OT; Texting Driving -- Two Dead


Well-known Member
Father of 7 killed driving home from work yesterday, by young person, oncoming, texting, crossed centerline. Both killed. Funeral Saturday.
We've all done, it, got away with it, I know I have. Gonna try to not even talk on phone while driving.
(quoted from post at 06:43:01 01/29/16) Father of 7 killed driving home from work yesterday, by young person, oncoming, texting, crossed centerline. Both killed. Funeral Saturday.
We've all done, it, got away with it, I know I have. Gonna try to not even talk on phone while driving.

NO, we haven't all done it. I have a hand free unit and will talk if someone calls but I don't even make outgoing calls while driving.

Sad thing for the families.

(quoted from post at 08:55:52 01/29/16)
(quoted from post at 06:43:01 01/29/16) Father of 7 killed driving home from work yesterday, by young person, oncoming, texting, crossed centerline. Both killed. Funeral Saturday.
We've all done, it, got away with it, I know I have. Gonna try to not even talk on phone while driving.

NO, we haven't all done it. I have a hand free unit and will talk if someone calls but I don't even make outgoing calls while driving.

Sad thing for the families.


X-2 we all haven't done it. I never have and never will
Studies have shown that talking on the phone even hands free is as bad as drunk driving. At least thats
what my company tells us. They won't except calls if your driving.
I saw the SUV in front of me run into the rear of a car that had slowed yesterday. The driver didn't apply her breaks until right before she hit it. Fortunately no one was injured. She was alone and obviously distracted. Mobile device??
Don't know how to text and not interested in learning. Have a cheap cell phone that I use if I am on a long trip. Cell doesn't work down here in the HOLLER so I have a land line. When I'm driving I'm driving period. Driving should take your full attention.
I agree Jon with 95% of the people, they can not chew gum and drive safely,,,, when I was running snow plow, I drove, ran the plow and sander shifted watched out for the brain dead ones on the road and talked on the cb and two-radio,,, but that is not something even all truck drivers are able to do,,, like I have always said, anyone can drive a piece of equipment, but there are very few real operators
I'm with you Glen. Driving is an activity that uses all five senses. Why hobble yourself? Some people's brains may be able to multi-task, but not mine. I prefer to focus on the task at hand.
Besides...no text or call is SO important to justify risking someone's life? If it is - it's worth pulling over and giving it your attention.
I don't text anywhere and I won't initiate a phone call while driving. I will pull over and stop if I need to call someone. I am guilty of answering the phone while driving but that doesn't happen often.
If I'm driving and having a conversation with a passenger and reach over to press a button or adjust a heat/AC control I'm no more distracted than pressing a button on a hands free and having a conversation on a phone. In fact most likely less distracted because the temptation to look at whom I'm talking to is removed. Now if you are trying to make a call and entering a number or scrolling through your speed dial list your eyes and attention isn't on the road.

Listening to CD's and trying to select another to insert can be distracting too.

I was listening to the radio a few months back. They were talking about the number of motorcycle fatalities had occurred over the last several months. They were talking with a state cop who said most were accidents involving a car and most often the car was at fault. Then he said that distracted driving was most often the cause with a cell phone involved.

If the cops suspect you were on your cell when involved in an accident they can get a judge to sing off on looking at your cell phone records. The cell provider can tell em if you were on your phone and weather you were voice or text at a given time. Pretty simple part of an accident investigation.

Right. In Canada, it has been determined that MORE accidents/fatalities are caused by distracted driving than by driving while under the influence. Fines for driving while texting have increased a lot to pretty well equal those for drinking and driving.

I drove school bus for awhile. Talk about your distracted driving. . .
Texting is verboten, of course, but I do not agree that simply talking on the phone distracts you any more than playing a CD, or whatever.
In New Hampshire we have a hands free of electronic devices law with costly fines, yet you can eat a big mac, fries and a shake, I believe that is just as bad. All the fast food places and coffee shops have drive through windows. Just my 2 cents.
"We've all done, it, got away with it,"

ALL? Not me. I've never texted in my life,period. Guess what,it hasn't left me deprived of anything.
The focus must be on the road. Every bit of information that is processed away from that objective/obligation is a direct reduction in that requirement. eating had handy food can be in that category as (on the other extreme) texting. Every effort must be made by the driver and passengers to prevent distraction. Experienced drivers discussing road conditions on a CB with other truckers is extending the focus to a degree, and is an engagement with the road. The worst situation is when a less experienced driver becomes involved with an emotional or (to them) important discussion that includes imaging in their head and discussing with enough intensity that the road and operation of the vehicle is reduced to a fragment of their capacity (which may be limited in the first place). As portable "device use" becomes even more plague like in the world, and people ignore their surroundings to participate by electronic remote, the consequences will multiply. Jim's opinion.
The National Insurance Institute says that distracted driving has surpassed drunk drivers in highway deaths. They also say that there is no difference in the accident rates between hands on and hands free cell phones. The insurance companies are probably going to raise rates unless the owner can prove that they don't possess a cell phone. If you own one, they won't take your word that you won't use it when driving.

