Don't rake and text.


Well-known Member

Think we can identify with this.
Ha! Farmer neighbor was short of help one day 20 years ago. Needed someone to rake hay. Neighbor of his was a great guy, but always short of cash, mainly because any spare cash laying around got turned into 12-oz bottles as quickly as he could get to the local convenience store. Still, any port in a storm and with rain on the way, when he volunteered to help rake in return for enough liquid refreshment to stave off dehydration while he was doing it, he handed him a 12-pack and turned him loose. Farmer said later that the first windrows weren't TOO bad, but by the time he got to the middle of the field it would have broke a snake's back to follow them, and they ended up just driving the baler and wagon straight down the field, turning around, and going straight back, picking up whatever they could on each pass!
I wonder how many states and counties use GPS signals when they paint the lines on roads?
Reminds me of the straw windrows I would leave behind the combine......we swathed all of our spring grain in those days and when it came to combining it I would sometimes work a nap into my afternoon. When the field was finished you could see where I had drifted off (in more ways than one), then an abrupt "correction" when the nap was over.
When we moved from a 6 ft pickup to a 10 ft I had more leeway and a slightly longer nap.
I remember the old folks telling about a guy out east of town who drove through a fence one time because he was reading a book while he was plowing.
Dad frequently mentioned when he was young and carousing, and had to drag first thing one morning. He drifted off and put the tractor and drags into the creek. He was able to retract the teeth and pull back out, but not before Grandpa caught him. This would have been 1950 or so, Case SO.

Looks like when I was 14 raking field for neighbor with a 9n had a big chaw of Redman hit a gopher hole and swollowed the whole wad. LOL was I green
loox like someone has a 3 pt hitch 5 wheel rake ,..and they are used to raking with a side delivery and they were following contour of last pass...when i wheel rake i usually start middle of field and work out ,, makes a lot less driving.
Friend of mine farmed with his Dad and Uncle, and they often used an even older Uncle, professional schoolteacher, during the summer haying efforts. Uncle Art either dozed off or was quite distracted while raking, dropped the pin and released the rake, and recognized it immediately [u:d30ac91187]after[/u:d30ac91187] he ran into the back of the rake on the next round...
Instead of swerving back and forth with the tractor and round baler, you can drive straight and make the best round bales.

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