All the writing, spelling and punctuation errors here...

Ultradog MN

Well-known Member
Twin Cities
I've been thinking about this lately.
You see a lot of errors in people's posts.
Gets my goat sometimes.
But you know, as a whole I think we all do a pretty good job of communicating here. Especially since most of us are mechanics, farmers, builders, operators and the like. Blue collar guys who don't need the writing skills of our white collar brothers.
I would guess most of us are 50+.
Our writing skills were learned in a time when those things were still a high priority in the schools we went to.
I also see a lot of writing that is done by much younger people - Internet ads, texting, other forums, etc. Many of those pieces are so lacking in basic sentence structure, spelling, punctuation and grammer as to make them almost undecipherable.
So to all of us who sat through those dreadful English classes wondering what we would ever need this stuff for well, the proof was in the pudding.
We needed those classes so we could come on here and discuss, harass, brag, argue and give ideas and help to other folks who like old iron and be understood by them.
So here's a thumbs up to all the folks here who paid a little attention in those classes.
I can read and understand your posts even if I think you're wrong or crazy.
Also here's a shout out to those poor English teachers who put up with us in their classes and actually taught us something.
We do a pretty good job of it here.
The next most useful thing they could have taught us was typing! Who knew? But, even though I was a compliant student, I know I would have rebelled at that!
Even though I have four years of college I still make grammatical errors. It is easier to clean things up on other boards because editing is easier to do. Also, sometimes I am in a hurry or the wife wants my attention on something. Some have accused me of being stuck up because I do not use sentence fragments regularly. When I had papers due in college I tried to get them done a few days ahead of the deadline because I would always have things to clean up grammar-wise and you tend to see the mistakes a whole lot clearer when the research and analysis part of the job is done.
Have to agree on the typing. Most useful course I ever took in school.
Still having some problems with the typing. Kitten keeps running over the keyboard. They didn't teach how over come this problem.
Yes i thought about while in highschool, BUT(1) the old battle ax that taught it really did not like BOYS as she was and OLD MAID and any guy that did take it he was wishing he had taken a study hall. (20 Then why should i as i was working to be a heavy equipment operator and field mechanic . I did have vary nice hand writing skills BEAT into me by my grandmother . But now that Arther has come to pay me a visit Not so much anymore. My typing skils are about first semester level , Yep my spelling is really not where it should be . and nope i sure won't be writing any speeches . Yep i now know i needed more then basic math , that's what the War Dept is for , she was a math major in secondary ed. Can't balance a check book but can do the higher levels with flying colors as the number of kids that spent there evening here learning showed her skills well.
Yes typing, well I got lucky, and learned to type and copy Morse code at the same time during my training at Pensacola in the Navy. I sure heck never wanted anything to do with it while I was in school. As far as grammar goes, I am way past learning that now. Old German can't learn any new tricks.
Hey they have spell check on here. Just go back to all of the words with red lines under them. A little trick I found is start at the right of the word with the backspace key. I will go one letter at a time till the red line goes away. That is where your goof up is.
If I had to do it over again, I would have paid more attention while in school. You might say I hated school, especially English. I may be one of those you are referring to? even though I was doing terrible I grade school, the teachers keep passing me along. I excelled in metal, and wood shop. I took typing, and it has come in handy. I still haven't figured out diagraming sentences yet, and probably never will. I had no desire to go to college. With those skills from school, and growing up on the farm. I got a job as a maintenance mechanic in several factories, and retired from a large computer company, after 36 years. At 73 now, and looking back, I don't think I would done things much different. Stan
It's one the greatest regrets in my life is that I didn't pay attention when grammar was being taught. I loved literature as I always enjoyed reading. But I never thought that I would have any desire to write. I would love to sit down and write down some of my families experiences.
Jerry, I agree that the folks here do have a lot of wisdom to share, and most communicate very effectively, if not grammatically perfect. I too overlook the mistakes, though as a Journalism/English major they sometimes make me wince. Grammar errors and misspellings usually don't faze me.

