How's things in Iowa ?

Mike M

Well-known Member
So how are things going in Iowa ? As in over ran with reporters ? Phones ringing off the hook from pollsters ?
I just wonder because here in Ohio I'm FED UP with all the surveyor's calling me already ! I figure those of you from that State must really be getting hammered from pollsters.

We saw on the news last night that they were in my wife's hometown of Ame's Iowa. She said she's glad she's not there anymore to have to deal with that Circus.
When a pollster or survey taker calls, I tell them to bring over an extra large thin crust pepperoni pizza and a couple liters of Diet Coke and I'll tell them my opinion about anything they ask. Nobody ever shows up!
Gonna be quite a show. We're only about 45 minutes from DSM and Ames so I've got a ring side seat. They say hotel rooms in central part of the state have doubled in price, restaurants in DSM are full every night, and rental cars are getting hard to book for next week. I might even take a cruise down to the big city next weekend and check it out. Maybe I can get my picture taken with Sarah. Sad part is most of the time we're just flyover country for these types. And come Feb. 2 we'll go back to being just a bunch of hicks (which is a good thing in my book)
It is unreal here -- every commercial on every T.V. station is a political one, sometimes 2 in a row by the same outfit, usually the one who is dropping in the poles. I wish another state had this 1st in the nation crap.
I forgot to ad a tractor related theme ! LOL

So here goes. You know all these outsiders are also wanting to get their picture taken with a tractor !

I do feel sorry for those having to endure this circus. By the time the election does come around I'm going to really be sick of all of it.
Ohio is gearing up for the Conventions. I'm around 70 miles away from Cleveland. Likely too far for me to cash in on all the high room rent !
nnalert's daughter can come over and stay for free ! LOL.
I'm not from Iowa, but my heart goes out to those fine farm folk who have to endure that fracas. We cancelled our home phone this week. Donno what Bridgett from Cardholder Services gonna do without her daily noontime call. Sure going to miss all those survey calls: "We don't have any opinions!" CLICK. Gets 'em every time!
Need to do what I did a while back. Put this message on the answering machine. Hi, I do not answer my phone because of jerk offs who call and shouldn't because this number is on the no call list. If you are one of those jerk offs or your call isn't worth a message, hang up and don't call back. If your call is worth a message, leave one after the tone. Then I turned my ringer off. Kinda funny how stupid some of these people are. When I check my caller ID, some of them have called three to five times a day for over a month. Pretty much tells you what their IQ is. I just delete all numbers and let them start over the next week
With caller ID I don't answer, in the days before, I very bluntly told them that we vote by secret ballot for a reason!
When the phone screen shows "UNKNOWN" or a number I don't know I push the receive fax button. I has slowed down our junk calls.
Mike M It is ok to put this on here-- these guys are hauling a full spreader load of BS and spreading it real thick. Will be Glad when the air will clear up a little in 2 weeks.
Personally, I would like to see campaigning for the primary limited to 3 months, then a national primary for both parties on the same day, and then no more than two months campaigning before the national election.
Pretty good, 3 months ago we disconnected our landline in honor of the upcoming election. Last election I told the callers I was voting for the other guy, tactical mistake, I then had 3 sets of idiots calling me, nnalert, nnalert and the Governor of Wisconsin (he hadn't figured out we moved to Iowa, thought the 641 area code would of given it away but I guess it was to obvious for 'em to figure it out)
So then what are you going to do with Palin ? Make her sleep on the couch ? LOL nnalert must have ate something to make him take that woman.
I see on TV this morning that she is blameing the current President for her sons domestic abuse thingy.
I have found that this works well. Ring, Ring, Hola! Is so and so there? I'm from the so and so campaign. Si, Espa?ola! Click. My wife rolls her eyes and shakes her head. I'm waiting for one of the campaign folks to actually speak Spanish, because that's all I know. but they don't call back.

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