Dining with dogs. --- What would you do?

Was eating lunch at a restaurant when a couple came in with their 40 lb long haired dog. They sat in the next booth with the dog under the table. The lady appeared to occasionally give the dog a snack under the table. They finished eating and got up to leave. The dog stopped by our table and shook like he was shaking off a swim across a river.

Owner said, "that a boy, shake it off". I assume they were taking advantage of the new fad of " I need a comfort dog with me all the time". This is getting to be disgusting. I hate eating dog hair. Could not a chill pill last for half an hour?
All I can say is I like most dogs a lot more than a lot of humans. Probably not cosher to take a dog into a restaurant, but I'm thinking you'll live through it.
A thought might be to give a little of your worry time to more important issues, there are plenty out there. Good luck - Bob
A designated therapy dog or a working dog for the visually impaired (with harness and leash) is fine. A casual dog with a propensity to "throw hair" seems so wrong on so many fronts. Jim
What one does and what one should do are two different things. You should complain to wait staff , ask for them or yourself to be moved. If not get up and leave. What most of us do is put up with it and never go back to that place and very small or no tip. The Today show had a piece on pets on airlines, just get/buy a cirtificate on line, and the little harness or whatever making the said animal, a "comfort animal" and the airlines cannot not let them fly. One of the critters they used was a PIG. I sure would want to fly in a super-small seat next to some "person" with their pig across country plus sitting on the tarmac on both ends of the flight. All the more reason to drive. just my two cents worth.
look here
We were eating lunch Sunday after church, place was full! Looked across the room and here comes a medium size dog, making his rounds, checking out the tables! He came to our table, nuzzled at my daughters leg, then took off to the next table.

He was causing quite a commotion, nothing bad, he was friendly. About that time the owner ran and grabbed him, took him out. My guess he escaped from a car and was looking for his people.

It's against the law for pets, (not service animals), to go inside any place that serves of sells food in Texas. They can come to the patio area if the management allows. It wouldn't bother me to dine with a dog, done it most of my life. As long as the dog was behaved and stayed with his people, not a problem. But it wouldn't be long I'm afraid, the situation could get out of hand. An unruly dog, a stinky dog, or one with food obsession that might get carried away or be dangerous!
And to think that the Kentucky Board of Health banned the mayor of Rabbit Hash Kentucky (a dog) from being in the general store.
In a restaurant that I frequent, a gentleman who has some mental problem from Viet Nam has a service dog. The dog is perfectly mannered and wears a service dog coat. The dog just sits under the man's table, even when the man goes to the register to pay up. Now I would have a problem with an unruly and untrained dog in a restaurant. Would much rather eat in peace with a trained dog nearby than with some of the untrained kids I see in a restaurant. I can actually feel sorry for the dog when there areso many good smells around.
I'd make a scene! I'd start gasping for breath and clutching my throat while dropping to the floor in writhing pain. All the while muttering how I was severely allergic to dogs and their dander.

I like dogs but, they DON"T belong in an eating establishment.
I could be wrong here but I thought it was against law to allow dogs in such places EXCEPT LIKE SEEING EYE DOGS. cALL STATE HEALTH DEPARTMENT. Or if you wanted to be a pain light up a cigar!!!!
I would get up and leave. I hate people who think their passion for their pet has to become mine. Leave the mutt at home or better yet tie it to the dumpster next to the Chinese Restaurant. OK I AM DONE WITH MY RANT! Carry on
glen sw wi= Oh, I understand your post now. The gentleman had problems from his service in Nam, not that he was from Nam.

Ya,that's what the wife was saying. She said they had raised $46,000 in two days on some internet fund raising site.
I agree. My dog went just about everywhere with me. But he stayed out in the truck (with the windows down or top off and a fan plugged in if it was warm, he stayed home if it was too hot out) while I went inside anywhere. I always made sure to bring something out for him. A local diner that used to have a Sunday buffet would pile leftovers into a go-box for him. He loved that.
It's going to get totally out of control... as people can now get a certification/license/permit/??? to bring their pets along with them if they even have an "emotional need". I know a young woman who has that certification on her dog... and I feel it's a total farce.

Did you see on the news a few days ago about a young woman flying with her TURKEY? Yes, a gobble-gobble got on a plane with her and it was permitted as her doctor had written her a prescription or some such thing. They also featured another lady taking her POT BELLIED PIG traveling on public transportation.

I plan to get a horse for my emotional needs... I ALWAYS wanted one. Going to start flying with it. LOL!!! He-he-he, Ha-ha-ha!!