Only three things get my goat: long posts with no paragraph breaks, not capitalizing words at the beginning of sentences, and lack of periods between sentences. These errors just make the post much harder to read, and therefore less interesting.
I think a lot of it comes from not proof reading your post after you poke PREVIEW YOUR REPLY. If you read it after that, you can also see if any pictures you post are going to show up in your post. If they aren't there no amount of wishing and hoping are gonna put them there. I think also, it may be because someone want's to be the first to answer and doesn't take the time to proof read. My problem with that comes when I post pictures, and then proof read, then I go back to edit the post it always reposts the last picture again.
I agree on the three things. When I open a post and see just one long string of words I don't even try to read it, I just skip it and move on to something else.

Maybe I'm overly sensitive to it, in my days with a newspaper I frequently pitched in with proof reading.
My new computer automatically underlines the misspelled words. This makes me a much better speller. Common words I have been using wrong. Allright has only one L [alright]. Who knew. Lots of others I thought I had correct I have been doing wrong. As far as English composition I couldn't tell a pronoun from a noun } well that I do know ] Maybe an adverb from a verb { alright I do know that too] . I was bored in the USMC one day and college courses were offered to us so I took English composition which should teach you how to write a paragraph with a topic sentence. I don't think I am good at describing mechanical instructions or electrical work too good. If a guy can't write well I figure just bear with it , maybe he had to quit school to work and support a family when he was young. The longer you have a computer the better you should get .If you try to improve.< [and see I don't think that qualifies as a complete sentence]
I may not use a comma or period at times. May not use the correct words either,,, no big deal to me,, I write stories for a magazine that they PAY me well for so I know my writing is fine,,, all it does when I have been jumped on here for this type of incorrect things is make me post here a LOT less,, but that must be what the correction police want so I oblige,, and yes I did not graduate from high school,, but I am willing to bet I have as much "knowledge" as anyone here for what I need in the real world,, guess I am just a dumb farm boy that has ran his own business for the last 30 years alone,, YUP I am just a "hick" to some and I am good with that lol
I am convinced that few of the errors we see are ignorance, some are merely typographical, and many can be attributed to auto-correct or posting from a phone. Then there are the people who challenge the punctuation on purpose,,,...

agree that most of us can fight through difficult posts can understand the gist of the thought in most cases the run on sentences and thoughts with absolutely no regard structure all often make it very hard to follow do not get as many constructive replies that is why we post here {breathe in}

Another issue is the use of the original view versus the modern view, and that those two styles are nearly inverted.

The quote function is underused by many- it really helps decipher the one-line reply when you can tell to which of the 50 previous posts the one-liner applies. Even without using the quote function itself, I could jut type "Hey UltraDogMN..."

The bottom line can be attributed to proofreading. Since the site has chosen not to allow editing for some unknown reason, a poster should spend a couple of extra seconds to read what they typed before we all get to read it. The preview button is an awesome tool when quoting or adding some of the other site features. But, their are some posters hear that are just two busy too ever spend there time just to busy in they're lives
If I had it to do over again I would have paid more attention to the girls in high school. I think they could have helped me learn more.

English is a tough language. Why just the other week we had post about posts posted by a poster. I don't envy someone trying to learn it as a second language. The household I grew up in went in English, German, and Polish. German and Polish have some similarities and are phrased backward from English. In central Mn that trait can still be found in the dialect and sentence form of the locals. Heck, you can even see it in the way I form my sentences.

My mother had three brothers. One stayed in St. Paul and oozed the Polish dialect he was raised with. One moved to Southern Mo and you would swear he had never seen Mn. The third went to Wa and is as polished a speaker as they come.

