Gnats are really bad this year.


Well-known Member
I can't use sprays or perfumes to keep the Gnats away. So I got this at wally world. It works well, except you need to wear gloves or they will get you on the hands. The down side is to traps your body heat, a little warm. Forgot to zip it all the way closed and got bit on neck.
Can't unsee that image! Wore just the head net fishing in northern Ontario once. Black flies and gnats would carry you away. Repellents seemed to have no effect.
Indoors, get a small beaker, 2" diameter, 1" deep, thereabouts works fine. Fill 2/3 full with half honey and half CIDER vinegar. Set it on a mantle, on the window ledge in the kitchen or wherever you have them. I may have heard about this trick on here but somewhere I learned of what I just said. Said I had nothing to loose so I tried it.

Well it works. We have probably killed over 200 of the little suckers just this season. The honey attracts them and they think they can drink the whole cup and drown in the cider. It takes several days from the time you put it out till you start seeing some sitting on the rim of the container. Then in a few more days look in it and corpses are everywhere.

Thought house plants like ivies were the source but just don't know. Heard lots of folks complaining about them.
wore just the head!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bet the rest of your body was really a mess. I would never go nude in the woods!!
Come on Bill, I wear my only black underwear, gloves and shoes. Looks really cool. Chicks dig it. Thought if I posted a pic I would get poofed, which might hurt.

I got bitten on my wrist yesterday. Itched like crazy, so I put the head of 2 Lincoln pennies on itchy spot where the gnat bit me. I have a red rash where Lincoln sucked out the poison. Itchy gone. Will put alcohol on red spots.

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