Somethings never change


Today dad started filling silo I can remember back when I was like 7
or 8 thinking the bus couldnt go fast enough so I could get home and
hopefully catch a couple rounds with grandpa! Then when I got to be 10
or 11 hoping dad would save me a couple loads to run up the pipe with
the old m and the new holland crop carriers 6 and 7s and a 8! Now im
30 and couldnt get off work fast enough to get home to help my dad we
upgraded all the equipment in the past 20 years but still filling same
silo! Wish I could go get grandpa though and take him for a few rounds
running wagons but hes been in a home for 10 years and knows noone hes
98 and lives off ice cream! All he will pretty much eat! Well be safe
out thier I gotta silo to fill!
Know what you mean, my mom is 103 and in the same condition. She used to drive truck during silage and beet harvest. Never could get her on a tractor! I'd love to take her and show how things have changed, but she seems happy in the home she's at now.
I miss all the fall work. Filling the silo was a blast. Put the 18-28 Oliver on the blower and give it all it would take as long as Pa couldn't see it. Picking and combining corn was just as much fun. Fall plowing on an Oliver 880, Ford 7000 or, a 930 Case with no cabs was one of the best jobs especially when you were out there after sundown. Air was a little damp which made the engines run a little better. The wildlife wouldn't pay any attention to you and you could get real close to them. The stars seemed to shine brighter when I was on a tractor. I even enjoyed the nights when you had to quit because the ground was freezing and you would break a moldboard and darned near freeze to death. I would give anything to go back if even for one night of plowing. Anyone else feel the same or am I just nuts?

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