So, Touche Ultradog. Let's keep a good thing going!
Yes, there are a lot of errors here but Blue Collar? Give me a break! I worked for a big company in their engineering department and hardly any of those engineers with big "store bought" degrees could spell. The worst part was that every one of them had spell check on their computers and all they had to do was turn it on. I have seen guys making perfectly sound engineering statements or proposals and their spelling or grammar makes them come across as sounding stupid so management will ignore them.
Dialect like: Time for chores, gotta throw the bull over the fence some hay....or: make the light out, manure the barn....
well shux , I think everyone is doing jus fine as far as communication is concerned , I can spell as well as the next guy on here if I CHOOSE to , and I know my adjectives , verbs ,nouns and prepositions . and so forth well enough to get A's and Bs in English .. that's because I paid attention to the teacher at all times MOSTLY because , I liked Miss Halls legs and everthing thing else above all . she sure had some nice skirts and knew how to make them wiggle like 2 possums in a sak .. finally here is my position ,. it is my writing style,that I choose to rite ,words and phrases , such as thanx ,sumthin, do ya wanna , how'bout,enuf,.wth , or wtf ,.. when ya gonna , and so forth ,,. when I write to my local paper an editorial about something of local importance ,,.I do clean it up somewhat.. and I do want someone who knows me to recognize my style of writing . and also like the luxury of not being as dumb as everyone thinx I am ,,., in hi school I used to pass notes with serveral gals and guys in algebra class , we used a similar jargon , and jus for fun ,old habits are hard to break . only thing else I can say is the intelligence quotient has been steadily declining since the mid 60s ,,. , and if you are a product of the schools that left children behind, then ya jus mitehave a problem with my ritin ,. one more thing computers allow us to proofread and delete ,,. many chop off sentences I am guilty of is because I added a thought without re reading and making sure all continues the same meaning , or those words were even put in correctly where I thought I clikt in the response where I intended for those words to appear ...
Yep I'm wordy, improper sentence structure, wrong punctuation ,etc,etc. Heck I've got a BS from a major university. I spent a year taking writing courses there, I'm not sure how I made it thru them.
Hi Jerrys
Part of the problem with paragraphs and things can be the way this forum posts the message after you proof read and hit send. This seems to happen a lot to me.
The breaks and stuff are there in preview. but when the message comes up on the forum it's a jumbled pile of _____ with no paragraphs and new sentences, then guys complain. I don't know what the answer is other than get one board to work properly on this forum. Then stop messing with 2 as half the time you can't see all the comments between classic and modern either. sometimes I have looked at both to make sure somebody hasn't posted the answer before I waist my time saying the same exact thing!.
Regards Robert
In reply to my last post it looked nothing like it did in preview now it's posted "YET AGAIN"!. Out of all the forums I post on this is the only one that ever does this, Why and what is the answer to fix it?.
Regards Robert
I'm probably one that gets under the spelling and grammar police skin. That's OK if that's your pet peeve. I've survived for almost 60 years and have done fairly well, I've yet to have a spelling and punctuation test when I need to borrow money for the farm. I have been asked to verify my math.
In my opinion I would much rather go through life misspelling a few words or using the wrong to, too, or two as go through life not being able to do basic algebra and geometry. We would be better off as a country if there were more math cops than grammar and spelling policemen.
I don't see anything wrong with being educated, literate, or aspiring to any other type of goal. Personally, I think we should use life to try to advance ourselves as far as we can go in as many areas as possible. How many times have you heard people complain about having to key a number if they want to speak English during a phone call? Why should immigrants learn English if we ourselves cannot be bothered? I do not attempt to correct people on forums. I have seen too many people try and get abused for the effort. You can correct me all you want. I appreciate the fact that you cared enough to try.
some of us mite think this is a petty complaint ,, grammar and spelling teachers DO HAVE MERIT ,,.and are just as likely to feel miffed when they are subjected to poor sentence structure and spelling skills as ...,As any truker would be ,at stupid 4 wheelers nearly cutting off their front bumper and or hanging in the ghostrider spot for a couple miles, ,. Or ,as a mechanic that tore down a motor a pal of his patched up to get runnin a few yrs ago ,,. and all the shortcuts are evidence of a quik job , and now the mechanic is not sure his pal is that qualified to be a mechanic ,.. or perhaps a old experienced farmer that knows more than the new kid who has great ideas ,,.and did not realize that a 2 inch rain could wash a field real bd in some AREAS,,.. least fells we are not flying airplanes or jets ,,. where there are no 2nd chances,,. , btw ,,. my keyboard has issues with the letter W ,Q v and G ,,. I press them , but they don't always print
Interesting thread. Two of my older sisters were teachers, so I had spelling, grammar, and punctuation driven into my head. But that was over sixty years ago and some of it has vanished.
A classic example of how punctuation can change the meaning of a sentence-
"The panda bear eats shoots and leaves", means that a certain animal's diet is made up of parts of a plant.
"The panda bear eats, shoots, and leaves", means that the animal has his meal, fires his gun, and waves bye-bye while walking down the trail.
Editing posts on this board is rather easy. After entering the message, scroll down and click on the "Preview" box. Proofread your message. If everything is okay, click the "Submit" box, or if you spot a mistake, click the "return to form" box to make changes. Then click "Preview" again, then "submit".
Beats the heck out of the old method of rolling the paper up, erasing the mistake with a card between copies to keep from smearing the carbon paper, and entering the correct entry.


