Winter Bike Project Update

If you run out of projects I have a few (hundred) extras! LOL

Nice looking bike. It would be nice to see it when finished too.
I don't see many two stroke street bikes around.
I'm not sure when the last two-smoker street bike was produced, but at a guess I'd say late 70's. EPA pretty much put the kibosh to them.

One of the reasons I wanted one, you just don't see them any more. Last one I saw was 5-6 years ago, feller rode up to the Post Office across the street on a Yamaha RD with a set of chambers on it. Heard that sucker coming a mile away!
Looks like a fun project and you have been staying out of the house. Have you had any winter up there? We had some of those April showers today so will be looking for May flowers next week. :)^D
No sign of Ol' Man Wintah other than the short days. High 40's and low 50's most days.

As much as I'd like to play with the new tractor and the blowsnower, I'm just as happy laughing at the oil man and working in my shirt sleeves! "8^)
Great job on the work, as well as the documentation-good close up pictures and such.

A coworker did a similar job to I think the same model of bike, keeping all the original parts as well, to be able to restore it to factory original (I don't think his had been as abused by POs as yours). He rode to work one day, with the set of tuned cans- you can hear it a mile away, and it GLORIOUS!

Best of luck finishing it off, I hope you get to ride soon.
Yamaha RD400 was sold 1980 in US, about last year for mid size 2 stroke street bikes in US. Point gap is also timing on the triple- had a guy running 2 of 3, one set way off, static timed gap a bit close and ran a lot better at ,010 compared to .016 and the one at about .040--or something like that. Old 1968 T500 Titan went when I lost storage space on family farm when younger brother died, only cycle I bought new from dealer, got a few speeding tickets with it. RN
There are two rides I take multiple times every summer:

1. The Schoodic section of Acadia National Park is less than five miles from my house. I ride that loop at least once a week in riding weather, sometimes more.

I posted a cheesy video of the park ride here: Don't turn the sound up, all you get is wind noise. It was taken with a cheapo GoPro clone.

2. There's a road that starts in a tiny town halfway to nowhere that meanders right through the MIDDLE of Nowhere and ends up dumping back onto Route 1. There's one gathering of houses on the whole route. Black's Woods Road, aka Maine 182, goes past a half dozen ponds up and down hills and ridges and into the shadow of Tunk Mountain. Gorgeous ride any time of year. Unfortunately, the road is falling apart and most of it is a cast iron b***h to ride on.
Hear ya on the point gap, I had a heckuva time trying to get the center cylinder timed up until I closed the gap down a touch.

I suspect I'll be ponying up the cash for an electronic ignition about the second time I have to go through the process of setting the timing with a dial indicator...
Nice work. Back in the mid 80s I paid $20 for a Honda atc 90 that someone had installed an RD400 engine in. I got it for the nice sand paddle tires. The kicker wanted to bang my ankle on the rear wheel, so I bent it. I put a wheelie bar on it and took it to the dunes. Found out why i got it cheap. ATCs only steer in sand with throttle on, and leaning the wrong way. Give this thing any throttle at all and its instant wheelie. Climbed Oldsmobile Hill at Glamis like crazy, but took 50 yards to turn it around. Gave away the engine, put the paddles on a mini dune buggy.
I had some friends that put an RD400 engine
and transmission on an atc185 frame.
Freaky Fast!!!!!


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