Sick calves


I bought some pairs a month ago with baby calves on them. These are Angus cross cattle . Cows and calves was in good health I thought. I always vaccinate the calves as soon as I buy them with 8 way. About a week ago one calf did not look right drooped ear , a little foam comeing out of the mouth, and slight cough . So I gave it a shot of LA 200 for few days and then it died. The calf was still eating and drinking and was strong to hold. What do you think it had ? They have all the green grass they want , fresh water and mineral / salt blocks.
while i have found anything is possible in the cattle business i have notices calves arent as healthy in a real wet year. but i havent figgered out why yet.
I wonder if it had been nnalert at all. With this wet year I have heard of lots of things dropping dead from insect borne illness. Maybe it had something when you got it. If that were the case I'd imagine that 8 way would be too late. I've got hogs and cattle due starting next week. I'm a little nervous with the wet year and the heat. I just came in off of the tractor and baler. Heat index of 115 today. That wears those mamas down.

I agree with Cowman. I use Nuflor, I get it from the vet, at the very least I use LA300. It works a little longer than LA200. Sometimes in spite of all you do your going to lose one and like has been mentioned, a wet year is harder on cattle.
Unless you posted it, you are just playing a guessing game. Could have been anything from plant poisoning, to simple pneumonia. Every drug has its place, but unless you know what you are dealing with.....
Another bovine victim of the wet year. We lost a cow last week when she slid headfirst down a steep muddy slope into a ravine and landed with her head doubled under her body. Never had a chance to right herself.
I use Micotil for respiratory problems. Be careful with it,it'll kill anything but cattle,including people. That's what makes it so effective against any bug they might have.
(quoted from post at 11:40:25 07/13/15) I use Micotil for respiratory problems. Be careful with it,i[b:48e8875e57]t'll kill[/b:48e8875e57] anything but cattle,[b:48e8875e57]including people[/b:48e8875e57]. That's what makes it so effective against any bug they might have.

Randy, does that give you some concern? I am clearly not coming from the organic foods angle, but I worry knowing something I would inject into the future food on my table could easily kill me. I am admittedly just a hobby farmer (16 calves this year). Knock on wood, I have not lost a calf in 20 years or more, have had some get pretty sick when they got off the truck, but all have survived. I would have a hard time using Micotil knowing the potential. i also do not want to make the animal suffer if there is something that will work better, so the whole subject is an argument in my mind (pretty weak argument, that one).
It doesn't have all that long of a withdrawl. It's FDA approved. My only concern is handling it. Need to be super careful not to stick yourself. The vet was telling one time,quite a few years ago,somebody had a glass bottle of it in his pocket. He slipped and fell,the bottle broke and cut him. Nothing he could do but spend his last few hours getting his affairs in order.

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