p.s. I edited this reply 3 times before submitting.
There is an excuse, I seem to catch my errors just as I hit submit, then it tool late to correct.
I'm all for education. If you are going to work for someone else it's a necessity if you expect to be successful. However, every successful entrepreneur that I know has no more than a HS education and several don't even have a GED. Most of them couldn't write a proper sentence if their life depended on it. The difference is they excelled in math and science. These are the fields that contribute to the GDP. These are people who are millionaires not common laborers. I've become very suspicious of those that can spin a yarn or write a good article but can't balance a checkbook.
I am not good at spelling nor typing. I struggle with sentence structure too. I do not phrase things well in verbal talk either.
that that is is that that is not is not is not that it

Proper punctuation will make this a perfectly legit statement.
A passage in the bible means two different things, depending if you're a parent or a grandparent.

How a parent reads it: Spare the rod, spoil the child.

How a grandparent reads it: Spare the rod. Spoil the child.
I didn't get much book learning, chores got in the way. English is really my second language, let's talk cow, then we can separate the school boys from the farmers real quick ! I find it is always easier to see others faults , than it is to see our own. I try to make up for my short comings by being a good person ,and a honest man. And those that don't like it can just look down their long nose and chuckle to them selves. Bruce
I understand what you're saying, but I remember a post awhile back where the guy was obviously an incredible mechanic, but his spelling and punctuation was horrendous. He was giving somebody good advise.
Then somebody responded to his post chastising him on how poorly composed it was. I never saw the guy post again and I believe we lost a good source of info.
So, I would rather struggle through the wording and learn something.
My 2 cents.
Spelling, grammar and typing were easy for me and were the only subjects that yielded me a decent grade. In typing class we started out on old worn out manual typewriters that stuck two keys together if your fingers strayed off base. Half way through the semester we got brand new IBM Selectrics, the ones with the ball that went nuts if you could type fast. I too wish I would have worked harder in school but it's too late now. I will admit my sentence structure capabilities has regressed through the years because it hasn't been a priority. (sigh)
Ultimately, yes it does matter.
We're it not for standards in writing we could not read what each other wrote.
But this was not an indictment of those who do not write well.
It's more of a compliment to this group in general that we got enough of the basics to communicate as well as we do.
Be glad that I proof read my posts 2-3 times and repair a majority of the errors most of the time.
I have sent some real beauties thanks to the spell checker on the smart phone. Numerous times the phone will automatically "correct the spelling" just prior to posting or sending.
A description of the eating habits of panda bears: Eats shoots and leaves. Or: Eats, shoots and leaves. Compare the meaning of this paragraph with the next: Dear Jack, I want a man who knows what love is all about. You are generous, kind, thoughtful. People who are not like you admit to being useless and inferior. You have ruined me for other men. I yearn for you. I have no feelings whatsoever when we are apart. I can be forever happy - will you let me be yours. Jill. Or: Dear Jack, I want a man who knows what love is. All about you are generous, kind, thoughtful people, who are not like you. Admit to being useless and inferior. You have ruined me. For other men I yearn! For you I have no feelings whatsoever. When we're apart I can be forever happy. Will you let me be? Jill.

Gene Bender is the only person I know of who can effectively communicate in the written word without the use of punctuation!