I don't text, and leave my phone off when I am driving. In a couple rare instances when I left the phone on, when it rang I found somewhere to pull off the road/street before I answered it. Decided that I really didn't like that so don't turn it on when driving.
I am guilty of reading a quick incoming text while driving. Don't do it often nor do I ever do it in traffic. If I talk on the phone while driving it is with a hands free device and not in heavy traffic. On trips I will talk on the hands free just to break the boredom so I guess I am guilty as charged of using a device while driving. I do see more cars crossing the line or going over on the shoulder now than I used to in the past.
Texting while driving laws as well as most other cell phone laws are largely unenforceable until after something goes wrong. Very frequently, while in my daily travels, I see drivers pull up next to me at stop lights and a good many are testing or otherwise fooling with their phones.

Back in high school, in driver education, we were repeatedly told that driving is a full time job. Most cars then were only equipped with AM radios, and full power meant power steering and power brakes. Even then, tuning the radio, adjusting the seat, and any other activity was met with disapproval from the instructor. He would remind us that driving is a full time job. There were many less vehicles on the road at that time, and there were some highway designs that have since been done away with - like suicide lanes.

Today's casual and sometimes downright cocky attitude toward driving is a big contributing factor to highway fatalities in my opinion. Some of the things I saw when I was driving a big truck are truly scary. I have seen folks with newspapers and magazines spread out on the steering wheel while going 70 mph on the interstate. How about teenagers spread out across the entire front seat with the cruise control set at 70? I saw several young girls sitting with their legs crossed under them in the driver seat while operating the car with the cruise control.

This whole attitude toward driving goes way deeper than cell phones or texting. Attitudes need to change.
I've never sent a text and seldom use a cell phone, anytime. Nearly every time I go to town I meet someone on the phone or texting. Laws may help but speeding, DUI, and inattentive driving are already against the law and they still do them. Maybe technology will eventually come into play that will prevent devices from being used while driving.
I feel bad for the family that lost their dad/husband.

Oh, man - promise this old mom/grandma that you will NEVER text and drive again!

I don't even answer my cell nor place a call when driving... there is just NEVER a call or text message that is worth dying for (or killing another person for). It can all wait until I've reached my destination.
How long before they make it so that if you are in motion the phone will not work till you stop? I think that there would be a lot of people against that one.

Count me in Bob. My neighbor got rear ended by a kid on a cell phone texting. I tell my kids (for whatever it helps) to stop and ask if that text is more important then their life??? I even have to get after my first wife to NOT call or answer or even look at the phone while driving