It's ridiculous.
I look at the rims on vehicles nowadays and feel pitty for the guy that has to fix or repair tires. I'm, or should I say my beagle is guilty of it too.
My border collied bailed out of the truck at TSC. She never does that. The pretty girl working there insisted I bring her inside. My dog went in and proceeded to find a place to take a dump. I guess I know why she bailed out of the truck, she had to go. The girl asks about the dog but doesn't insist anymore. I'd hate to have that happen in a restaurant. She's usually more than content in the truck. She gets in it and hangs out in the driveway.
Last weekend I saw a woman in the grocery store with a great dane. She seemed fine, so I wondered why she was allowed to have it in the store - it also was wearing a red vest.
I went home and googled "red vest on dog". Turns out that's the symbol for an emotional support dog - I guess if you get a red vest for your dog, you can take it anywhere you want...
SweetFeet-"I plan to get a horse for my emotional needs...". A lady did that to fly on a commercial airline. Although, it was a mini horse and she had to purchase an extra seat for the horse.

It's gettin' crazy "out amongst them English." (Quote from movie 'Witness).
If I see any dog in a restaurant before I go in there, I turn around and walk out. If someone comes in with an obviously well trained service dog it is okay with me. If someone comes in with a pet dog, I make a fuss with the manager and make sure the owner sees or hears my rant. We never took our dog to any public places except the vet so he never go into the habit - and he never got any restaurant food, per advice from our vet.

People in AZ take their dogs into all kinds of places where a dog has no business to be. If store managers knew how much of my business they lose, they would not let a dog into the place.
Wonder how the comfort pigs mix with the nnalert, that could be an interesting lawsuit, wonder who would prevail?
If it was not a service dog I would just leave. If I was eating I would gag so loud that others would want to heave as I headed out.
I fly with my horse all the time Sweetfeet! Lol, I just couldent resist, I thought that before I finished reading your post.
I would have got up and walked out. Stores are no place for animals. Used to go to Pet Smart but don't anymore. There were always big puddles of urine everywhere on the floor and now and then a pile of dog poop in the aisles and dog hair on the merchandise. If you have those levels of stress that you think you need to take Fido with you everywhere you go, maybe you should stay home.
I would have told the dogs owner to get his stinking cur away from my table and I would have told the restaurant owner adios. Idiots such as that have no respect for anyone.
In most places, animals (dogs, cats, or otherwise) are not allowed where food is prepared or served. Department of health has the final say.
We snowbird to AZ and in our parks they usually have a potluck in the clubhouse once a week but we don't participate.Have you ever wondered how much dog orcat hairyou may be eating.Most people that RV have at least one or more animals and they let them walk all over the kitchen counters,no thanks.
The airline may not refuse them a ticket but the guy up front in the left seat, the one with four stripes, he has veto power.
CenTex Farmall- I don't think the guy in that front left seat has a lot of say when it comes up against the "Americans with Disabilities Act". That law pretty much ties his hands unless he wants to be dismissed from that position/Airline.
I'm not referring to bona fide service animals for those who have impaired senses. Those are always allowed on board. The frivolous "comfort animals" are not in that category.

ADA does not cover everything in an aircraft. You'll notice that most aircraft aisles are not wide enough for standard wheelchairs . Special "aisle chairs" must be used yet are not carried on board. It is against FAA regs to seat disabled passengers in emergency exit rows. Aircraft lavatories certainly do not meet ADA rules either.

Interestingly, so called "celebrity animals" must be allowed (according to company policy). If Lassie boards your plane you're stuck with it.
The dog is probably as clean as any human in public pretty sure you'll live through it if not we'll we all Gota go sometime 👺👺
(quoted from post at 01:23:05 02/17/16) I could be wrong here but I thought it was against law to allow dogs in such places EXCEPT LIKE SEEING EYE DOGS. cALL STATE HEALTH DEPARTMENT. Or if you wanted to be a pain light up a cigar!!!!

In Ohio it's the same, but I heard in Maine it's allowed (Mainers, true or false?). When we took a tour of Portland a few years back the guide said that most restaurants were dog friendly and welcome the pooches.
Well now that my daughter moved back home I'm eating with 2 husky's and 1 miniature poodle ! And in case you didn't know Husky's shed hair all year long and LOTS of it ! So dog hair is on every menu even if I go out it's still all over my clothes and coats.
And for those who don't think eating out is fit to eat. The other night I was putting some alpo canned dog food on the dry food for the outside dog and it sure did look good. I have not tried it yet. Looked better than some TV dinners I've ate ! You might want to pick some up ?

Wife fed me some dog cookies at least once. I knew it wasn't right but just tasted like an extra stale regular cookie. Good chance she will slip me some alpo in something.

This stuff is going way too far. The latest fad among my acquaintances on Facebook is being an "animal rescuer". Every day I see dozens of posts among these people about this poor dog or that poor cat. So I got fed up and mentioned that there were hundreds of kids in the Foster Care system that were truly in need of loving individuals to care for them. Nope, no one is interested in having to make that kind of commitment to another human being, especially a broken one. I didn't come right out and say they were all hypocrites, but I definitely hinted at it.
How do they get around the 'no shirt, no shoes, no entry' sign?

dogs in places? bring a barn cat with you.

Restaurant eh? my comfort animal would be a big ol......Rat.
Let him run around a bit.

dang, I've been turned away from a few restaurants in my day.
Looking in the window and seeing a dog, pig, and turkey inside woulda really hurt my feelings :lol:

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