If something written doesn't follow the rules of English grammar, however clear its meaning may be, it's not written in the English language.
Or type the word into the search bar-it will drop some choices,but your word will be spelled correctly!Mark.PS Randy,I just tried your way-it works great!
I have started answering others questions but have struggled with spelling and sentence structure enough that I just deleted it rather than finished it. Trying to reword thoughts and sentences because you are not able to spell is not fun. I wish I would have tried harder in school but I grew up with lots of chores and in high school missed alot of school because of helping at home and going to farm auctions. I never make fun of others posts because of those kind of errors because I can always learn from others. Tom
As Larry the cable guy says "that's funny right there"

Now who is this Gene Bender you mention ?
Now, I have some time to sit here and respond to this- it's finally started snowing and isn't supposed to stop until sometime Sunday!! But, some of us were more fortunate and had parents who were involved in teaching. It may have been a double edges device, because I never understood how she knew every little thing I got into in school. But, I also got the basics in elementary school and it made high school and the subsequent training easy, BECAUSE I HAD THE BASICS!!! The old three 'R's'- reading, riting an rithmetic.

So, the halfazzed hillbilly I am, I now subsist in the rusted nuts ilk of life an writ whutever I wantta, whither I kin pell it or not. It kin make fer sum intrestin reedin an him an me coverstate wit each udder oftin. Coarse, he's up thar in Yoder contry, an I's down here in Rebel land, but we's still buddies. Fur as bean prim an prosper, we doan give a dam whut we are, jes too ol ta worry bout it. But jus cuz we do, we ain'y tupid- jes doan care cuz we erned it......

I was watching for a reply from you...

Your first paragraph frightened me to great extent! I was certain you'd been abducted by aliens and an impostor was posting in your stead.

Your second paragraph just made me smile!

Pleeeeaz be shure to say "Hay" to rusted for me.
(quoted from post at 17:43:18 01/22/16) As Larry the cable guy says "that's funny right there"

Now who is this Gene Bender you mention ?
Gene Bender is a regular poster here. I think he claims to be 80, but has some unparalleled knowledge of smaller Farmalls, I'm not yet 70 but have forgotten a lot of things I used to think I knew.

My mom was a one room school teacher before I came along. She pounded grammar, usage, and spelling into me. Things like the difference between effect and affect. Sometimes I have to use affect for the right effect. Remember, a lack of birth control can effect children but it doesn't affect them. They're, their, and there are just second nature to me but I know lots and lots of people didn't have those drilled into them and struggle with the meaning.

My dad taught me basic math, and I agree that math is the most important. However, correct usage makes interpretation easier. Often someone using poor grammar misspells or has a typo on the incorrect word, and it really stumps me as to what they were trying to say.

My biggest problem posting is I'm using a laptop with a touch pad and sometimes my right thumb lays on the touchpad, that jumps the cursor, and I type right in the middle of something else I had typed.

All in all this is a great forum, with everyone learning as well as helping.
I am surprised more don't have spellcheck, my spelling is bad, and I am very dependent on it. for specialized words like Jonsered I use Google, it knows everything! I have used the word carburetor for 55 years but still have trouble spelling it.
Spell check is OK as long as you know what you are writing about. A couple of years ago the local newspaper ran a headline at the start of the new year which read "New Year starts with BAZAAR events" (or something close to that) when it should have been the word BIZARRE. Both are valid words but spell check didn't help there. We are just people discussing,complaining, contemplating or just BSing but when it comes to the so called professionals I think it should be a little more precise?

Steven-Id- That is why newspapers have editors and proofreaders.

If something like that gets means more than one person isn't doing their job.
(quoted from post at 15:14:13 01/22/16) Yes, there are a lot of errors here but Blue Collar? Give me a break! I worked for a big company in their engineering department and hardly any of those engineers with big "store bought" degrees could spell. The worst part was that every one of them had spell check on their computers and all they had to do was turn it on. I have seen guys making perfectly sound engineering statements or proposals and their spelling or grammar makes them come across as sounding stupid so management will ignore them.
I'm a very fortunate engineer that had spelling and grammar drilled into me as a child. An engineer that can communicate effectively is fairly rare and therefore worth a bit more. I spend a great deal of my time traveling with our salesmen in a technical support role where verbal and written communication skills are a must.
Q: How can you tell an extroverted engineer?
A: When he talks to you, he looks at your shoes instead of his own. ????
To this topic in general: WGAS!? If you can cipher the meaning, that is all that is important on a tractor forum.......h377, this isn't grade school!!! Get a life!
A friend of mine gets a charge out of his church bulletin when it announced that the "bazaar committee" will meet.
That stuff doesn't just happen here.

