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John B.

Well-known Member
I was talking with my 2 brothers a month ago and they told me that our only sister's son got into drugs and he did 30 days in jail back this past January.

I finally got a chance to talk with my sister, just her and I last Saturday. She said her son (my nephew) was able to admit to his addiction to meth. He got hooked when he was 19. He's getting the counseling he needs now, my sister took counseling also to help her deal with it. My sister and her husband live on a big dairy farm and she said he (her husband) would of went crazy if it weren't for his work load on the farm.

She told me that my nephew had been on meth for 5 years. Their NH3 hoses were always cut when they had it on the farm she said and her son was always saying he was going out to a buddy's place to scrap out metal.

Two years ago he rolled his pickup truck and he told me that there was a 20 lb propane bottle he had in the bed of the truck that rolled down the hill into the woods. He didn't know where it ended up. I was suspicious then because addicts use those propane bottles to transport NH3 in. If the brass valve/fitting on top has turned green that means it's been in contact with Anhydrous Ammonia.

I noticed 4 years ago he started acting strange meaning over energetic.

Anyway he said he never wants to go back to jail.

Thank God he has two parents to help him thru all this now. He is working full time and has a girl friend. There's a lot more my sister told me but I just wanted to share this with all of you. Maybe it will help one of you that has gone thru this or know what to look for..

It's not always other people.
Good, he sounds like the trip to jail was a new low. Try to keep him in counseling as long as possible, there is no one time fix for this. After counseling he needs to hook up with an NA group and go regularly. Find some clean friends, get an accountability partner, another man with long term sobriety. God be with him!
I hope he gets the help he needs! I have a cousin that got stuck on all kinds of drugs, he had five kids, they were taken away from him. He is not getting better! On the bright side my brother and SIL have been married 18 years and could not have kids, they took in three of them, the oldest child is with his grandpa and one other got adopted by another family. My brother and SIL are working on adopting the three they have.
Don't trust him! Not for anything,unless he goes to an inhouse rehab,not just counseling. All that "day counseling" does is to expand their contacts.

We got conned two years ago by my wife's niece and her dad. He told us she'd been to rehab and just needed to get away from the lifestyle and wanted to know if she could come and stay with us. Well,it was nothing but daytime,come and go as you please rehab. I told my wife that there was about 500 reasons for it not to happen,but an hour later she said the girl was coming on Saturday.
Fine and dandy. She filled my wife's head so full of crap about how tough her life had been and how abused she was,how everybody lied about her,but she was straight now. She got a job,but after about two months,I got a phone call one evening telling me that the caller really hated to call,but the girl was at work and was sitting on the front steps so wacked out she could barely move.
My wife went and got a drug test kit and sent a friend to go pick her up. She refused to come back here and never did again. Just over a year ago,we found out she was pregnant. The wife got in touch with her and told her if she messed up this kids life,she was coming after her. She swore up and down she was clean. The wife was at the hospital when the kid was born,and she went to the baby shower,but I told her to stay away. The girl would get her attached to the kid,use it against her then take it away.

Fast forward to Monday evening. We went to the field to get my pickup,got home and there was a message on the answering machine from the county jail a county west of us. The wife got ahold of a person she was known to have contact with to find out where the baby was and what was going on. Apparently she posted bond right after the phone call,because the wife checked online to see what she was arrested for and it said she had bonded out. It was possession of two and a half pounds of marijuana,crack,meth,prescription drugs,if it was an illegal drug,she had it. She was in a traffic accident and they found all of it in her vehicle.

Believe me,and I know of at least two other members on here who I've talked to in person about this stuff,it's called an addiction for a reason and a little "counseling" just because he got caught ain't gonna turn it around. Without being checked in to rehab,and maybe even if he is,he'll end up dead and he'll drag down as many people around him as will fall for his lying BS because they don't know about,or understand just how addictive this stuff is.
John B: I hope for your sister's sake that he is truly turning a new leaf over.

My experience with meth heads is that they NEVER are truly over it. It is so addictive that they are hooked for life. Worked with a fellow that was working full time as a mechanic and trying to farm a 1000 acres, plus a 50 head cow herd. He got to taking the caffeine speeders he then worked his way up to hard drugs over a 2 year period. HE would try to go 3-4 day without any sleep. HE got hooked on the HIGH of Meth. In the next 2-3 years he lost everything he ever had, including his wife and kids. That has been 10 years ago or so. He has been REHABED 3-4 times and with in six months he is back on it again.

So I hope your nephew can kick the addiction but the odds are against him. I hope your sister and her husband make sure and protect themselves against his actions. This would include spending farm money, stealing farm assets, and opening them up to liability for his actions related to the farm.