Hope to see you soon

John T
It comes down to a matter of priorities. Is a person concentrating on driving with the phone conversation secondary: or the other way around? ? Taking on a phone should be no more dangerous than having a conversation with a passenger in the vehicle.
Real simple just don't tex . Myself i have a CEL PHONE it is a PHONE , not a portable computer gaming station or what ever it is a phone for making phone calls . Don't have texting don't want it and don't need it . When all this texting B/S came out i was still on the road and had a company phone that had texting on it . I hauled the BIG ugly loads most times i had setting on the deck what other guys were grossing . My driving took 110% of my attention at all times . I could talk on the phone and keep both hands where they needed to be and my eyes on the road ahead and on the mirrors . The phone would be placed in a holder just off to the right on the dash . To answer a call it took nomore effort then turning on the headlights or selecting a different setting on the jake brake and no more distraction then either of those . Even if i was talking it was no different the having someone ride with me , at least it was not always sticking it head in the right mirror . My arreshole dispatcher started this texting thing and i told him time and time again DO NOT TEXT ME i will not answer you , No i can not just pull over anywhere . BUT he kept on doing it and i kept on ignoring him . we had many fights over this , the boss asked me why i would not text him and i told him that i can talk faster then i can type i can listen faster then i can read , and i can keep my eyes on the road while i talk. NOW if you wqant me to tex t back then i will have to pull over when and where i can and set there and play the game of typing back and forth just so we can be COOL and he can set in his office and look like he is really doing something when he should be looking for loads for us . When i finialy got my own phone after i retired we went looking for a PHONE , something small , something water proof, something drop proof with no camera and no texting no gaming and no computer . Yea that was fun as the salesperson started off with well this is what you need and it can do this and that and WOOOOOOOooo stop wright there No i want a PHONE just a phone that is water proof, drop proof with NO texting , OH you have to have testing what if no no what if's i want a PHONE and only a phone if i want to check my E/Mail that i don't have anymore first i would have to have and E/Mail and when i want to check the weather i will do it first thing in the morning or before i go to bed at night. If i want a picture i will use my camera and if i want to talk to someone i will TALK to them , if i want to type something to them then i will us what you call SNAIL MAIL. I want a phone and phone only. I got a Mil. spec PHONE , it is small it has a really extra long battery life and it has everything i wanted in a PHONE. And it has a button that i can press with a # on it it that i can assingn to each of the main people i talk to so they are just one button push away. when it is nice out and i am at home setting on the ft. pourch my house sets up on a bank and i can look down into cars as they drive by about five out of six cars that pass yo see them with there nose in there phone texting some using there knee to steer some doing it one handed and none of them looking at the road. To me driving is like flying a plane as you should be always looking for a place to land or what might fly into you..
Is hands-free any different than talking to passengers? It shouldn't be, unless the driver is one who must look directly at the passenger while talking. That amazes me. Still see drivers reading newspapers, books (yes, books) and maps while speeding along at 70 MPH! Frightening!
distracted driving. You should see what us auto technicians have to read, hold, look at while we drive and diagnose vehicles. Our handheld scanners (GM Tech2, Snap-on Modis) have now been replaced by labtop computers. Try looking, navigating, and driving while trying to diagnose a vehicle with a computer in your lap.
I believe that as a part of any and all traffic accidents, the telephone activity of all persons involved be reviewed. Not for content but to determine if the telephone was being used for voice, text, email, games, etc. Maybe that is being done but given the personal privacy attention I doubt it.
ha. ya I wish, dealership life, flat rate warranty repair. Today I did a torque converter in a new 2016 pickup per a service bulletin. pays 4.4 hours. My shop manager expects work like that to take me 3.0 and hurry up we got more work to do. EVERY vehicle dealership is like this. trust me. I don't like it. After I repair or overhaul a transmission, its a short 5 mile test drive and as long as it hits all 6 gears, the Torque converter slip speed is around that magic zero number and there isn't a big red puddle underneath it when I get back, on to the next project. never ends.
I use a simple Tracphone for road emergencies- usually powered off until stopped. Some gripes from people about not responding to text, voicemails until end of day, didn't get the emergency message-- but it was their 'emergency', not mine, they knew they would need a ride that day and should have called home phone before late morning. I have a agreed pickup time to get them, they should be ready at door or on street at the time, I WON"T call from cell when I'm there, give them extra 10 minutes, etc before getting them to probation officer, I just leave. I see one dancing in street afterwards- but I told her I had the other one to take to doctor when she called about 'need a ride to sheriff's office for p*ss test', it was on the way for other so OK at this time, be ready or walk. Spanked that one last year for some minor misbehavior, doubtful she'll reform but other 2 people have straightened out in past couple years. I've learned to text some- enough to put ID on the phone table, speed dial. RN
So far ONLY the first one since 45 years ago I best stick with her. I just try to be honest and provide all necessary information so I describe her that way lol

John T
If I need to communicate with some one, I will pull over off the road and call them. I totally agree.
I have never Texted while Driving! And those that do are on borrowed time before they injure someone.

Before I retired the Corporation made examples, of Texting and Cell phone talking while driving Corporate Vehicles. Caught....down the Road!
I have never texted.... I probably use a cell phone 5-6 hours per year...I never use it while driving..
I wouldn't know how to begin to text a message and don't intend to find out. The only reason I have a cell phone is to be able to call 911 or AAA. I have called 911 a few times. Injured deer in middle of road, getting dark. Fire in the woods. Van on fire. Car upside down, only noticed it in my rear view mirror because he went up over a hill on the side of the road and rolled on the other side. (He had passed me about 30 min before doing about 80 on icy roads in Pennsylvania)
Texting and driving is Dumb !! I have hands free in my pick-up , but only take incoming calls. The text is a handy way to communicate because you do not have to read the message as soon as you get it . As well you can send a reply when it is safe/convenient, and you can send a picture too . So say I send the parts guy a picture of a broken part, he can look at it and not have to have me describe it to him. Text can be a handy tool , but not some thing to use while driving as this tragic lost of life shows.
"I do not agree that simply talking on the phone distracts you any more than playing a CD, or whatever"

If you feel that is TRUE you must live in a MUCH different world than I do, totally free of any stressful phone calls.

IMHO, for the rest of us, a good percentage of phone calls from spouses, kids, S.O.'s, clients, business associates, friends, etc. involve stress or emotion, which is the LAST thing you need to deal with when driving, IMHO, but I'm as guilty of it as anyone.
I now have a smart phone which is great for work, but if I didn't need it for work I may not even have a cell phone. I don't really talk to people much and don't like to talk on the phone. I don't answer the phone most of the time anyway and why would I use it while driving???

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