<img src = "">
WGAS? Actually, a lot of people do- it"s a matter of pride in workmanship, just like the mechanic who does a great job when rebuilding an engine. Every so often this subject comes up on these boards, with the same, as long as I can get the message the poster wants to convey, it"s ok, or...I edit and use spellcheck, etc. And everything in between. Ultradog was not being critical...Jerry was actually describing the concept that despite our varied backgrounds and abilities, we are able to communicate ideas, processes, etc.

Each of us has our own talents, and shortfalls. I notice a lot of misuse of words, misspellings, etc. Some folks abbreviate cylinder as cly, instead of cyl. I can"t figure out where that came from. Or ect is used instead of etc. Some don"t know the difference between lose and loose, much less fewer and less. BTW- fewer is appropriate when you can COUNT the get fewer mpg with my new truck, not less mpg. Safety is saftey....along with a myriad of others. Some people post a long message without using a period...I always wonder if their girlfriend misses that many periods...oh boy, are they in trouble!

There is a very talented mechanic from the Hoosier state who posts here, but never hits the Enter button, to create paragraphs. Sometimes I don"t read his posts because they are so difficult to follow, similar to those who post in all capital letters. I likely miss some good repair tips because of that.

Jerry made his post in good faith, with good reason, and yes, he, and many others, do GAS about this community of folks who share the common interest of old tractors.
A couple of thoughts on this topic. First, I owe what typing skills I have to the students being seated alphabetically in typing class. We had little two person tables and I was seated next to one of the most beautiful girls in the school as a result of the aforementioned seating arrangements. As a result I'm sure I type much faster and with better accuracy than would have ever been possible without this motivation. Who says humans can't multi-task? I could read, type AND watch her fingers too! Perhaps it's a hormonal thing that we lose in our 20's, like the ability to shift your 4 on the floor with your knee ;)

Secondly I'm starting to feel like I'm in an episode of Green Acres as many people in the local area have lost the use of the words idea and ideal. Too often when in conversation if I put forth a suggestion, someone will respond with, "Oh that sounds like a good ideal, in fact I'm sure that's the idea way to handle that." I don't know where this came from, but I've got an, er, idea. When the thing came up with the Honey Boo Boo show, I didn't know what a Honey Boo Boo was, so I googled it. I watched a couple of their 'teaser' videos and she used those words incorrectly.

So, I'm left wondering how we are going to maintain our status on the world stage when a Honey Boo Boo is a popular show and we don't have our ideas and ideals sorted out.
(quoted from post at 09:49:40 01/22/16) Even though I have four years of college I still make grammatical errors. It is easier to clean things up on other boards because editing is easier to do. Also, sometimes I am in a hurry or the wife wants my attention on something. Some have accused me of being stuck up because I do not use sentence fragments regularly. When I had papers due in college I tried to get them done a few days ahead of the deadline because I would always have things to clean up grammar-wise and you tend to see the mistakes a whole lot clearer when the research and analysis part of the job is done.

NY 986, that last sentence has over 50 words. The sentence tends to run on, and could use a comma here and there. :)
tomstractorsandtoys,just like you cant spell cant type and sentence stricter no idea. don't answer or post because of this, if you do buickandeere and others will call you a dumb ______ though this wes a tractor form ill bet most people on here don't farm, maby start another form for tractor people where spellin doesn't matter
(quoted from post at 11:00:15 01/23/16) tomstractorsandtoys,just like you cant spell cant type and sentence stricter no idea. don't answer or post because of this, if you do buickandeere and others will call you a dumb ______ though this wes a tractor form ill bet most people on here don't farm, maby start another form for tractor people where spellin doesn't matter

Sorry that you feel so offended and threatened by grammar and spelling .
(quoted from post at 04:36:44 01/23/16) WGAS? Actually, a lot of people do- it"s a matter of pride in workmanship, just like the mechanic who does a great job when rebuilding an engine. Every so often this subject comes up on these boards, with the same, as long as I can get the message the poster wants to convey, it"s ok, or...I edit and use spellcheck, etc. And everything in between. Ultradog was not being critical...Jerry was actually describing the concept that despite our varied backgrounds and abilities, we are able to communicate ideas, processes, etc.