It is a tough thing to have happen and she will need support from her family to be tough enough to NOT enable her son to keep on taking drugs.
Several family's around here have been torn up by these addictions, thank goodness non in my family,,the truth is they may as well step in front of a bus,,they never get over it, and they drag the ones who Love them through Hell...
My son got into that crap as a teenager and could never get the proper help, nor did he want any. At the age of 27 he was killed at a party. His mother always did what ever to bail him out of trouble, including mortgaging her house, which she eventually losing it. I don't think she did him any favors. In her eyes it was always someone elses fault.
My brother got hooked on meth

I buried him a year ago last month

His youngest girl is also on drugs lived with my mom for 2 years

Stole every thing that wasn't nailed down. Mom is 93 last year after my brothers death she

Wanted me to help with her bills seems she was almost broke my niece had been writing herself checks

Took a year to get her out as her 2 kids were there and mom was watching them she went to a probation meeting high and with meth on her

I hope the best for your nephew cause when she got out begged me to let her stay with mom till she got a job and a place to live

That was on a sat Monday morning she was in bed with her crack head boyfriend and now has disappeared sorry for the rant
That's a sad story to hear. That stuff has messed up a lot of lives, and I hope he can stay off of it. My grandmothers cousin and girlfriend were in their eighties last year and went out to his farm to check on things, they interrupted 3 meth heads stealing scrap iron. The method heads killed them and tried to burn the bodies. Its some bad stuff. I know some people that have been on it for years and it just ruins them.
On my wife's side of the family, we have two nephews, two great nephews, and a great niece who have all done drugs, dealt drugs, and have all been in the slammer and rehab more times than anyone has bothered to keep track of. On my side of the family, a niece and her husband are both alcoholics. A couple of years ago, her husband went somewhere back east to visit his sister and hasn't been heard from since.

Anytime someone winds up in the slammer, it's kind of like, "What else is new?"

One thing, once you get a conviction on your record, it can be very hard to get any kind of decent job. As some of these folks are not exactly the sharpest knives in the drawer, that conviction haunts them forever. They are stuck in low paying, crappy jobs, and some just feel they have nothing to lose.
It's rare for someone to beat a meth addiction so don't trust him in any way shape or form. They get out of rehab and start back hanging around the same people they were hanging out with before and the same thing happens again. It's a never ending cycle and the moms can't stop enabling it until they are destroyed. Yes I have one in my family so I know all about it.
Sad, have had similar issues in the extended family.

Even with $$$$ residential treatment, less than 40% are "clean" after 2 years.

I think even more than that survive cancer.
My dad always told us kids if society saw fit to put us in a jail cell who was he to argue with society. Don't waste your one phone call on him - use it to call in sick at work......
(quoted from post at 02:43:47 08/20/15) Sad, have had similar issues in the extended family.

Even with $$$$ residential treatment, less than 40% are "clean" after 2 years.

I think even more than that survive cancer.
ad as it may seem, it is the way it is:
",he'll end up dead and he'll drag down as many people around him as will fall for his lying BS because they don't know about,or understand just how addictive this stuff is."
"they may as well step in front of a bus".
Reality check for some will clean them up while supervised- maybe 20%. the stats for 5 years from CDC and justice dept are about 4 of 5 relapse. the hollywierd examples- think of Downy that plays Ironman movies- over a 10 year period had 3 jail and prison terms for violations of parole and odd possession charges before finally getting a 2 year detox in prison. He is moderately popular actor- but his contracts have a high liability insurance or producer assumes risk clause and in couple case he was working for minimum union scale with a 'bonus %' after 2 years from movie release just in case of a relapse or arrest- think of the Ali McBeal show where he was written out 1/2 way through the season because of the pending prison term, they had about a week to write a quick leaving show script and get it shot before short out on appeal time after conviction. This is the public example of what people might have to put up with when dealing or working with addicts. A couple outfits have a high cure or no more hassle rate- but their solution for the addict is a one warning, mess up and you're DEAD- not going to rehab or prison, DEAD as in shot and buried or found in river. They have a better than 50% 'cure' rate for 5 years after some examples given- problem is various law enforcement people are after them for the 'cures' as well as other activities that they don't want a addict to make a deal with law enforcement when caught holding. Druggie dealers fit into 'M'Kashapah' class in Bible and they shall not be allowed to live. Translation to 'witch' is a little off from the Arahmic through Greek 'pharmakoi' to 16th century or so English 'witch'- a few more modern translations use the term 'sorcerer' or 'poisoner' and as 'poisoner' the meaning gets clearer about the penalty. Detroit and Atlanta 'Deacons of Justice' couple years back where investigated some by DEA for the loss of some informants that had turned in some other dealers and possible money men. Implication was some of the DEA or Police information made it to the deacons or church members and the suspected suppliers disappeared before arrest- but some bodies showed up later and a few of their informants were telling stories of suppliers being hung in front of a couple of first time caught addicts as a lesson. Years back in Chicago rumor has it a police officer left a couple files in interview room with a biker being interviewed about his knowledge of drug gang coming into area that had threatened members of biker's family- files had address where suspected gang was meeting or maybe living. 2 weeks later 4 members of the drug gang were shot from roof of building across the alley, another one was hit in bar by another biker club member, 6th was taken out with shotgun at another site listed in files and 2 others at that site disappeared until pulled out of Calumet Harbor. Wood Street district had Catholic Church associated 'social group' tell some drug dealers they weren't allowed to operate there- and 3 of the drug dealers found dead a week later. slowed down some dealing awhile and some of the addicts get 'sponsored' by the anti drug activists with the simple 'do drugs again and we find out, you're as dead as this guy you see laying in front of you' - and we and other church members are watching you. Problem for government with these groups is they are a threat to the government agents job security. (Sarcasm Alert!). RN
John B,

