Why I stick around here


Well-known Member
I don't know how to describe the bunch of guys and gals who inhabit this little society. Certainly a diverse and colorful bunch from all spectrums of agricultural related interests. The wisdom just is amazing. Donno how many times I have benefited from someone's help here - many to be sure. Hope I have been able to contribute to someone else's solution to a problem from time to time. Want to put out a special thanks to Dave H (MI) who went out of his way to lend his expertise to an issue I was having. Cost him some time and trouble, but in the end will save me much time and trouble. Thanks to all of you who have lent a hand in the past, but right now, a super THANKS to Dave.
I sure do agree.
There's a lot of good ideas I read about and find myself passing along this wisdom to others in my day to day adventures.
I too, would like to let everyone know how much I appreciate all of those who post. Even the OT posts are beneficial. For many of you this may seem like a truly zany statement. But, I am a lot smarter since I started hanging out on this YT website. Thanks to all. gobble
I thought you were talking about Michigan,but today,that question would be "Why DO I stick around here?". LOL
My family and friends are sick of hearing me say, "I saw on my tractor board the other day that...(fill in numerous blanks). Other than looking up something on Google this is about the only place I visit on-line. Truly an amazing collection of folks. My only problem with this site is that I spend far too much time here, at the expense of sleep and completion of chores.
I could not have said it better. I have learned so much - still have much, much more to go - and really appreciate those who take the time to try to help. Great place to learn! Thanks to all.
I totally agree. Then again, I used to like to sit and listen to my Grandfather and his peers talk about things, too!
I should also add that reading and posting on here keeps me from totally forgetting a lot of the things I've learn over the years at the school of bumps and bruises.
Yes, I agree too. I have learned so darned much from this forum, which reminds me, I have to ask a question on the IH board.
I agree there is a lot of useful information and knowledge on this site. I get most of my answers just reading old posts, but there are always someone that is helpful when I ask a question. I glad I found this site, as my grandfather is not around no more and I use to ask him about these old tractors and such. Thanks for all of you that help us that need it.
Nice of you to say, and it weren't that much trouble. I'm still in the red ink when it comes to the help department here, many more have helped me than the other way around. Thanks for the kind words!
I feel that everyone that posts on the YT boards are my friends rather we know each other personnaly or not.
Best continuing education forum bar none. Not just ag but life in general. I'm much indebted to you all for coming into my life.
It's kind of nice when, being mostly by myself in the mechanical dept, to go here and get a answer on about anything. Thanks, also. Stan
Started following this forum a month or so ago and I must say I enjoy the diverse topics and the helpful answers. Other forums if you ask a question off topic watch out you might get an ear full of criticism. Not name'n names.
I repeat things from this forum to my wife from time to time, and she hit me with, it's nothing but a face book for tractor heads. Since she knows I don't like face book, that hurt.
(quoted from post at 09:57:58 03/01/16) I thought you were talking about Michigan,but today,that question would be "Why DO I stick around here?". LOL

Imam in Floiduh right now... :D
Directed here by an acquaintance when we were looking for a rusty, old Regular... finally found one in the weeds and we got a lot of help here with that old girl.

I also say thank you to all those who have helped us out with answers.

It's a great site about most any subject under the sun.

And thanks to those who have become friends who I will likely never meet. So many fantastic folks here!
Started out on couple other of 'tractor' web sites. Then found this one had a lot more going on every day. Seen some friendly and some not so friendly ribbing going on but we do it with our own familys. Lots of good info, parts trading and selling and have meet a few of the members.
Yup, the country store wood stove get together internet forum. Great bunch on here.
imho , everyone I have met on this forum , I would love to have living next door to me , junk and parts ,smells , sights and sounds,, and all their kids too ,,. some of my pals know this bad health news ,,. but I may as well tell the rest of you fellas now ,,although I am not searching for sympathy ,,. come march 7 , the gifted good Dr's will remove part of my colon that they say could kill me if it is allowed to flourish , Cancer! they say that they think only 8 inches will need to be removed and sewn back together , but I fear the advancing pain may direct to more problems. Although couple weeks ago ., I did have a CATScan that showed nothing new .. .COLON CANCER !!. 2 yrs ago , I had a half grape size growth removed from my hand . seems like my body is flirting with disaster . Please Pray that they always find it in time... and most important guys ,, GET THAT COLON SCOPE DONE ,it don't hurt , .. colon cancer is a silent killer masquerading as normal middle aged aches and pains ,.. then all of a sudden , IT IS TOO LATE .. Now,,. Guys get yourself chekt and get over the invasion of your privacy ... our good Gals have had to do that early on when they gave us our children,, so man up so you can live long and continue to prosper... this mental and physical health message has been inspired by the OLD GENT DC Case ,..aka ,jim
I don't always post that much,and sometimes I don't get on here for a few weeks if I get busy on something, but I have liked YT for years and always come back. A lot of common sense and wisdom here. Tom
Reading answers here also reminds us of the importance of getting a second opinion! Seriously, though, seeing different viewpoints on things helps us sort out what is "best" for our situation. It really is a lesson on the nature of truth, and how most of us have some things right, but few or none can be right all the time.
In reference to the facebook for tractor heads post, the only thing we need here is a "like" button. I would use it often, many times I agree with someone, but don't want to clutter up the forum with a reply everyone has to read. Most of the time, I would just be repeating what has already been said.
I pray that you will come through in great shape and will regain the years cancer has tried to steal. 10 years ago I was diagnosed with leukemia but doing well today.

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