Each of us has our own talents, and shortfalls. I notice a lot of misuse of words, misspellings, etc. Some folks abbreviate cylinder as cly, instead of cyl. I can"t figure out where that came from. Or ect is used instead of etc. Some don"t know the difference between lose and loose, much less fewer and less. BTW- fewer is appropriate when you can COUNT the get fewer mpg with my new truck, not less mpg. Safety is saftey....along with a myriad of others. Some people post a long message without using a period...I always wonder if their girlfriend misses that many periods...oh boy, are they in trouble!

There is a very talented mechanic from the Hoosier state who posts here, but never hits the Enter button, to create paragraphs. Sometimes I don"t read his posts because they are so difficult to follow, similar to those who post in all capital letters. I likely miss some good repair tips because of that.

Jerry made his post in good faith, with good reason, and yes, he, and many others, do GAS about this community of folks who share the common interest of old tractors.

Great post. Well said.
(quoted from post at 00:56:34 01/23/16) A couple of thoughts on this topic. First, I owe what typing skills I have to the students being seated alphabetically in typing class. We had little two person tables and I was seated next to one of the most beautiful girls in the school as a result of the aforementioned seating arrangements. As a result I'm sure I type much faster and with better accuracy than would have ever been possible without this motivation. Who says humans can't multi-task? I could read, type AND watch her fingers too! Perhaps it's a hormonal thing that we lose in our 20's, like the ability to shift your 4 on the floor with your knee ;)

Secondly I'm starting to feel like I'm in an episode of Green Acres as many people in the local area have lost the use of the words idea and ideal. Too often when in conversation if I put forth a suggestion, someone will respond with, "Oh that sounds like a good ideal, in fact I'm sure that's the idea way to handle that." I don't know where this came from, but I've got an, er, idea. When the thing came up with the Honey Boo Boo show, I didn't know what a Honey Boo Boo was, so I googled it. I watched a couple of their 'teaser' videos and she used those words incorrectly.

So, I'm left wondering how we are going to maintain our status on the world stage when a Honey Boo Boo is a popular show and we don't have our ideas and ideals sorted out.

I realized I misspoke in regard to Honey Boo Boo. It was the mother of this poor misguided child that was using "idea" and "ideal" wrongly.
Will do, G. Pat isn't doing real well, but kind of holding her own. Jeff is holding up and up to his usual stuff over on the Block. I tell him you said 'hi'. My guv tha dang kid a grim.....
(quoted from post at 13:00:15 01/23/16) tomstractorsandtoys,just like you cant spell cant type and sentence stricter no idea. don't answer or post because of this, if you do buickandeere and others will call you a dumb ______ though this wes a tractor form ill bet most people on here don't farm, maby start another form for tractor people where spellin doesn't matter

Hey....if you want to be taken as an uneducated, semi-literate hillbilly, have at it.

Or, maybe you are.
I have that same clipping somewhere around here, but didn't have time to look for it. SWMBO wanted me to take her out for dinner. It really shows how punctuation placement can completely change the meaning.

Punctuation. The difference between helping your uncle Jack, off his horse, and bestiality.

I think doing a lot of reading helped me. I never got good grades.
(quoted from post at 23:33:17 01/23/16) Punctuation. The difference between helping your uncle Jack, off his horse, and bestiality.

I think doing a lot of reading helped me. I never got good grades.

Touche' :lol: :lol: Before the internet, most mechanics and farmers didn't need good grammar and punctuation as much as we do now. We didn't do much writing. Now we have YT and there are policemen to keep us in line :roll:
I was raised in a family full of school teachers. I had 2 aunt's, a cousin, sister and now a son who are or were English or elementary school teachers. My mother and an uncle were administrators. All are good people but when it comes to common sense, not so much. None of them could change a tire if their life depended on it. There is a difference in education and intelligence. Some of the smartest people in history had no education.
We have drifted away from teaching math and science in school. Those subjects require logical thinking and that is rare now days. IMHO English courses are the lazy way out for schools. It's easier to teach students grammar than algebra. That's why it's harder to get a job as an English teacher. Math and science teachers have a waiting list of potential employers when they graduate.

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