Didn't want you to feel totally discouraged. I know if two guys that have battled the meth addiction and have stayed sober. It was not an easy or quick battle though. Both did 24 hour stay rehab and relapsed after a while. Followed up with counseling. It finally took the law and a lot of prayer to set them straight. One a judge told him he screws up again and he will never see his kid again and the other was a facing a serious felony charges on a misunderstanding and beat it, but with a big lawyers bill. One started going to AA and other support groups religiously and is 8 years clean. He realized how much happier he is when he is straight. The other is 7 years clean. I think another big change that helped was cutting ties with a lot of those bad influences and going to church again.

I wish you and your sister the best of luck. It is really hard to sit on the sidelines and watch someone self destruct.
(quoted from post at 15:07:49 08/19/15) I was talking with my 2 brothers a month ago and they told me that our only sister's son got into drugs and he did 30 days in jail back this past January.

I finally got a chance to talk with my sister, just her and I last Saturday. She said her son (my nephew) was able to admit to his addiction to meth. He got hooked when he was 19. He's getting the counseling he needs now, my sister took counseling also to help her deal with it. My sister and her husband live on a big dairy farm and she said he (her husband) would of went crazy if it weren't for his work load on the farm.

She told me that my nephew had been on meth for 5 years. Their NH3 hoses were always cut when they had it on the farm she said and her son was always saying he was going out to a buddy's place to scrap out metal.

Two years ago he rolled his pickup truck and he told me that there was a 20 lb propane bottle he had in the bed of the truck that rolled down the hill into the woods. He didn't know where it ended up. I was suspicious then because addicts use those propane bottles to transport NH3 in. If the brass valve/fitting on top has turned green that means it's been in contact with Anhydrous Ammonia.

I noticed 4 years ago he started acting strange meaning over energetic.

Anyway he said he never wants to go back to jail.

Thank God he has two parents to help him thru all this now. He is working full time and has a girl friend. There's a lot more my sister told me but I just wanted to share this with all of you. Maybe it will help one of you that has gone thru this or know what to look for..

It's not always other people.

Not trying to bust your bubble but that little jail stay made him go cold turkey. That's why he never wants to go to jail again, hard to get a fix when yer locked up.

He needs inpatient rehab then a whole new circle of friends who are clean. He has to kick all his old buddies to the curb. If not he's going to be right back into that junk.

We got a woman here who got on that junk. Single mom. Lost her kids and spent a couple of years in jail for running a lab. She got out and was doing good. Got a job and received several promotions. Right after she was promoted into management one of her dope head friends moved back into the area and she got back on that stuff. Didn't take but a month for the to loose her job. The only bright spot is that her kids were adults when she got back on that junk.

I would not trust anyone who was a tweeker.

I feel so sorry for you people. You won't win try as you may and throw all the money you got at it and you will still loose. It is boughten trouble and you can't buy your way out of it. My brother has a worthless son and I have seen what he has gone threw the last 45 years. Two years ago last May my brothers wife died " I think because of the misery caused by this POS of a son" so later that summer he got thrown back in prison thank god and I hope they keep him or depose of him some way. I never had kids so I didn't have to go threw that BS If you are lucky maybe he will stagger out in traffic and the bus will run over him and you will be able to grieve for a while and then to go on with your life. If you want people to believe you have the answer to make a good man out of him ,Come back on here in 50 years and tell us how you made out and that we are wrong, But wait at least 50 years and then we will start to believe.

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