really good Doctor Pepper
It gets better than that!! Here in PA, the taxes on fuel that were _supposed to_ pay for roads, bridges and the like somehow got spent elsewhere. Then they had the nerve to ask for ANOTHER tax or tax hike to pay for......

wait for it.......

Yep, roads and bridges!!

Then one of the idiots that this commonwealth elected wanted to put tolls on I-80 and I-81 in violation of the federal interstate highway act. Fortunately, the feds shot him down.

Also note that one of the most expensive roads in the USA, the PA turnpike, is at or near bankruptcy thanks to corruption and mismanagement. And the then governor wanted to sell it off to private operators!!!!

Whatta maroon !!!!!!
Once again, like others, you have missed the mark, Charlie.
The government does NOT care whether it is good or bad. It is ABOUT THE MONEY!!! NOTHING ELSE!!!
See how quickly they start crying when consumption goes down.
Whether it is tobacco, alcohol, sugar, or fuel, they WANT YOU TO USE IT!!
And as much as you can afford.
Nothing else counts.
I used to live in Illinois during the '90's and forget the name of the president at the time, but he sued big tobacco...for health reasons. Illinois' portion of the settlement was divided up AUTOMATICLY to ALL families in Illinois whether you smoked or not if you lived there for x-amount of years prior to such and such date...for health reasons. I didn't fit the category, but believe that the families that did got a check for about $80 taxable income from big tobacco. I don't smoke, but here in Indiana they are contemplating raising taxes on a pack of cigarettes from $1.00 to $2.00 per pack and another four cents per gallon on road fuel roads for smaller vehicles that get better fuel economy and cause less road damage. Think that I won't vote folks from my own party out of office? Think again.

When I think back to the Boston Tea Party where folks stood up for far less...

Aw, come on guys, cut us some slack!! Just because we have a lot of stupid people that keep voting for the nnalert that can't help but spend more money than they take in. We are billions in debt and have to have more money from somewhere. It's for the children!!! A lonely conservative, Chris
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